It’s time for my Folexin (Foligen) review – because at this point, it’s the best hair product I ever tried:
- Speeds up hair growth considerably (almost 3x).
- Cheapest supplement of this kind.
- Works for both men and women.
So basically – Folexin is my top recommendation for hair loss & growth, for both genders.
But let me show you why I say this (based on my experience with it).
PS: If you’re in a hurry, just check out my Folexin results (WITH PICTURES).
Note: This supplement was called Foligen in the past, but it recently changed its name into Folexin. It’s exactly the same product – nothing changed, except the name.
So Let’s Get To The Review
Full Name: Folexin from Vita Balance
Best Actual Price: $24.95 for a monthly supply
Cheapest Place To Buy:
Designed For: Anything that involves hair loss & growth:
- Decreases and even stops hair loss
- Also speeds up hair growth (and regrows new hairs)
So it’s a 2-in-1 product – it does the work of 2 different supplements.
My Rating: 9.50 out of 10 – the only product I rated so high.
Worth Buying?: Definitely – it’s the best hair supplement I tried.
I recommend it because it doesn’t only increase hair growth – as most products do:
- Stops hair loss even completely.
- Effective for both men and women.
- Cheapest product of this kind.
So at this point – I don’t think there’s any better hair growth supplement.
How To Buy It Cheaper
You can actually get Folexin for $18 per bottle, instead of $25. Here’s the strategy I use:
- Use the 5% off code from below
- Get a 5 bottles pack
- You get 1 free bottle + $35 off
If you do the math, this means $18 per bottle – which is the lowest price I’ve seen for such a quality hair supplement.
That’s how I manage to save lots of money buying Folexin.
What I Liked About It
- Great ingredients (over 30 substances – all with benefits for hair)
- Pills are easy to swallow
- Main responsible for decreasing my shedding completely in about 2 months
- Made my hair grow almost 3 times faster
- Also thickened my hair
- Works for both men and women
- Really affordable – compared to most supplements on the market
What I Didn’t Like About It
- Only available on the official website
- Only ships in 26 countries worldwide (if you live in another one, here’s what I recommend)
- Shipping isn’t free (around $4 for the US)
- International shipping taxes are pretty high (around $15)
- Not very effective for male baldness (I recommend this instead)
- You can only find a few authentic reviews
- Not the only product with this formula (but the cheapest one)
Why It’s My #1 Recommended Product
Throughout the years, I tried over 50 supplements. Unfortunately, not all could decrease my hair loss:
- some didn’t work at all
- others only worked for 1-2 months
- a few others worked great, but they would cost over $40 per month (which I couldn’t afford)
However – Folexin was totally different. Here’s why I say this.
#1. Lowest Price – among similar products, Folexin is by far the cheapest.
That’s the main reason why it’s my top pick.
Not all of us afford spending $50 per month for a hair supplement. Folexin only costs me $18 – so it’s a much better deal.
#2. Stops Hair Loss Completely – in my case, it only needed about 2 months.
After this time, I had very few hairs falling out daily.
It’s true that I associated it with a special plan, but Folexin was responsible for most of my results.
#3. Regrows Hair Really Fast – almost 3 times faster, in my case.
#4. Works For Both Men And Women – here’s what I read:
- it can stop male baldness and slowly regrow the hair (but it takes many months)
- also decreases female hair loss (which is more general)
If you don’t take my word, I will show you several reviews I found below.
#1 – My Results (10 out of 10)
In terms of effectiveness, Folexin was one of the best hair loss supplements I tried.
1. My Background
I’ve been suffering from hair loss for about 5 years:
- there were several causes behind (hormonal problems, stress, genetics)
- my hair was thinning terribly – especially at the ends
- the roots were still pretty normal
- I had no bald spots
However, in a few years – my hair deteriorated terribly.
It was falling out and thinning massively – and every product that I used would either work temporarily, or not work at all.
So I had literally tried everything on the market without any real success.
2. My Results With Folexin (+ Pictures)
First of all – the results I’m about to show you were mostly obtained with Folexin alone.
In other words, this supplement was responsible for the 95% of my final results.
That’s why it’s my #1 recommended product.
Ever since I started analyzing this supplement, I knew it was pretty good.
Its ingredients can speak for themselves, actually.
- I started taking 2 pills per day, as the label advise.
- After about 2-3 weeks, things started getting better.
- My hair was still thin, but it was much stronger.
- I wasn’t losing as many hairs per day (not even after washing my hair).
- When I finished the first bottle, my shedding had decreased a lot.
Obviously, I continued taking Folexin and things got even better in the following months.
MY HAIR LOSS STOPPED COMPLETELY and I started getting baby hairs growing on my hairline.
But here’s another thing that really surprised me:
- My hair had grown almost 3-4 inches in about 2 months (the average is about 1.5)
- Its thickness and density increased a lot (especially the ends)
- It also stopped thinning
You could actually see a difference on my hair 2 months since I started Folexin and my treatment plan.
So basically – I went from a really thin, above the shoulders hair to one that is really thick and about 3 inches from my waist.
That all took me a bit over 6 months with this supplement.
Is it a long time? If you’re looking for overnight results – yes!
But I personally know very few products that worked so fast for me.
So for me – these results are really good.
Folexin is one of the few hair loss supplement that worked so well.
But compared to the rest – it’s over $15 cheaper.
So I really recommend Folexin it, because I’ve been using it ever since. If this thing doesn’t work, I don’t know what else will.
#2 – Ingredients (9.90 out of 10)
Before trying Folexin, my #1 product for hair loss was a supplement with a similar name (Follixin).
Why? It had the best ingredients I’ve seen in any supplement.
Well – the actual Folexin is even better at this chapter:
- Contains the same ingredients PLUS a few extra ones.
- Has higher doses overall.
- Contains 29 different extracts.
So in my opinion, Folexin has the best formula on the market.
There are some other products with the same ingredients (see Kerotin), but they cost double.
Now – let’s take a quick look at the main ones (there are almost 30).
1. Proprietary Blend (409 mg)
That’s actually a mix of the most important extracts from Folexin. Here’s what it contains:
- Horsetail Extract – increases hair growth speed and thickens the roots. [1]
- Nettle Root – blocks DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss. [2]
- Fo-Ti – supports and increases hair growth. [3]
- Bamboo Extract – strengthens and thickens hair strands.
- Saw Palmetto – stops hair loss (similar to nettle extract). [4]
- Other Compounds: Spirulina, Peony, Plant Sterols, PABA [5], etc.
To be honest, this mix looks amazing. It contains the most powerful extracts for hair loss and regrowth (that’s what studies say).
So it’s the main responsible for Folexin’s impressive effect.
2. Vitamins
At this chapter, Folexin also looks pretty good.
It contains almost every vitamin that is helpful for hair. The doses are also pretty high:
- Biotin – it’s also called “the hair vitamin” because it has lots of benefits (especially for hair growth). [6]
- Vitamin A – prevents hair loss.
- B Complex – they have different roles in fighting hair loss.
- Vitamin D3 – stimulates hair follicles to grow.
- Folic Acid – also speeds up hair growth. [7]
- Vitamin E – it’s a natural antioxidant and prevents hair from thinning.
Overall – I believe these vitamins alone could improve your hair growth.
So if you combine them with the other ingredients from Folexin – the result has to be really good.
3. Minerals
Even at this chapter, Folexin contains lots of unique substances.
I mean – you can’t see them all in every hair loss product, even though they have real benefits [8].
- Calcium Carbonate – helps hair roots grow.
- Iron Fumarate – is a major ingredient for hair loss prevention.
- Magnesium Oxide – has several benefits for hair (especially in terms of growth).
- Zinc Oxide – decreases hair loss miraculously (I speak from experience).
- Other Minerals: Manganese Chelate, Potassium Gluconate.
Now – those minerals may not seem that impressive to you, but they surely are.
Zinc Oxide is actually one of the best ingredients from Folexin – since it’s a miracle maker for hair loss [9].
Folexin has surely a great formula:
- all of its ingredients have major benefits for hair loss and regrowth
- contains some unique substances
- many ingredients have high doses
Basically – there’s no way that Folexin is useless, judging after its ingredients.
#3 – How To Take It (9.50 out of 10)
At this chapter, there’s not much to complain about supplements (unless they have large pills, require taking many daily, etc.)
However – Folexin doesn’t have any problems here.
1. The Pills
Here’s what you should know about them:
- they’re made of gelatin
- really easy to swallow
- average size
- you need to take 2 per day
Here’s what they look like:
Now – the only complaint I have here is that 1 pill per day would have been far more comfortable.
But considering most supplements require taking 3 – it doesn’t even seem like a downside.
2. The Schedule
According to the label, you have to take 2 pills:
- one in the middle of the day
- the other in the evening
It doesn’t mention anything about taking them with meals or not.
But I personally recommend taking them after eating.
In this way, you avoid taking them on an empty stomach – which could cause you some minor pain.
#4 – Other Opinions (7 out of 10)
The #1 problem of Folexin is that it has very few reviews outside its official website.
As you know – I usually avoid those, because they tend to be biased.
However, this product allows you to write your own review on its official website – but only after you verify your purchase.
So to me, that’s a major sign of authenticity.
That’s why I’m confident that most of its official website reviews are legit.
Note: Folexin has many reviews outside the official website, but most are promotional (so they’re surely biased). So I didn’t consider them for this review.
1. Men
Most reviews I found were from people going bald:
- this supplement managed to regrow some of their hair
- it also kept their hairline full
However – I’m not 100% sure about their authenticity, as growing new hairs on a bald scalp is extremely hard.
So Folexin isn’t a miraculous solution for baldness – it might help with hair loss, but I doubt it can grow new hairs.
If it could – everyone would be using it.
But here’s a proof that it works:
I received an email from 1 customer who tried Folexin. He’s been using it for 3 months now, and the results look really promising:
2. Women
Here I found lots of different reviews. But surprisingly, there were lots of women satisfied with it.
Most women praised Folexin, but they mentioned many other benefits (than the ones I mentioned):
- extra volume
- thicker roots and softer hair
- really fast growth
- new baby hairs
- and obviously – hair loss stopped
The reviews I found on Folexin were on the official website, so I can’t guarantee they’re 100% unbiased.
But since you’re allowed to leave a review after your verify your purchase, they have huge chances of being legit.
Plus, most opinions were positive, so I’m pretty sure Folexin didn’t work just for me.
#5 – Price (9.80 out of 10)
At this chapter, no supplement can beat Folexin:
- much cheaper than most products
- pretty low shipping expenses
1. The Exact Price
Basically – one bottle of Folexin costs almost $25.
Shipping taxes are around $4, which means $29 in total.
That’s not too bad for a hair loss supplement, if you check out the market.
2. Competitor’s Price
To be honest, Folexin is the cheapest supplement that worked so well. That’s why it’s my top recommendation, actually.
Now – there’s only one supplement that worked so well as Folexin. I’m talking about Follixin (be careful, they have similar names).
So let’s take a quick look at Follixin:
- contains similar ingredients (but not as many)
- costs $49 per bottle
- shipping is $25 in any country (even in the US)
That’s a total of $75 per month – compared to $29 of Folexin.
Now tell me – which is more worth buying to you? Because I will surely stick to Folexin for one major reason: its much lower price.
As I said in the beginning, you can get Folexin for $18 per bottle:
- use the code from below for 5% off
- get the 4 bottles pack
In this way – you will receive 1 FREE BOTTLE + $34 DISCOUNT.
If you make the calculations, this means almost $18 per bottle – a price that no other product can beat.
#6 – Shipping Countries (7 out of 10)
In my opinion – that’s the biggest drawback of Folexin.
1. Where It Ships
According to the official website, you can order this product in 26 countries, including:
- US, Canada, Brazil & Mexico
- Australia & New Zealand
- UK, China, Japan, Indonesia
You can find the full list on the official website. Here’s a screenshot:
Now – that doesn’t seem a major problem, since this list seems to include the largest countries in the world.
2. Where It Doesn’t Ship
Here comes the problem.
Folexin only ships in a few countries from Europe – not including France, Germany, Spain etc.
Besides, there are many other countries worldwide where you can’t order it.
Why? I don’t have a clear answer – but from what I know, it’s related to delivery companies and custom charges.
So here’s the only solution I could find.
#7 – How To Solve The Shipping Issues
If you live in one of those 23 countries from Folexin’s list, it’s great. You can get it for $29 in total (in the worst case).
But if you’re not?
There’s absolutely no way to convince the company to deliver it anyway.
Believe me, I know someone who tried it without any success.
What I Suggest You To Get Instead
Basically – if you can’t get Folexin, I recommend you my #2 recommended product.
I’m talking about a supplement called Hair Growth Support + from Nuzena:
- it works almost identically to Folexin
- exact same ingredient list
- it simply costs more
Now – this #2 product is indeed more expensive, which is why it’s not my top choice.
It costs $35/bottle (while Folexin costs $25/bottle).
However – Nuzena’s supplement offers free shipping on orders above $50.
Plus, it ships in any country in the world.
But that’s not all:
- also offers installments payment (unique feature)
- you can pay the final price in 4 monthly installments
- the final price is the same as if you paid the full price from the start
Besides – price becomes much lower if you buy several bottles at once.
That’s pretty similar to Folexin’s case.
The only difference is that the lowest price is $20/bottle (vs $18/bottle in Folexin).
However – if you live outside the US, this supplement remains an excellent choice (especially with its free shipping).
So here’s what I advise you if you can’t get my #1 recommendation:
- Order Nuzena’s Hair Growth Support + (which is my #2 recommendation).
- Get several bottles at once (so that your order is above $50).
- In this way – you get free shipping in any country in the world.
- For an even lower price, try to order the largest pack.
- In this way – you will pay around $20 per bottle.
- So the overall price will be even lower.
At this point, that’s what I recommend you to do.
If Folexin doesn’t ship in your country, get my #2 recommended product instead. It works the same overall.
#8 – Final Conclusions
Here’s who I would sum up my experience with Folexin:
#1. Stops Complicated Hair Loss
Basically, my hair loss was a complicated one:
- almost no product could solve it permanently
- I’ve had it for several years
Folexin was one of the few supplements that managed to decrease it in about 2 months.
As I said, I didn’t use it alone – but it did more than half of the job.
So to me – it was one of the miracle makers.
#2. Regrows Hair 3x Faster
That’s another impressive thing in my case:
- my hair ends stopped thinning
- they also seem to grow much faster
- in about 2 months, my hair grew about 3 inches
So basically – that’s almost 3 times more than it would normally grow.
That’s why I recommend Folexin for hair growth – even if you don’t suffer from hair loss.
#3. Really Affordable
Compared to any other product, it’s much cheaper.
Actually – it’s by far the cheapest supplement that worked so well.
That’s the main reason why it’s my #1 recommendation.
My Verdict – Is Folexin Worth Buying?
Short answer: Definitely – it’s one of the best hair supplements I ever tried:
decreases and even stops hair loss
- works for both men and women
- grows new hairs (but not in advanced baldness)
- speeds up hair growth – 3 times more in my case
- thickens and adds volume
However – there’s one major reason why I recommend it, besides all these.
It’s THE CHEAPEST SUPPLEMENT that really worked for me.
On paper, it costs around $25 per bottle – which is way less than others.
But if you follow the tips from above, you can get it for $18 per bottle – which is definitely the lowest price ever.
For this reason, I don’t know any better product that Folexin for hair loss + growth.
That’s why I really advise you to give it a try. If this thing doesn’t work, I don’t know what else will.
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Hi Olly, I’ve been using Folexin for more than 1 year and I can confirm your experience.
I’m 41 y.o and have been struggling hair loss ever since my 20’s. My father and grandfather were both completely bald by the age of 40, so that’s where I was heading to.
My front hairline started thinning off from my teenage years, but it was only around my 20’s when it really got worse. So I was starting to lose all my hair and 90% of the products I tried wouldn’t help.
I had a friend recommending me Folexin and I gave it a try because it was really cheap, compared to what I used to try. Anyways, I didn’t make huge expectations from it because nothing seemed to help me.
Guess what? This one did!
In about 3 months, I had hair all over the back of my head, there was no empty patch anymore. My front line also seemed way thicker and I was looking almost like a regular guy. I seriously had no reasons to describe the feeling, believe me.
I can see I can’t attach any photos to my comment, but it would have been nice for you to see the transformation.
I’m now using Folexin constantly, and it’s been more than 1 year. My hair looks like it used to when I was young (and everyone who knows me close asks me if I had a hair transplant). So the results are really amazing for me.
It’s just the irony that this cheap product help me way more than those $100 + ones.
So thank you for recommending Folexin, I can confirm it’s as good as they claim. Moses Atkinson
Hi Moses, thank you so much for letting me know how Folexin worked for you.
Your results are definitely more impressive than mines, since it regrew so much of your hair.
I also tried many expensive products (even a few over $100) – some really helped, but they were too expensive to continue using them. So I think Folexin is a miracle maker for people with regular budgets like me.
Thanks again for letting me know your experience with this product and it’s great to hear it helped you so much.
Now I’m 100% sure it’s the supplement most worth recommending.
Can you stop using it & not lose your hair again?
Hi Tamela, yes, I no longer take it constantly, so I would say it’s safe to do that. But it surely depends on the cause of your hair loss as well. For example, if it’s a hormonal imbalance that tends to reverse at times, you may want to get back to Folexin for a short while (3 months maybe), then give it up again and so on. Basically, it depends a lot on how your hair reacts. But normally, if you don’t have any major health issue, you should be able to stop using it completely without any issues. Hope this helps!
This article was of special interest to me because since I’ve entered my fifties, I see more and more hair coming out in the hair brush and in the shower. That for me is grounds for Panic since I’ve always prided myself on my thick head of hair.
The ingredients all look very natural and safe, but do you know if it’s O.K. to take them with other medications ~ like prescription medicines? If I had the answer to that, this looks like a product that I would very much like to try. Thanks for telling us about Folexin and you covered all the other questions I had about it.
Hello Sue, thanks for your opinion. I totally understand you, because I’ve also suffered from a massive hair loss (but I was about 30 years younger, so it was even more stressful).
Regarding your question – Folexin can be taken with other medication, even prescription ones. It contains only natural stuff, so there’s no chance of interactions. Plus, it’s a hair supplement – so it doesn’t have an impact on other parts of your body (except maybe the nails, as they also grow faster).
So you wouldn’t have to give up any drug while using Folexin.
Hope this helps. If you decide to use it, please let me know how it helps.
I’ve been struggling with hair loss for about a decade. It was caused mostly by stress. It got so bad that it was almost completely gone. And it started to break off before it got to the shoulders. I went to the doctor and found out it was just stress and to not worry about it – that it would grow back in another couple of years. But, it just kept falling out. And after a couple of years it still wasn’t getting better. So, I tried many different things as well. I haven’t heard of Folexin, but I think I may try it. It would be nice to get my hair back, I will announce you if I get any improvement
Hi there. It seems that not just hair loss is your problem – your hair is also really fragile (and probably thin). That’s why it doesn’t grow more than your shoulders. I’ve had a similar problem in the past as well – and it got better once my hair became stronger.
So after reading your problem, I’m even more sure that Folexin is going to help you.
You need a product not just for hair loss – but also for hair strength and faster hair growth.
Well, I actually recommend this supplement for all that, because it doesn’t only help hair loss (I say this from experience).
So instead of using 3 separate supplements (one against hair loss, one for extra strength and another one for speeding up hair growth) – I think you should use Folexin, since it helps all these 3 problems.
Plus, it’s way cheaper compared to most supplements. If you had to use 3 separate ones, that would be at least $50 in total.
So at this point, I’m 100% sure Folexin is the right thing for you. If you decide to try it out, I’m waiting for your feedback on how it works.
I wanted to buy Folexin but ordered something else the next day. It’s called Cel MD Hair Stimulation, do you know if this causes any side effects? I started using the vitamins and shampoo, no conditioner on September 14. On 19 I noticed some pimples on my chin and forehead but ignored them, now 3 days later it’s just getting worse. My skin was also itchy but not my scalp. Do you think it’s these products? It’s the first time using Cel MD and I was thinking they were good for sensitive people. But I don’t understand the pimples, I never had acne before and now I got so many pimples in a few days as I never had all my life. Please advise me, should I stop these products? Will I be able to get a refund? I don’t want to have spent my money in vain…
Hi Ms. Torres, I’m sorry to hear about these sudden problems.
From your description, the breakout is probably caused by Cel MD’s supplement. The pills contain a very high dosage of biotin, which is potentially dangerous. Though it’s extremely helpful for hair, high dosages (over 1000 mcg) can cause pimples or acne, according to many reviews and experienced I came across. And I’m not only speaking of Cel MD’s vitamins – but about all hair supplements with high dosages of biotin. Some have even 10000 mcg, which is huge. And it’s no coincidence that those products have many complaints about acne. Folexin is pretty safe from this point of view, it only contains 600 mcg – which is a great dosage without being dangerous.
Now – this side effect doesn’t appear in everyone, but it does appear in some. This time, you were unlucky to develop it.
For this reason, I recommend you to quit the pills as soon as you can. The pimples won’t go away very soon, as you might expect. But normally, they should go away on their own in a few months. If you visit a specialist and have a proper treatment, they might go away a lot faster.
Regarding the skin itching – it might be because of the supplement as well. If your scalp isn’t itchy, the shampoo has no connection with this. Since it’s only applied on the scalp (topically), it can’t cause a general side effect. But the vitamins are designed for a general effect, so this explains why the itching is all over your body.
I’m not very sure how it is currently, but as far as I know – Cel MD does offer refunds. They’re a great company in terms of customer service, so I think you should really contact them (depending on where you bought the product from). If it’s ordered from Amazon, contact them and you will surely get a refund fast. If it’s bought from Cel MD’s website, either call them or email them and they will surely answer. But I’m pretty sure you’re going to get your money back/
Once again, I’m sorry that you developed this problem but it happens. So take better care next time you choose a product. Hope this helps.
This Folexin is great! It’s been 3 weeks since I’m using it and it shocks me how much less hair falls out lately. I would always get lots of hair on my brush every morning…but in the last weeks there’s barely 5. I also feel like my super thin hair has more density and texture and my mom noticed it too. So I’m just starting to adore the way my hair looks with Folexin.
I got the 4 bottles at once so I paid less than $20 per each, which is such a bargain. I know many hair supplements are well over $40, but Folexin is cheaper and still works better than anything I tried so far. Thank you for listening!
Hi Gillian, thanks a lot for sharing your experience with Folexin, it’s really helpful to know how it worked for you.
All I can say is that I’m glad it was so effective – and that you finally found a product that works, for very little money. Anyway, 3 weeks is still too early to see its best effects. In my case, it needed about 1 month to start working for real.
So if you got positive results after just 3 weeks, I’m sure that after 2 months it will be even better. I would love to hear how it works after that time, so if you can – please let me know.
For 2 years I have had to deal with a hairloss condition that was gradually making me bald, tried so many product that looked promising at first but after a few weeks the hair loss begins again until I started using folexin. it’s really good and gets the job done for many months, its effect doesn’t fade.
Hi Salam, thanks for letting me know your opinion on Folexin. It’s great to hear it was useful.
Certain condition can make your hair fall out completely, even if your hair is normally healthy. That’s why it’s important to find out the cause and treat it as soon as possible. But I’m happy to hear you found the solution to your problem. Please let me know if it keeps working that well.
Hi Olly,
Just read your post on Folexin. However, when I look it up, the reviews/and related sites seem very sketchy. The videos I find on it are all questionable and clearly of the promotional nature. How do you validate the authenticity of this product? Nutrafol has three clinical trials backing it up, is there scientific documentation for Folexin? How did you hear about it?
Hi Julia, thanks for your questions.
First of all, I totally agree with you. Most of the reviews I found on Folexin seemed general and promotional – there wasn’t any speaking from experience. Besides, I couldn’t find too many reviews outside the official website. And I personally tend to avoid those ones (in every product), because they’re usually biased. So that’s one of the major downsides of Folexin, I’m not afraid to say it out loud.
Regarding clinical trials, Folexin doesn’t have any (as far as I know). However, that’s not a downside for me – because 95% of the supplements from the market don’t have any scientific data behind, and some are still very effective. I’m not talking only about hair supplements, but about supplements in general.
I know Nutrafol has several clinical trials behind, and that’s a great thing. I also tried it and was very satisfied with the results. But it’s just one of the few products with studies behind. There’s also Viviscal, which is another great product – but it has the same problem, price.
Now, getting back to Folexin. As I said, I couldn’t find any studies about it as a supplement. But there are many studies about its ingredients alone, and most have positive results.
Besides, there are some other products containing the exact same formula as it. The best example is Kerotin, which is another supplement I personally loved. It worked for me as well as Folexin. And the good news is that you can find lots of authentic reviews about it online, unlike Folexin. Most are praising it. So considering Folexin and Kerotin have the same formula, it’s quite obvious their effect and potency is about the same. The only difference is that Kerotin costs double, so that’s why I don’t recommend it.
I admit that I was skeptical about Folexin at first, for the same reason as you are. I couldn’t find any real customers or reviews, and all of the ones I could find seemed biased. But as I had previously tried some products with a similar formula, I decided to give it a try. So it wasn’t recommended to me by anyone, I simply wanted to try it because it has similar ingredients as others but it was much cheaper.
Now – I’m not trying to convince you to get it. If you afford buying Nutrafol or Viviscal, I definitely recommend them. Maybe the fact that they have clinical trials would make you feel safer. But if you want a much cheaper option, that’s when I recommend Folexin.
I really hope this helps you understand why it’s my top recommended product. In case there’s anything else you want to ask me, just reply and I will get back to you.
Hi Olly,
I am a 37 year old woman struggling with hair loss for the last 2 years. It started after the birth of my second child and has continued ever since. I am experiencing thinning all over and a little more at temples. I have been debating between Nutrafol and Folexin. Between these two, which of these would you recommend just on the basis of efficiency and results ( if budget is not an issue) ? And if I stop taking these supplements after some time, would any new growth as a result of these supplements fall out(like Rogaine)?
Also, can these supplements result in increased hair growth on face and rest of the body as well?
Hi Anu, sorry for my late response.
First of all, your hair may have been caused by hormonal imbalances or stress. But I tend to think it was stress – because if it was hormonal imbalances, it should have gotten better (it’s 2 years since you gave birth, which is a lot).
Nutrafol and Folexin have about the same results when it comes to hair. At least in my case. Folexin was a bit faster, but Nutrafol wasn’t really far.
Now – Nutrafol has a study behind and lots of authentic opinions (just check Amazon). It’s true that no all customers are satisfied, but more than half are. On the other hand, Folexin doesn’t have any study behind (only its separate ingredients). Also, you can only buy it from its official website – which means there are no Amazon reviews. Folexin’s website does have a lot of reviews, but I rarely consider the ones from official websites (they tend to be biased).
The only thing that caught my eye is that Folexin’s website offers you the chance to write your own review, after checking if you’re really a previous customer. So that’s a sign the reviews aren’t as biased as I thought (compared to many other supplements).
So basically – I think Nutrafol is a safer choice for you, if money doesn’t really matter. The top reason why I prefer Folexin is because of its much better price. But except for that, I personally loved both products.
Regarding your question about body hair, I tried to investigate the matter. And from what I read, none of these products will grow body hair. That’s because they both contain Saw Palmetto, which is meant to stop hair loss caused by DHT excess and only regrow normal hair (which is the one from your scalp). So you shouldn’t worry too much about this. Plus, I checked out several reviews and none complained about this issue – so it won’t be the case.
I really hope this helps. No matter which of these 2 supplements you choose, it should really be effective. Good luck!
You did not respond to the question about the need to continue use. If you stop taking this, will the effect cease. Is this a lifetime commitment and do the effects wane after time.
Michelle, herbal-based supplements do not cause reverse hair loss if stopped (as Minoxidil and Finasteride do). I personally stopped taking Folexin a lot of times, simply because my hair looked well enough. I haven’t taken it in many months at this point, actually. And in terms of hair, I didn’t get any reverse hair loss – so the hair that got better because of this supplement didn’t fall out once I stopped using it. I know everyone is different, but no supplement will make your hair fall out again once it’s stopped (unless you have some severe deficiencies/hormonal imbalances that are kept under control by the supplement, but that’s very unlikely). So to answer your question clearly, it’s not a lifetime commitment and you don’t have to use it for the rest of your life.
Hi Olly,
Thank you for all your great reviews! I’m currently trying to decide which supplement to try for my hair loss. My main goal at this point is to slow down the fallout. Do you think one helps best with this over the others?
Also, have you found that any of the supplements you’ve tried had a negative effect on your skin? I know some people complain of Biotin causing break outs, but when looking at reviews for Viviscal, Nutrafol and Folexin I haven’t come across too many (if any) complaining of breakouts.
I am mostly concerned because it’s my wedding in August and don’t want to add bad skin alongside my thinning hair!
Hi Lauren, I totally understand your questions and concerns. So let’s take them by turn:
1) All 3 supplements (Nutrafol, Viviscal and Folexin) are designed for hair growth on paper. So none was created just to stop the shedding. However, I tried all 3 of them and I can certainly say they all reduce hair loss. Basically – hair can’t grow if it keeps falling out. So they have to stop the hair loss before being able to improve its growth. I hope it’s not too hard to understand.
But basically – each of these 3 you would choose, they will all reduce (or even stop) your hair loss.
Now, Folexin is my #1 recommendation – but that’s mostly because of its price. It costs half from Viviscal, and 1/3 from Nutrafol and it does the same. So all 3 products work about the same in terms of reducing shedding and growing hair. The only big difference is in their price.
I don’t know the budget you have. But if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, I recommend Folexin. If you don’t really care about money, Viviscal and Nutrafol are more popular options. In this case, I actually say you should go for Viviscal, as it’s still $30 cheaper than Nutrafol. But it’s your choice. Also, here’s a direct comparison between Nutrafol and Viviscal, maybe it helps.
So you should keep in mind that their effect is about the same (that’s how it was in my case). All 3 products work really well and they’re all among my top recommendations.
2) Now let’s get to their side effects.
Breakouts are a common side effect of many hair supplements, and biotin is a possible cause. But at this point, scientists aren’t really sure if it’s the responsible or not. Anyway – I noticed one thing. Most supplements causing breakouts or acne have 2 common points:
– contain a very high dose of biotin (way above 1000 mcg)
– they’re a vitamin mix
Many of them also contain sugar (they come as gummy vitamins or chewable pills).
So basically – the supplements that usually cause acne are hair vitamins. They contain biotin and all sorts of vitamins, no herbs and no original ingredients. So I would recommend you to stay away from this kind of supplements (everything that comes as “hair vitamins”). You can also look for a random hair vitamin supplement and check out its reviews. You will see there are enough about breakouts.
Now – regarding Nutrafol, Viviscal and Folexin, all 3 are safe from this point of view. They do contain high dosages of biotin and several vitamins, but they’re under the safe 1000 mcg biotin limit. Plus, their formula is mostly based on herbs. That’s why they’re not dangerous at all, since herbs never cause this kind of serious side effects.
So from this point of view, there’s nothing to worry about, all these 3 supplements are safe.
I hope my answer helped you understand which of these supplements would fit you better (though they will all work). I know thinning hair can be a problem, especially for such an important event as your wedding. My advice is to try some hair extensions, especially if you plan to have your hair done in a salon. If applied and styled right, extensions can look exactly as your hair, so they can be a life saver (especially for an event).
If there’s anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
I’m 69 years old and would love to try something to help my hair loss. But will the iron in Folexin be harmful at my age? Also, if I take Folexin, should I discontinue my daily multi-vitamin?
Hi Diana. Folexin has a really low quantity of iron, so I can’t see how this could possibly harm you. Iron is an essential mineral either way, but in this dosage it couldn’t possibly cause any secondary problem. So there’s no reason to worry about.
Regarding your multi-vitamin, you don’t have to quit them. I assume they’re a supplement, not a prescription drug. So there’s no harmful interaction between Folexin and daily vitamins. It’s true that Folexin also contains some vitamins, but only the ones with benefits for hair. Your multi-vitamins are probably based on essential vitamins for general health (like vitamin A, C, maybe some minerals). That’s why there’s no risk of overdosing a certain vitamin.
So in my opinion, you can take Folexin with multi-vitamins without any worries. Hope this helps.
I decided to try it, but stop taking my everyday vitamins since it contains a lot of the same ones. Also, I found a coupon code which gave me 10% off so I ordered 2 bottles to start. Thanks for your help.
Hi Diana, that’s great. Please let me know how it works and if you start seeing big improvements in a few months!
In a previous article you said to stay away from zine and vit a unless you have a know deficiency. Folexin contains both of those. So I was a little confused. I have taken viviscal professional, viviscal regual and nutrafol and have not seen any results. Should I still try Folexin?
Hi Jennifer, zinc and Vitamin A can be indeed dangerous, but only if taken in huge amounts. Folexin, Viviscal or Nutrafol don’t contain excessive amounts of these nutrients, so you’re not at risk for an overload. Regarding your hair issues, have you checked your ferritin, vitamin D and B12? They can be some major causes of hair loss and when general supplements don’t help at all, it’s probably because you have a deficiency. I can recommend you more things to check, so let me know if you’re interested.
This sounds great aside from the folic acid – what about people with MTHFR who can absorb the folic acid. If you have any connections with the company can you suggest they utilize supplements containing folinic acid (calcium folinate) and/or L-Methylfolate (aka L-5-MTHF, 6S-5-MTHF). Please see Dr. Lynch website on MTHFr and the issue with folic acid. I would love to try this product but I cannot because of the folic acid. Thank you!
Hey Tanya, I didn’t really hear about MTHFR before but it seems to be a rare genetic mutation in some people. Sorry you’re unlucky to have that.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any connection with Folexin’s company, I just happen to be using their product constantly – which is why I recommend it. But out of all hair supplements I tried, I don’t remember seeing any with folinic acid. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention, but I guess it would have been an ingredient to catch my eye.
Try to check for this kind of supplements on Amazon or other big retailer. If you find out with a similar formula as Folixin but with folinic acid instead, I think you should give it a try. The results should be the same, normally. Hope this helps!
Thanks for this recommendation Olly, I got this to my 83 yo grandma and she’s losing less hairs after not one month yet. This is super affordable!
Hey Shani, it’s great to hear this. Please let me know how it helps your grandma in several months from now!
I’m disappointed with it. Bought this together with my wife, 4 bottles at once. I’m taking Folexin for 2 months and there’s no change on my bald scalp, no new hairs. I cannot understand why this does not work for me! My wife had hair loss and she says it’s so much better after taking these pills, but in my case they’re so ineffective. At these money my wife says she will continue to take them all her life, but I want to stop, there’s no improvement for me. I’m not saying it’s your fault, I’m just saying this product is surely not right for everyone. At least it’s cheap so it was a bargain even for me, thanks for the coupon code, we got a couple of bucks off! But if it wasn’t my wife, I would not buy it again!
Hey Jim, thanks a lot for your feedback on Folexin.
First of all, I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. But from what I understand, you have a baldness and you were hoping it would regrow your hair back. Well – in this case, I’m not very surprised it didn’t help. Here’s the thing:
1) This product isn’t necessarily designed to fight baldness. It can prevent it and decrease hair loss, but once you’re already bald, I can’t guarantee it will regrow your hair back. I’m saying this because I only tested it for hair loss, I didn’t have any bald spots. So I cannot speak from experience when it comes to baldness. I read some reviews saying that it would regrow new hairs and others that it wouldn’t. So I can’t really tell…
But overall – it’s not a supplement designed to regrow new hairs, just to prevent hair loss and grow existing hairs. That’s what it states on its official website, as far as I know.
2) There are some supplements on the market that claim to regrow new hairs in men. However, none of them works very fast. Judging after the reviews I read, most need more than 3 months to start working (on a bald scalp). So no matter what product you chose, it’s going to need a longer period, keep this in mind.
Now – my top recommended supplement for male baldness is Procerin, because it has some great ingredients, a decent price and many positive reviews. But as I said – I can’t guarantee it will grow new hairs, at least not for everyone. It has mixed opinions, just like many products. So if you’re willing to try it or not, it’s up to you.
As for Folexin, if you still have any bottles left, continue to use it, it can’t harm you. If you don’t have any other bottles, it’s up to you whether you continue using it or not. But I would suggest that you choose a product that promises to grow new hairs on a bald scalp, as this one doesn’t state that.
I’m glad to hear it’s helpful for your wife. As far as I understood, she doesn’t have any bald spots, just general hair loss. For this problem, it should really be effective, so I’m glad to hear it works.
Sorry I can’t help you more, but it’s hard to reverse baldness once it fully covered your scalp. Some people say you can (with certain products), but I’m not sure. So instead of recommending you expensive products that might not work, I prefer to admit that I don’t know any cure that will work 100%. As I said, some people claim Folexin helps with baldness, but I can’t really tell. Others swear by different products (especially Nutrafol) for the same purpose, but I also found many reviews on Amazon saying it’s totally useless for baldness. So I really don’t know…
I tried to order with my liquid card and they would not accept it. WHY? Do they charge you every month on a regular credit card? Make you buy it every month? Some co. do. I wanted to order this for me because it sounds like a good product.
Hi Pattie, I don’t really know what credit cards they accept and what they don’t. I used several cards since I’ve been buying it and I never had any issue. If you can’t manage to do it, try to write them an email, they should check into it.
Folexin doesn’t have an auto-shipping program, as far as I know. So any purchase you make is just one time only, you’re not signed up for auto-shipping every month or anything like that. I’m personally totally against products that do that, since they force you to buy a product you might not like in advance. I don’t think it’s fair…
But it’s not the case here, if you order only one bottle, you will never receive any other unless you make another order. So you have to purchase it manually. Hope you manage to place your order and that this product is helpful. Once you start using it, please let me know whether it helps or not.
Hello Olly,
I have an 18 year old son that is showing signs of hair loss. Do you think that this product would be of any benefit to him. Thank for posting this article, it was very insightful.
Hey Susan. Before having your son take any supplement, I think you should investigate the actual cause of his early hair loss. He’s really young and serious hair loss isn’t normal at this age. So let me ask you a couple of questions:
1) Does he have a general hair loss or rather his frontal hairline is receding? Also, does he have any bald spots?
2) Did it start suddenly or he’s been losing hair gradually, for a long while?
3) Is there any male in your or his father’s family dealing with hair loss? Also, has any of them developed hair loss so early?
My first advice would be to check with a dermatologist or a specialized doctor. He will probably order some blood tests to see if your son’s problem is internal (like a deficiency in a certain nutrient, a hormonal imbalance, etc.) or if it’s caused by a scalp problem (but that’s pretty unlikely).
Now – in men, the most common cause of hair loss is high levels of DHT, which is a hormone that can affect the hair follicles. In this case, I recommend Saw Palmetto – which is the best DHT blocker among natural products. Since it’s a herb, it has very few side effects, which is a major advantage. You can find it in supplements, combined with other herbs that are also DHT blockers. So these are the kind of products I recommend for male hair loss.
However, since your son is just 18, he might not suffer from DHT hair loss. This issue is more common in men over 35. It’s true that there are cases when it appears in young men as well, but it’s not so common.
On the other hand, if your son’s hair loss isn’t caused by DHT excess, but by stress, deficiencies or other issues, Folexin would be my top recommendation for him.
Anyway, at this point I think he shouldn’t take any supplement – instead, investigate the actual cause behind. There’s no point taking a supplement randomly and spending your money on it, just to see that it doesn’t help. It might help, but there are much higher chances if you know the problem you’re taking it for.
So that’s what I think you should do for your son. Please keep me updated with this in the future.
Hi Olly, Can you take Folexin with other supplements, multivitamins, calcium, OTC drugs and prescribtion drugs? Have there been any side effects reported using the Folexin?
Thank you!
Hi Jean. Normally, Folexin is safe to take with other drugs, because it’s based on natural ingredients so there’s a minor risk of interactions (compared to other supplements). But my advice is to ask your doctor first, especially if you’re on prescription drugs or if you’re following a long term treatment.
Also, if you’re taking a multivitamin besides, compare its dosages and Folexin’s dosages. They may both contain a certain substance in high dosages, so if you take both products, you will get a very high dose of that ingredient. That’s not something recommended (on the long term).
Anyway, I could give you a more clear answer if I knew the exact drug/supplement you’re taking. Otherwise it’s hard to speak in general.
Regarding the side effects – I personally haven’t experienced any. Also, I couldn’t find too many complaints on the Internet (but the reviews on Folexin are quite limited). I also checked out its official website and it says that side effects are quite rare (but it doesn’t mention any). So I don’t think side effects are very common in this product, especially since it’s based on herbs. I also didn’t get any feedback from other readers about any side effect, so I think it’s pretty safe.
You can try to check other reviews, I couldn’t find any info on side effects but maybe something appeared in the meantime. Hope this helps.
Hi Olly,
Thank you so much for this review – I found it tremendously helpful!
I’m considering buying Folexin now, but am wondering how long should it be used for and what happens when you stop using it?
Hi Tamara, I’m glad it was helpful.
I could see an improvement in my hair after about one month with this supplement. My hair didn’t grow too much but I noticed I was losing way less hairs daily, compared to before. So it needed about a month to start working in my case – and the effects improved in the next months. But I’m not claiming it will work that fast for everyone. So as with every supplement, I think you should give it about 2-3 months. In my opinion, you should see an improvement after 2 months, if it really works for you. But every product suggest using it for 3 months before you expect results, so I respect that.
Regarding the situation when you stop using it, in my case the hair didn’t fall out. I used it for less than 1 year continuously and my hair recovered completely and grew out really nicely. So when I was satisfied with how my hair was, I decided to stop the pills and see what happens. Well my hair didn’t fall out but after about 2-3 months I noticed I was losing a couple of hairs. It wasn’t anything major (as it was before), but I restarted taking 1 or 2 bottles of Folexin and the hair loss kind of stopped.
Currently I’m not taking it constantly anymore, I take it for about 2-3 months and then go the same period without it, then start it again and so on. Though I’d be really curious to see what happens if I take a longer break from it (6 months let’s say). But I used to have some hormonal imbalances which caused most of my hair loss, so it’s normal that they return.
So it’s not the kind of supplement you have to use for the rest of your life to maintain the results, as Minoxidil for example. If the cause behind my hair loss was just stress, bad diet or damage, I’m sure my hair loss would have never came back. But as I have some hormonal issues that I cannot treat, I mostly take Folexin for prevention now.
I’m not really sure what is the cause of hair loss, but if you think Folexin might be helpful, I think you should try it. It’s not expensive, so it won’t be a hole in your budget most likely (that’s a major reason why I like it). Hope this helps.
That was really helpful, thank you so much for all the info and for such a quick reply Olly! I’ll definitely give it a shot. I think my hair loss is due to stress issues, so I’ll give a try to Folexin alongside learning how to manage stress on a day-to-day basis. I’ll get back to you with the results, hopefully, I’ll have what to brag about 😉
Wishing you a great day!
Having a healthy lifestyle can really help stress, Tamara. Even though it doesn’t sound like it.
Try to have many fresh foods that are rich in antioxidants, that can really help with keeping your hair healthy. Green tea is another remedy that I personally use, but its best effect is in hair loss caused by DHT excess (green tea is a DHT blocker). Though that’s not probably your case, you have nothing to lose trying out green tea. Just rinse your hair with it in every wash and you might see an improvement after a couple of weeks.
Just like green tea, you can use apple cider vinegar. Many women use it as a rinse and it really helps hair.
Though stress is a very common cause of hair loss, I think it can be beaten. So please keep me updated with the results and yeah, hopefully there will be a lot to brag about!
Hi Olly,
Thank you for the review, I’m thinking to give it a try. Do you recommend any shampoos to go with the supplement. Have you tried Haarklinikken?
Hi Lena, it’s the first time I hear about that product. I tried searching it on Google but I couldn’t find too much. Is it made/sold in a certain country? I never heard about it before…
Regarding shampoos, I’ve tried several but none of them helped me so much (in terms of hair loss). The one I’ve been using for a while is from Nisim and it’s designed for hair loss. I noticed I lose less hairs when I use it (without using a supplement at the same time), but my hair is still falling out. But it’s better than most, at least for my hair. It’s pretty affordable so you can give it a try if you want. But as I said, it’s not a miracle maker for me.
As for Folexin, it’s my favorite. I know there are many other hair supplements that work, but I still prefer to use this one because it has a pretty good price for me. If you care about price, then it’s definitely my top pick. If you decide to buy Folexin, Nisim or any other product, I’d love to hear any feedback.
Hi Olly,
I would like to give this supplement a shot for my hair loss; however, I have few questions and hope you can share your professional opinion with me.
1. Can I take Folexin & Baraclude (Entecavir) at same time?
2. Can Folexin cause any liver damage? Few people who taken Propidren by HairGenics or other hair growth supplements that contain similar ingredients has reported liver issue. This happens because too much iron intake?
3. Can Folexin cause lower sex drive like other hair growth supplements which contain smilier ingredients?
Thank you.
Mike K
Hello Mike, thanks for your questions. I will try to give you some clear answers as much as I can.
1) I normally recommend asking for your doctor’s consent before associating a supplement with a prescription drug – especially if it’s one meant to treat a serious condition, as Entecavir is. I assume you’re on a long term treatment with Baraclude, that’s why I recommend you to ask your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet, including Folexin. That even more since your liver is affected by a virus so it’s probably not working at its full capacity (most drugs/supplements are decomposed in the liver, that’s why it’s important).
2) High amounts of iron can increase liver toxicity, but the levels have to be really high. So just taking Propidren alone shouldn’t affect a person’s liver, because its amount of iron isn’t that huge. I’m assuming the cases you heard about might be from people who took Propidren with other drugs, possibly some iron supplements or products rich in this mineral. Otherwise I can’t explain how the iron from Propidren alone (which isn’t that high) could affect their liver.
Regarding Folexin, it seems to have a lower dosage in iron (80% of the daily dose) – so that’s totally on the safe side. That’s why it shouldn’t affect the liver at all. But as I said, I still recommend you to ask your doctor first – as your liver isn’t in the best shape so you have to pay very close attention to any drug/supplement you take.
3) Folexin contains Saw Palmetto, which lowers testosterone and it can actually improve a low sex drive (there’s an article on Healtline that explains it pretty well). So Folexin and other supplements based on Saw Palmetto shouldn’t lower sex drive at all, on the contrary. But could you give me an example of some hair supplements that are known to do that? I heard about Propecia but that one is based on Finasteride, which has many serious side effects. So that’s not really the case of Saw Palmetto products, according to the studies I have read.
Now – the supplement I usually recommend for male hair loss is Procerin. It has a higher dosage of Saw Palmetto compared to Folexin (which is rather meant for general hair loss and growth). Anyway, I don’t know what kind of hair loss you have, whether you have bald spots or not, etc.
You can check it out as well but I still recommend you to ask for your doctor’s advice before starting any supplement. I explained you above why it’s so crucial in your case.
Hope this helps!
Hi Olly,
Thank you for your review. I have two questions:
1- what happens if you ever decide to go off the supplement. Basically is this going to be for life?
2- Does this grow back the hair that has been lost in the frontal portion of the scalp. (Women balding pattern & thinning)
Thank you,
Roye A
Hey Roye, I will try to answer your questions clearly:
1) Taking this supplement for several months, seeing results and then quitting it shouldn’t affect your hair. In other words, it’s not the kind of product you should take for the rest of your life if you want to maintain the result. Actually, most natural supplements don’t belong to this category. The products you probably heard about are Minoxidil and its derivatives, and also Finasteride – they have to be used for the rest of your life otherwise the hair will fall out even worse. But supplements based on herbs shouldn’t affect your new hair once you stop taking them.
In my case, I could see an improvement in my hair loss about 2-3 months after quitting Folexin (I wanted to take a break). But that’s because the cause behind my hair loss were hormonal imbalances that I didn’t manage to solve. So the actual problem was still there, I was aware of that. Anyway, once I restarted taking Folexin, my hair loss disappeared again. So now I’m taking it for a few months, then taking a longer break, then restarting it and so on. But that’s mostly my case. If you don’t have any hormonal imbalances that affect your hair, quitting the pills will never make your hair fall out again. Even in my case, it took a few months before it restarted.
2) Regarding your second question, it mostly depends on whether your hair follicles died or not. Folexin isn’t designed to grow hair on a completely bald scalp, but it can help if you have some bald spots and the tendency to develop female baldness (that’s what I read, I did not experience it myself as my hair loss was rather general). Some reviews I read say it can also grow hair on bald scalps, but I can’t 100% guarantee (those reviews might be biased). Anyway, I know its label and official website don’t claim that it regrows hair on bald scalps. That’s why I can’t tell for sure.
But anyway, it definitely works for thinning and massive hair loss. I can speak from experience here.
Sorry if my answers aren’t 100% clear but I don’t want to promise you that it will help and once you start using it realize that it’s not helpful. But anyway, out of the products I have tried, I think it’s the best thing I can recommend you (as a quality/price ratio). Hope this helps.
Hi, re reviews, where did you find non-folexin reviews, e.g., the independent reviews? Are you being paid or sponsored by flexion? In the articles listed in the reference section, for example, the first one, was the study on folexin? Thank you!
Hello there. First of all, I’m a Folexin user myself and I try really hard to point this out with the photos I took of it and with the video I made about it. So I wasn’t paid to write this review, nor I was given a free bottle in exchange of a review. I bought it myself with my own money but it’s really helpful, so that’s why I’m promoting it. Since it’s cheaper than a lot other supplements that I also promote, it’s my top recommendation (and also the product I use on a constant basis). I hope this clarifies your worries.
Regarding those screenshots with the reviews, they’re from Folexin’s official website. But as I mentioned in my review, I’m not 100% sure they’re unbiased (official websites tend to post only positive reviews). Anyway, what makes me trust them is the fact that you’re allowed to leave your own review (after you verify your purchase). Most websites don’t allow normal users to do that, they only create their own reviews and post them on the website as if they were actually written by customers. But that’s what I usually look at: if a website allows you to write your own review, usually the other reviews written there are legit. But Folexin has mostly 5 stars reviews, that’s why I was a bit worried that the reviews might not be 100% accurate.
You can also find some reviews of it on Amazon but they’re less than 10, so that’s not very relevant. That’s why I didn’t include them in my review.
And regarding the studies – as far as I know, Folexin doesn’t have any clinical trial developed on it. Supplements in general don’t have studies behind, only on their separate ingredients. There are very few hair products with studies actually – and Nutrafol is the best example, in case you’re interested.
The first study from the references is taken from Folexin’s website (they have some reference sources there so that’s where I took it from). But I just tried to do my research and I can’t find whether that study was conducted on Folexin or not. Since there’s no name of a certain product, I can’t guarantee it’s Folexin. But since it appears on its official website, it might be.
I hope this helps to clarify your questions even a bit.
Where can I find the discount code , please
Hi Leslie, you can use FIVE$37733177 to get 5% off. I hope this helps!
Hi there. I’m curious to know if you (or others) have experienced unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body by using this product? I’m a male in my early 40’s and have started to see some early hair loss on my scalp so would like to address this. However, I already have a lot of body hair elsewhere and do not want to use something that will produce even more. It seems as though a topical treatment might be a better solution, but reading your reviews I see that the supplements are the most effective?
Hi there, I personally never experienced body hair growth with any supplement I took (and I’m a women). I know some people complain about that, but I actually found very few authentic opinions and complaints on that. When it comes to Folexin, I’m 99% sure it doesn’t cause any body hair. I’ve been using it for a long time and there’s no sign of that. Plus that I received a lot of feedback on it and no one mentioned body hair ever. So I think it’s pretty safe when it comes to that.
Now – for male hair loss, I usually recommend another supplement for a simple reason: male hair loss is usually caused by DHT excess (in over 80% of cases), so you need something that will fight this DHT excess. Saw Palmetto is the best herb for this, so it’s my top recommendation. Folexin does contain Saw Palmetto extract, but not in such a high dosage. So for general hair loss, this is more than enough. But for hair loss in men over 40, supplements based on Saw Palmetto (in a higher percent) tend to work better. So in these cases, I usually recommend Procerin – which has about the same price as Folexin but a formula that works better for male hair loss caused by DHT excess.
Now – if your hair loss isn’t very severe, even Folexin should help. But in my opinion, going for a supplement with a higher dosage of Saw Palmetto would be better on the long term. As far as I know, Saw Palmetto actually decreases the action of harmful androgen hormones (which means it stimulates scalp hair growth but prevents body hair growth). You can research more on this topic, but that’s how things generally are.
Regarding topical products, I personally don’t recommend them for several reasons:
– need a longer time to work compared to supplements/internal products
– once you start using them, you have to use them for the rest of your life
– otherwise, the hair they grew will fall out pretty soon
Now – if you think you can use a topical product for the rest of your life, you should give it a try. Most need to be prescribed by a doctor but you can also find some on Amazon. You can also associate them with supplements, as most have no risk of interactions (topical + internal).
So it’s up to you and what suits you needs better. I really hope I helped you.
Hi Olly,
I was taking Hair Bloom Supplements but the Biotin was 1000% and it was messing up my Thyroid making it show to high. Folexin I see on has 600% and that’s what my doctor told me the normal person needs. Hair Bloom was working for me but when my doctor told me that, I am looking now for a hair supplement that isn’t as high in Biotin but also that I will get the same results. Will this product give the same results? Also when I wash my hair, I have hair loss. So will this product work for me? Please help.
Hey Shelli. First of all, I’m surprised to hear about your positive experience with Hair Bloom, as it’s one of the supplements I see as a scam. I know it has very few details on its actual ingredients online (you have to buy it to see the ingredients/dosages and I didn’t). That’s why I’m not aware of the actual quantity of biotin and other substances from the pills. But anyway, I will probably have to reconsider Hair Bloom – because I have a terrible opinion on it, as I said. You’re also the first person praising it, as I found very few authentic reviews on it.
Anyway, let’s get back to your questions. I just checked Folexin’s label and it has 600 mcg of biotin, which means 200% of the daily necessary. I think that’s what you actually meant (not 600% but 600 mcg – and it’s also the same about Hair Bloom, 1000 mcg not 1000%). Anyway, 1000 mcg of biotin is a very high dosage and I don’t recommend it. I read many reviews from people using different supplements (all with 1000 mcg of biotin or more) who dealt with major side effects – especially acne and breakouts. But I know that thyroid problems are also possible.
So from what I have seen, supplements having under 1000 mcg of biotin are pretty safe (I personally never experienced any side effects from them). From this point of view, I think Folexin would be a good and safe choice.
Regarding the effect – I say you should get at least the same one as with Hair Bloom. I don’t know the full ingredient list of Hair Bloom, but judging after the ingredients that are shown online – it’s not an amazing one. I mean, there are many other supplements with similar formulas. So the point is that it’s not something unique. As for Folexin, I personally consider its formula the best I have tried. There are also other supplements with the exact same formula (see Kerotin) and I’ve also had great results with them – but most are quite pricier, which is why I keep on recommending Folexin.
So I think you should have the same results with Folexin as with Hair Bloom, if not better. I don’t know the actual cost of Hair Bloom, but I like Folexin because it’s quite affordable. I hope this helps you decide on what you want to try next!
Hello Olly
I hope you’re doing well. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and for all the information you provided on Folexin.
I was wondering, not sure if you would know this but, if the person stopped taking Folexin, would the effects of the product cease? Do you know if it has to be taken forever in order to remain effective?
Also, I am a 30 year old male that is experiencing balding at the center of my hairline. I was reading one of the comments and you recommended ‘Saw Palmetto’ to males who are over 40 years old? Do you think I should try it as well? And if I try it, should i try just pills that only contain Saw Palmetto or should I get a product that is designed to battle hair loss that contains Saw Palmetto in it’s composition?
I’m excited to try out this product. I really hope it has some effect.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Rahman. Folexin is my top recommended supplement but it works best for general hair loss (in men and women) and all kinds of hair loss in women. The hair loss you’re experiencing sounds like it’s caused by DHT excess. That’s the #1 problem causing hair loss in men and it’s responsible for over 80% of cases in men over 40. But it also affects many men that are under this age.
So yes – for this kind of male hair loss I recommend Saw Palmetto, as it’s the best DHT blocker among herbs. Other herbal extracts fight hair loss in general, but Saw Palmetto is designed specifically for male baldness.
Folexin does contain some Saw Palmetto, but not in such a high dosage, so it’s not the very best thing in your case. A product based on Saw Palmetto would be a better choice. I personally think it’s better to choose a product that also contains additional herbs, not just Saw Palmetto alone. But it’s up to you – as long as it has Saw Palmetto in about 500 mg, it’s fine.
Now – the supplement I usually recommend in cases like yours is Procerin, because it has a great formula, it’s based on Saw Palmetto and it’s specially designed for male hair loss. It’s also one of the cheapest supplements of this kind (around $25 per bottle, like Folexin). It also comes as a foam, but if you’re on a tight budget go just for the pills (they have a better effect overall). I don’t know how much the shipping taxes are for Canada, but they might be cheaper than Folexin. You can also get a product from Amazon in case Procerin is too pricey, just make sure it has around 500 mg of Saw Palmetto (which is the best dose).
Regarding your questions – supplements based on herbs don’t affect your hair once you stop using them. In other words, they won’t make your hair fall out (as it happens with Minoxidil or Finasteride). So you can stop taking them after you’re happy with the results you get. Your hair might start to fall out again at one point, but it shouldn’t be as bad as before. That only depends of your body. I personally did not experience massive hair loss after stopping a supplement (only a temporary one at times, but not as bad as it was before), so I think they’re pretty safe from this point of view.
I really hope my answers help you and if there’s something that isn’t clear, just let me know.
Also, I live in Canada so the shipping charges cost $22.84:(( almost as much as a bottle itself. Really sucks
I just checked and it’s around $15 to Canada. I think the ones you mentioned are Canadian dollars. But either way, I agree the shipping is a lot, unfortunately.
Hello! My name is Louis Rabaud!
Why the ‘UK ‘ is not on your mailing list?
Hi Louis, what exactly do you mean by “your mailing list”? I’m not really sure what you’re talking about.
Hi Olly,
Just came across your Visical review then have spent time reading the info you have on Folexin. I’m experiencing hair loss (hopefully just due to work stress!) and this past Wednesday started taking Viviscal – giving it 3 months to see if it helps. I’ve found all of the questions & your replies extremely helpful in my quest to stop my hair loss & may try Folexin in the future. Again, thanks for the information on all that’s out there!
Hi Sara, it’s great to hear my reviews were helpful! I try to include both general info and also how it worked for me (if I tried the product) or other people’s opinions. I know this is what I wanted to find out about a supplement in the past, before trying it out – and I didn’t always find these things. So I’m trying to make my reviews easy to read and full of useful information for people that are interested. Thanks for your kind words!
Viviscal is one of the products I strongly recommend, as it’s an excellent supplement. It has a great formula and studies behind – these are some serious advantages. Its pretty high price is why I don’t recommend it on a constant basis. But for people who afford it, I definitely recommend it. If your hair loss is caused by stress as you believe, it should really help in 3 months. So I think you will see positive results with it, but keep me updated anyway. If you started with Viviscal, I don’t recommend switching to another product but you probably aren’t even interested in doing that. So please let me know how it goes in the future. Good luck!
Hi Olly,
Thanks for your quick reply! Couple questions…so if after 3 months using Viviscal and I don’t see any improvement (sure hope that’s not the case!) how soon could I try Folexin or aǹything else for that matter? 2nd question (just out of curiosity) where in this world are you located? Again, just curious! No problems of you prefer not to disclose?
Hey again Sara. Yes, you should give Viviscal around 3 months to work – in my opinion, this period should be enough to see if it’s effective or not for your hair. Now, its label mentions that results should appear after about 3 months but best results need around 4-6 months. So if you want to be 100% fair, give it about 4 months. But anyway, after 3 months you should see any small change, if it’s really helpful.
In case you don’t notice any difference, then you can try another product (you can choose according to your budget).
If there’s anything else you need to know, just leave another comment or send me an email (I sometimes answer faster there). I’m not currently in the US, so that’s probably what you wanted to know. Anyway, please keep me updated with your Viviscal results.
Hi Olly,
Thanks for the review.
I’m a male and my question is: do you think I can take this supplement along with Finasteride, which I am using to combat hair shedding from male pattern baldness. The reason I ask is I don’t want to go overboard with the DHT blockers since some DHT is actually good.
Would be good to have your insight. I’ll ask my doctor but doubt they know much about this product.
Hi Tyler, I totally get your point. Folexin doesn’t have a high quantity of Saw Palmetto, so it doesn’t block DHT as much as other supplements (like Procerin). As for taking it with Finasteride, I personally think it’s safe but asking your doctor’s opinion is better. That’s because Finasteride alone can causes a lot of side effects (especially sexual ones). Now, your doctor probably never heard of Folexin, but you can ask him if you’re allowed to take Finasteride together with a supplement based on herbs. There are some other products with the exact same formula as Folexin, so it doesn’t contain any special ingredient (that might be risky). Even if he never heard of Folexin, he must have heard about herbal hair supplements, so he should be able to give you an answer.
Hope this helps!
Hi Olly,
I am a 26 years old Asian women.
I think I was suffering female pattern baldness.
Would you recommend which is the best DHT blocker among natural products for women.
I don’t know how to choice Priorin , Folexin or other product…
As I know, it is hard to cure baldness and it is not appropriate to take drug especially for women.
So, I hope to take some natural supplement in order to slow down hair loss.
I hope you can tell me more about these information.
Thank you very much.
Hi there Pooh, sorry to hear about your issues. Female pattern baldness is most common in women over 50, as it’s usually connected to menopause. But I have heard about enough cases of young women, like yours. Now – in most cases, the hair loss is caused by DHT excess, which means you’re right looking for a DHT blocker. It’s the best thing you can try at this point.
Now – Saw Palmetto is the best natural DHT blocker among herbs, so you should try a supplement that has this herb as a main ingredient. Folexin does contain Saw Palmetto – but not as the main ingredient and not in a very high dosage. So it’s more effective for general hair loss in women – not the one caused by androgenetic alopecia. That’s why I don’t recommend it to you.
You also mentioned Priorin – but I would definitely not recommend that. It only has 4 active ingredients (which is quite little) and none of them is amazing for DHT excess. So it’s not a product I would recommend even for general hair loss (compared to Folexin).
Instead – the product I think it would suit you best is called Procerin. It’s my top recommendation for male pattern baldness, because it has a great formula (based on Saw Palmetto). It’s also the cheapest supplement with this kind of formula, so price plays a big role in my recommendations. Anyway, Procerin is normally recommended for men – but judging after your symptoms, I’m thinking it should help women dealing with DHT excess hair loss. I did a bit of research on this topic and I know doctors recommend about the same things for male and female pattern baldness (Minoxidil, Finasteride, DHT blockers).
Minoxidil is an FDA-approved solution that has some studies behind its hair loss effect. So it does work, but it takes about 4-6 months to show and effect – and once you start using it, you have to use it forever (otherwise your hair will start falling out again). And it’s the same when it comes to Finasteride, only that this product comes as pills and it has way more side effects. So I would definitely not recommend that. Anyway, you can only get Finasteride with a prescription.
Another drug that can help is called Spironolactone and it’s a diuretic with anti-androgen effects. So it can help in hair loss caused by DHT excess (which is an androgen). However, you need your doctor’s consent and prescription to start using this.
So here’s my final advice:
1) If you want a supplement, I recommend Procerin – as it’s one of the best supplements against DHT excess.
2) If you want an actual drug, visit your doctor and ask him about Minoxidil, Finasteride and even Spironolactone.
3) You can also try rinsing your hair with green tea, which is a great DHT blocker. This tip is really helpful for many people with DHT excess – it doesn’t work overnight, but it can improve the shedding on the long term. Turmeric and apple cider vinegar also works as DHT blockers, but they’re not that strong.
4) Henna powder can improve your hair’s aspect and make it look thicker. You can use this herb even if you don’t want to dye your hair. Just choose a shade that is close to yours and there will be no change in color.
5) Hair fibers work great for thin roots – as they mask any balding spots and make your hair look normal. You can find many brands on Amazon or local stores.
I really hope these tips help. You can let me know what you decide to use and whether it works or not.
I’ve been using Folexin for about 1 month and a half. I was severely depressed from discovering I had a serious hormonal imbalance. My hair thinned and fell out and I started going bald. I used folexin just to cope, I had already had it in my head I was going to lose all my hair. After two days I saw results. I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. After a month it stopped working. I’m still taking it but my hair is thinning again. It’s not shedding as much but I can tell my stands are way thinner.
Hey Kayla, thanks for sharing your experience with Folexin. It’s indeed pretty weird. To be honest, I’m not sure if any supplement could work as fast as 2 days. But who knows, maybe this one was different in your case, which is great. So from what I understood – you started losing less hairs for one month since you started it, right? And afterwards the hair loss and thinning started to return again.
Now – the only explanation I could find is that maybe your body got used to its formula. It sometimes happens, but it’s mostly when you’re using a supplement that has 1-2 ingredients. Folexin has about 30, so it’s pretty unlikely – but at this point, I don’t have any better explanations.
Have you ever had a medical consult regarding your hormonal issues? And if you did, what did the doctor recommend (any drugs, products, etc.)? The level of your hormones is probably fluctuating, so once it gets to a peak your thinning gets worse. That’s why you would need something to control these fluctuations. But in many cases, prescription drugs are the best choice.
Folexin is a hair supplement, so it can’t really control your hormonal levels. It can help with DHT excess (which usually affects hair follicles) but it’s not helpful for the other hormones. That’s why you would need a medical consult and a prescription for your actual problem.
In the meantime, I would continue using Folexin or a hair supplement because it will definitely not harm you (in the worst case). I know it’s really frustrating to stop seeing results from a supplement that seemed to help at first. But my honest advice is to continue using it for another 2 months and see what happens. If your hair loss doesn’t get any bit better, you should stop using it and switch to something else. But I think it’s too early to judge now, even though you already saw results. Give it 3 months in total, as this is an average period for every supplement. If it doesn’t work after this time, it’s probably not good enough for your problem.
Here are some extra things you can do: mix some turmeric powder with water and spray the mixture on your hair. This should help with strengthening the strands. Also, rinse your hair with green tea infusion – as this herb is a great DHT blocker (the hormone that causes hair loss). If you have any bald spots, hair fibers are a great way to hide them. A brand I like is Caboki, because its fibers can be kept in the hair for several days, until the next wash (you don’t have to remove them every night).
Horsetail is an excellent remedy against thinning hair, but Folexin already contains a certain quantity among its ingredients. However, you can try making an infusion from the powder and use it to rinse your hair. It might help with thinning on the long term.
Please keep me updated with what happens in the future, no matter if you have good or bad news. But hopefully, you will see an improvement. I really hope this helps!
Hi Olly,
Your info you provide is great. I am looking for a product for my 86 y. o. mother who had a mini-stroke 6 mos. ago and was diagnosed with Parkinsons/dementia. She was put on Heprin blood thinner which was recently discontinued, and Levodopa which I understand both do cause hair thinning. Her doctor just recently advised she take Citalopram and Adivan. I also give her Naka liquid multi vitamin, Astaxanthin, high Omega 3 liquid, Probiotic and Lion’s Mane (for memory). I recently began giving her 2 tablets of New Nordic (still on 1st pkg.), but then discovered your review and have been having second thoughts. I am wondering will this product work if she continues to take the required meds. that sound like are causing the very problem? Do I need to ask her doctor about taking it, as you are probably aware they do not agree with herbal products in general and discourage them. I feel I need to do something for her though, as it is progressing rapidly. It appears to be mainly central balding which may be difficult to reverse. Oh, and all her blood tests were normal in April. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hey Diana, your mom’s problem seems to be very hard to treat because the drugs she is on are probably causing her hair loss and thinning. From what you say, her hair was fine before she started this treatment. Some of the drugs you mentioned can cause hair loss as a side effect, so they are probably the responsible. However, those drugs are extremely necessary for her, considering all the other health and mental problems she has.
So the best advice I could give you right now is to ask for her doctor’s advice. You’re right, he will most likely prescribe her a classic treatment (like Minoxidil) – as doctors don’t really trust herbal products, just like you said. But I personally doubt New Nordic could help her lot, considering how many drugs she’s currently taking. I mean – she would have to stop that treatment in order to see some improvement from New Nordic (or any hair supplement she takes). But that isn’t really possible, as the treatment is essential for her health.
That’s why I think you should ask your doctor to prescribe her something for her early baldness. Normally, I would have advised you to have her doctor change the treatment – but some of the drugs you mentioned are the very best choice in terms of treatment (heparin and levodopa), so changing them is not an option.
I’m really sorry I cannot give you any actual recommendations, but it’s a pretty complex case so I wouldn’t risk her health just for the sake of her hair. One thing you can do is to rinse her hair with green tea infusion after shampooing, let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it with water. Green tea blocks DHT receptors so it decreases hair loss. Though your mom’s hair loss is most likely not caused by DHT excess, green tea infusion might still help (not a lot, though – but it’s still worth a shot).
Please keep me updated with your mom’s condition. I’m so sorry I can’t help more.
Hi Olly, my hair is shedding and when I just rub my hand across my head it’s all in my hand, I haven’t found anything to help it I’ve try everything nothing works, plus my sides are thin it has some fine hair there but it comes and goes, I was reading and I saw yours I would like to try the folexin one bottle at $18.00 the price is good anything else I couldn’t afford it. Thanks for looking out for the poor ones who need it. And not just thinking of yourself only JEHOVAH GOD Will BLESS U EVEN MORE just for thinking of others who really needed it and afford it. THANK YOU. Know am ready to order? Do you except Visa, or Master Card?? How do I order the product ?? Ms. Wilhelmina Middleton
Hi Wilhemina, sorry to hear about your issues. I wish you could tell me more about your shedding (when did it begin, if it’s been constant or getting better at times, if you have anyone in your family with this problem, etc.). Then I could understand the potential cause behind much better.
Anyway, since your hair loss is general and you’re on a tight budget – I think Folexin is the best choice right now. It’s probably the cheapest supplement with this kind of diverse and strong formula, so in my opinion it should help. Just keep in mind that you will have to buy several bottles at once in order to get the best price (the $18 per bottle you mentioned). Otherwise the price is $25 per bottle, which is a bit higher. So keep this in mind when you place the order.
Regarding the order itself – I’m not selling the supplement and I’m not working for the company. I’m just a person who tried several products and is recommending the best ones (quality/price). So I’m not a person from Folexin’s staff that will help you place an order. Still, I can tell you how to do it because I order in the same way. Go to their website and scroll down until you see the buying options. You can now choose the quantity you want and add it to your cart. Then use the code I mentioned above (FIVE$61404893) and you will get 5% off. You can also wait until different holidays because the website sometimes has a 10% discount at those times (Black Friday could be a great opportunity for that). That’s pretty much it.
I really hope this will help you understand how to do it. If you can, give me more details on your problem before you place the order so that I can tell you better if Folexin is right for you or not. But from your actual description, I’m pretty sure it’s the best choice right now. Just make sure to give it a few months, it’s not going to work in a few days/weeks.
Hi Olly,
I would like to reach out to you directly via email. Do you have an email you can share with me so that we can communicate?
Hi Shannon, you can email me at There’s also a contact page on this website, right at the bottom, you can find more info there. I’m looking forward to hear your question.
Do you know if you can get something with the same active ingredients in gummy vitamins? I have trouble swallowing pills that are larger than, like, those round ibuprofen pills. Vitamin pills are way too big for me to swallow. I take gummy multivitamins.
Hello Laura, I don’t really know any, as I’m not a fan of gummies at all.
You can try looking for some brands on Amazon and then comparing their ingredients. Make sure the gummies you choose have herbal extracts (Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Horsetail, etc.) and also vitamins/minerals. Anyway, most gummies do contain vitamins/minerals – it’s harder to find a product that will also contain herbal extracts, as they are pretty hard to find in gummies. I personally never found any, but you can try. Still, you will probably never find some gummies with so many ingredients as Folexin or another quality supplement. But try to find some that have at least a few herbal extracts, besides vitamins/minerals.
Another thing you consider is the quantity of sugar. Many gummies tend to contain a really high amount, which can cause serious side effects (especially acne). Sugar Bear’s gummies are the best example. That’s a main reason why I don’t recommend gummies.
Compared to ibuprofen pills, Folexin (and hair supplements in general) aren’t larger. They have a rectangle shape (not round) and have a gelatin cover, so swallowing them is way easier compared to ibuprofen. At least that’s how it seems to me.
But anyway – it’s your own choice. Just make sure to choose a quality gummies product that doesn’t have huge amounts of sugar. Sorry I can’t give you any name but I honestly have not tried many, so I can’t speak from experience.
Olly, Recently came across the product you recommend, Folexin when searching the internet. I also have a problem with shedding hair. Several years ago I had a transplant which helped some, but was not nearly enough, but as expensive as it was this was what I could afford. I am now looking again for another product to help stop the additional thinning and possible regrowth.
I read all the questions and answers but was impressed with your replies. I have never found a site such as yours with the one on one. I feel you are a very kind person to help by doing this. It helps a person feel like someone is interested, and not just trying to scam. I am interested in product and will try it soon.
On behalf of all you have given your attention, I thank you.
Hi Carol, thanks a lot for your kind words. It’s so satisfying to hear people are happy with your articles, answers and the works you’re putting into, so thank you so much. I used to deal with serious hair loss several years ago, and I never found someone who was genuinely willing to answer my questions and try to help me with solutions. So that’s what I’m trying to do right now, for free.
I always try to be honest and give people the best recommendations for their problem, without me having to gain anything from this. I know price was a major issue for me so I try to find out the cheapest solution in all cases. But I’m always opened to new products or stuff that I had never tried before, so I try to research any product properly without making an opinion on it or calling it a scam unjustly.
Regarding your problem, hair transplant usually has to be maintained – otherwise, hair ends up getting the same problems as before (in a few years). So I think Folexin is suitable for your problem, which is general hair loss and thinning. It also helps regrow new hairs on people who are not dealing with baldness (it can’t really grow new hairs on a completely bald scalp). So considering it has the best price among the supplements I recommend, I think it’s the best choice for you.
Normally – this supplement alone should help a lot. You should be able to see some changes in a few months (some see them sooner, others need more time).
In case you also want to use a shampoo, I recommend you a product called Valotin. Out of the shampoos I have tried and reviewed, this is by far the best (in terms of formula, brand and everything). It’s quite affordable actually – and one bottle lasts more than 1 month, so it’s pretty much worth the investment. Still, this shampoo alone isn’t as strong as Folexin (shampoos in general are much weaker than supplements). That’s why I don’t recommend using it alone.
Other than that – you can use some horsetail infusion to rinse your hair. Horsetail is great against thinning hair, so it might help on the long term. Turmeric is also great for extra strength and volume, so using it (mixed with water) could also give the impression of thicker hair, which is what you need.
I’m really hoping these tips help you. If you decide to try Folexin or any other product, I would love to hear your feedback (whether it’s positive or negative, but I’m quite sure it will be positive).
Do I need to take Folexin for the rest of my life, or can I stop after I get the results I’m after?
Hi Cathy. In herbal-based supplements, results tend to stay even after you stop the pills. In other words, your hair loss shouldn’t return if you stop taking the supplement, once you are satisfied with the results.
However, it also depends on the cause behind your hair loss. If you have a health condition affecting your hair, the hair loss might return after a while, once you stop the pills.
But if you only have a general hair loss, you can stop the supplement once you’re satisfied with the results. So Folexin doesn’t work like Minoxidil/Finasteride, which have to be used forever, in order to maintain the results.
I hope this helps.
Will this product effect growth of body hair? ie legs, underarms etc.
Hi Anabel, no, it will not. I used it for a long period (and I’m still using it currently, with some breaks) and I never noticed an increase in body hair. That’s also available for most hair supplements I used, there was no extra body hair. I could notice that my actual body hair was growing faster (maybe 2-3 faster) but there was no increase in the actual quantity of body hair.
I hope this helps.
Hi Olly,
I’ve been using Folexin for 2 months, but my hands turned a little yellow, I didn’t take any medicine or other supplement in last 2 months, and didn’t eat many fruits or carrots, so I think the reason is from Folexin.
Do you know what may cause this happen?
Hi Violet, thanks for letting me know this. It’s a pretty weird “side effect”, to be honest, as I never experienced this kind of yellow coloration from any hair supplement (nor have I heard about it before). Let me ask first – do you consume turmeric? This spice can cause yellow coloration if used excessively, just like carrots can (but you already mentioned you didn’t consume them frequently).
Also, do you have any thyroid problems? Or have you suffered from any liver problems at one point in your life? And is it just your hands that turned a bit yellow? Please let me know the answer to these questions in order to get a better idea about what caused this problem. It could also be Folexin, but it doesn’t make much sense – since it doesn’t have a high dosage in vitamin A. Also, all of its ingredients have dosages among the recommended limits, that’s why I can’t see how it could produce this side effect.
But I would rather hear your answer first, in order to judge fairly.
Hi Olly,
Thank you for the reply.
I haven’t eaten turmeric lately, and didn’t find thyroid or liver problems from my heath check this year. But since this skin color issue I should go to see a doctor and make another test.
My hands, wrists and feet that three parts turned a bit yellow.
I will let you know if there is any progress.
Thank you
Hi again Violet, thanks for providing me with extra details. I think seeing a doctor is a good idea and probably the best thing you can do right now. As I said, it doesn’t make much sense that a hair supplement causes yellow coloration on your skin – so I personally doubt this is the responsible. But everyone can react differently, so who knows?
Still, I suggest you to stop taking Folexin for a while, see your doctor and tell him about this supplement. Most likely, he will tell you there’s no connection and have you take some blood tests. In my opinion, the problem comes from somewhere else. But even so, taking a break from Folexin will help you see if the coloration disappears, decreases or stays the same.
Please keep me updated as I’m very curious about this matter.
Thanks for your informative website! I am 59 years old, and have lost a lot of hair. I have seen my regular nurse practitioner, an endocrinologist and also a dermatologist. I received conflicting info from them. I have lost 60 pounds in the last year, had a knee replacement surgery in Oct. 2019 and of course stress in my life. I also take Duavee, a hormone replacement which has done great things for me. One medical person felt since my dad was balding, that’s why I am going this route. The other felt my weight loss was the issue and the hormone replacement would not cause hair loss.
I have just started Viviscal as I found it reasonable on Ebay, but I am not sure I am staying with it.
Do you think the hormone replacement could cause hair loss? Any thoughts in your experiences? thanks and God Bless, Ann
Hello Ann, I’m sorry for the issues you’ve been going through. Losing your hair is really hard, so I totally understand what you experienced. I will try to give you my honest opinion about this problem.
1) First of all – losing weight suddenly can affect your hair and make it fall out massively. This mostly happens to normal-weight people who lost weight due to a stressful event (as it seems to be in your case as well). So the stress of having a knee replacement surgery and losing a lot of weight very fast might have caused your hair loss. Just let me ask – did the shedding appear before or after these 2 events? This could help me understand whether there’s a connection or not.
2) Hair loss is a side effects of most hormones, so Duavee could also affect your hair. But I personally doubt it’s the main cause (it might have worsened the hair loss at most). Menopause itself causes hair loss and Duavee is meant to control the eventual negative effects of menopause. That’s why I don’t think it could actually affect your hair (when it’s supposed to protect it).
3) Genetics isn’t really relevant in your case, because hair loss mostly goes by genders. This means that if your dad had to deal with baldness, your (eventual) brother would be at risk for this. So in your case, if the relatives from your mother’s side suffered from hair loss – only then you would be at risk. But since you didn’t mention this, I doubt that’s the case. So I would eliminate this cause.
4) Viviscal is actually one of my favorite supplements, so I personally think it should help. Since you found it cheaper on Ebay, I would say it’s worth the shot. Just make sure you can afford it even 3-4 months from now (in case you can’t find it cheaper on Ebay anymore). In terms of ingredients, it’s a quality product – so I think you should stay with it for a while now and see how it goes.
5) You could also try rinsing your hair with a green tea infusion or using apple cider vinegar on your hair. These 2 home remedies can decrease the fall out in time, which can add up to the effect of your treatment. They are herbal remedies, so their effect is slow and pretty weak if used alone – but on the long term, using herbs can really help.
6) You should also check out this guide on thickening your hair naturally (it can help making your hair look fuller and denser).
But basically – I would blame the fast weight loss and stress for your massive hair loss (at least in the beginning). The hormonal treatment you’ve been following might have worsened it, but it surely did not cause it itself. So there’s no point stopping the treatment, since it’s made to help you (and it actually has helped a lot). My only advice is to continue using Viviscal and maybe try the tips I gave you above. Also, try eating a balanced diet and avoid losing a lot of weight fast for a second time.
Sorry I can’t help more but that’s my opinion on your problem. So I think things should get better in the future, but I would love to hear your update. I hope this helps.
Hi Olly,
I have good amount of hair but they look very dull,pale and dry overall not at all healthy i can feel that when i touch my hairs,so Folexin will help to overcome this more thing i want to clarify will be thin hairs can become thick by using this product.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Chandramouli, sorry to hear about your issues. From what I understand, your hair is quite healthy overall. It’s only that it feels very dry and dull and the ends are also getting thinner.
Now – Folexin is effective when it comes to thinning hair. I’ve seen this in my case (I used to have very thin ends and they got better in time). But keep in mind that once the ends are very thin, no product can repair them. Folexin boosts hair growth and hair grows from the roots. So basically, it makes hair grow faster so the ends also look thicker. But the thin ends are still there, so you would still have to cut them off (at least partially).
I hope you get the point. Folexin helps with thickness but it will not make your thin ends thick. It will help your hair grow faster, so your thin ends will look less visible. But you will still have to get them trimmed. Anyway – it does help with thickness in general, I speak from experience here. So I feel like it’s worth using for this problem.
I also recommend you to check out this guide about thinning hair, it will surely help.
Regarding your hair’s dull looks – hair supplements usually help with that. That’s because they promote hair nourishment and follicle lubrication, which helps the hairs look less frizzy and softer. However, I also recommend you to apply hair masks whenever you wash your hair. This will make it look a lot softer and healthier than before. In case you can’t use a hair mask, make sure you always use a conditioner. I don’t have a certain brand I recommend, because most conditioners are good for nourishment. So you should find a good on easily.
Mam thanks for immediate reply.
I have a doubt on dry shampoo whether i should go for
Batiste 3 Piece Dry Shampoo Set or ORIBE Gold Lust Dry Shampoo or ORIBE Dry Texturizing Spray, As my hairs are very very dry with lot of grease if i don’t do every day shampoo to my head.
And also i suffer from heavy dandruff so now i am using Dove Dermacare Scapl Anti-Dandruff Conditioner, Dryness & Itch Relief.
It’s making dandruff free but so dry and greasy.
Please give me your valuable suggestions.
Hi again Chandramouli. So from what I understand, your roots are very greasy and they need daily shampooing. On the other hand, your ends are dry and they lack moisture. This is a very common problem and I heard it in many people.
Your idea of using a dry shampoo is excellent. That’s because shampooing your hair reduce moisture and lubrication. Though that’s great for your roots (which are already too greasy), it’s bad for your ends (which already lack moisture). A solution would be to shampoo only your roots, but this is almost impossible in reality (I tried it too and it’s very hard). So the only solution left would be to use a dry shampoo, because it comes as a spray and it can be applied only on the roots. In this way, you can leave the ends alone and they should get better in terms of frizziness.
Regarding your question about dry shampoos, I strongly recommend going for Oribe Gold Lust. It’s by far the best dry shampoo I tried so I strongly recommend it to anything else. I pretty much like all of Oribe’s products, as it’s a very professional brand. Its texturizing spray isn’t as good as the dry shampoo in terms of cleaning the roots. So even though I like both products – in terms of dry shampoo, I recommend the Gold Lust. Try to wash your hair about 2 times per week and use the dry shampoo in the meantime, whenever your hair gets too greasy.
You also mentioned you have a dandruff problem. Dove’s products seem suitable for that, but they might irritate your scalp. Certain brands don’t work for certain people, that’s all I can tell. So did your hair start getting greasier after you start using Dove’s products? Or it was also greasy before? You can try switching to another brand that offers anti-dandruff products and see what happens.
I also advise you to start rinsing your hair with green tea infusion, as this can help with dandruff. Apple Cider Vinegar can also help with that, so you could try both and see which one works best for you.
I really hope this helps you and please get back to me for any questions you have.
Thank you very much olly for your valuable suggestions.
My pleasure!
As most, I’m genuinely skeptical of all hair-growth supplements, especially when they have such poor reviews on Amazon. 21% One-Star reviews and of those negative reviews not one is responded by the manufacturer. Typically, the manufacturer when noting what bad reviews they have on Amazon reaches out to the customer and offers to make matters better by supplementing their order or offering some kind of reasoning. But none from Folexin which adds to my skeptisim. One other comment/question…what is your affiliation with this company? Do you gain monitarily from giving such “rave” reviews?
Hi Queene! Your skepticism is totally understandable, I also do not believe in all supplements on the market because I have tested some and they turned out to be real scams. So it’s totally fine not to trust and agree with anything.
As for those Amazon reviews you mentioned, are they in Folexin? As far as I know, the product started selling on Amazon quite recently (when I first bought it it was only sold on its official website and I continued to buy it from there). So when I lasted checked Folexin’s page on Amazon, I know it had around 5 reviews most of which were irrelevant (saying that they just ordered the product and that they’re eager to see how it works). So honestly, you can’t judge a product’s effect based on a few reviews that don’t say anything clear and relevant. But as I said, you have the right to believe anything you want.
Getting to your questions now, I don’t work for Folexin’s company just like I don’t work for any supplement I review on this website. I simply started this website by writing reviews of hair products I have tried. Since my readers emailed me asking about a certain product (which I have never used) and what I believe about its formula, I decided to start reviewing supplements that I didn’t try at all. In these cases, I never share any experience with them, only the reviews I found about them (most from Amazon).
From what I understand, the thing that bothers you is that I recommend Folexin as my top pick. Well, I never stated that it’s the only product that works. There are plenty other ones, you can find my top recommended products here. But the difference is that Folexin is much cheaper than all of these, that’s why it’s my top recommended supplement.
Just to give you an example, there’s a supplement called Kerotin. You can easily find it on Amazon. It has the exact same formula as Folexin (including doses in all ingredients), lots of positive reviews and a price of $50/bottle. Basically, it’s the same supplement but it costs double. Now you can understand why I recommend Folexin.
And sorry if my review seems “rave”, I never said Folexin is the only hair supplement that helped me or that it’s a perfect product. It actually has a lot of flaws and I even mentioned them, because I like to be fair. But if it’s a product I use on a constant basis and I’m really satisfied with, I don’t see why I should not praise and recommend it.
PS: You can check the video from the end of my review to see that I actually own the product, I’m not just advertising it or who know what you’re thinking about. Hope this helps!
My has become increasingly thinner as time progresses. My sister also had the problem. I have tried hair and nail vitamins as well as several shampoos and conditioners designed for hair thinning. As a female, I as not sure what is appropriate for a woman, much less an older woman.
Hi Karen. First of all, you should try to identify the cause behind your thinning and eventual shedding. Are you stressed out at work? Did you experience any major trauma lately? Do you have any associate conditions or hormonal imbalances? Also, since your sister also experiences similar issues – there might be a genetic link. Did your mother, grandmother or any other relative experience thinning at one point in their lives?
Now – you said you tried some vitamins and shampoos/conditioners, without any serious improvement. Could you tell me the exact products or brands you used? When it comes to thinning, it’s essential to find the cause behind. But in many cases, regular vitamins aren’t very helpful because they mostly work when your body lacks a certain nutrient (like zinc, iron, etc.). However, thinning rarely appears because of nutrient deficiencies. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend regular vitamins for this problem.
Instead – I prefer using supplements based on herbal extracts. Herbs have a much stronger effect against thinning and hair loss. Besides, this kind of supplements usually contain vitamins as well. But their main ingredients are herbs, which is why they tend to work better. In case you need some recommendations, here are my top favorites (but make sure you don’t try a product you already try and it has not helped).
Regarding shampoos, I also have several recommendations (most are professional shampoos that have a really low price for their actual value). I don’t know what exactly you tried and what you didn’t, but you can decide based on that.
Also – this guide on making your hair thicker might help. Some of the tips there are mostly aesthetic solutions, but some are real remedies that can actually help. So I would appreciate if you could get back to me with additional details. This would help me give you some better advice.
For now, I hope this helps.
I started taking Methotrexate for an arthritis condition, along with Lucovorin. Took this for 4 months, then changed to Meloxicam. During use of the first drug, my hair started coming out, but was still pretty thick. Dr upped the dosage, and my hair came out by the handfuls. I have stopped taking all of these drugs, but have very little hair left. I have had my head shaved for two month. I can feel some fuzz coming in, and the hair is still coming out, but very slowly. I did take the Hair, Skin, Nails gummy’s for a while, but stopped. Do you think your #1 pick would help my hair? I wear either a scarf of wig when out in public.
Hi Pat, sorry to hear about your arthritis. First of all, your hair started falling out due to Methotrexate, which is a strong drug. Except for arthritis, it’s also used in some forms of cancer to inhibit tumor growth. One of its most common side effects is hair loss, so this is surely the responsible behind your shedding. I assume you have an auto-immune form of arthritis, because that’s what usually Methotrexate is prescribed for.
Anyway, my question is – will you have to restart taking the drugs (especially Methotrexate) at one point? Did your doctor prescribe you something else instead? Or what is the reason why you say you stopped taking them? Anyway, if you start taking Methotrexate again, your hair will start falling out massively again. That’s why I asked you those questions. So if you know that you will restart Methotrexate, I don’t recommend taking any hair growth product because the results will be in vain.
However, you’re probably asking me because you don’t plan to get back on Methotrexate soon. So in this case, I would recommend a supplement mostly based on herbs (because they have a much better effect for hair growth than vitamins and minerals). You mentioned you used some gummies before. Do you know what brand they’re made by?
I personally don’t recommend gummies too much, because they’re usually full of sugar and this causes side effects like acne, headaches or stomach cramps (Sugar Bear’s product is the best example). But obviously, this doesn’t happen in all cases. Anyway, gummies are mostly based on vitamins and minerals and they almost never contain any herbs. Vitamins and minerals are pretty good for a hair that is normally healthy. But when you’re trying to grow your hair out (especially since it’s been affected by Methotrexate), vitamins and minerals are not the best choice, if you ask me.
So as I said, I think you should go for a product based on herbs (and that it contains vitamins and minerals additionally). You asked me about Folexin and this is actually my top recommended product from this point of view. That’s especially because it has the best price among this category of supplements. So I think it would be suitable for your issues.
After your hair starts growing a bit, you can try hair fibers if you want to wear your natural hair. Fibers make hair look fuller, but they don’t work on a bald scalp, so your hair has to be a few inches long. I looked into many brands but my favorite remains Caboki, because it has an excellent price and its fibers are some of the few that don’t need to be taken off overnight (they don’t stain). So maybe this tip helps you if you want to stop wearing a wig or a scarf at one point.
Also – I made a guide on growing hair faster, I really advise you to check it out because it could be really helpful in your case (since your hair follicles are surely healthy). Please let me know how all these tips help you in the future and if you decide on trying Folexin, I would love to know your progress.
I hope this helps!
I stopped the Methotrexate and the DR agreed that it had no effect. She put me on Meloxicam, which greatly helped the pain, but as my husband passed after fighting kidney disease, I elected to not take that chance, so stopped and just take Tylenol, which doesn’t do much. I will definitely try the Folexin. It has been almost a year since all of this started, and I want my hair back, thank you for your help. Will keep you posted.
Okay Pat, I’m eager to find out how it works!
PS: I have a YouTube channel where I make videos on different conditions (I’m a pharmacist). I actually made lots of videos recently on arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis). In case you want to check out my tips, here’s a link to my channel:
Hi Olly,
I am considering ordering Folexin because for some time now, I have been noticing my hair strands getting finer and finer (and so has my stylist), and, now, it seems to be getting worse.
I am a 55 yr. old 1/2 Puerto Rican 1/2 Asian Indian, female, and I have taken levothyroxine for at least 10 years for hypothyroidism. Also, within the last two years, I’ve had a gastric bypass, total knee replacement, gone through menopause and was unemployed for 8 months. My hair issues have been going on longer than that but seemed to accelerate during that period.
I don’t have any currently, but I’m really concerned about developing bald spots. Other than the thinning, my hair is in very good condition. I went to a dermatologist to see if she could figure out what was wrong and as soon as she heard “hypothyroid” she latched on to that and didn’t bother to look any further. She didn’t even take a close up look of my scalp or hair!
I had the displeasure of paying a ridiculous co-pay and having unnecessary blood work, just for her to tell me I had an autoimmune disorder, which I already knew! No suggestions or recommendations were made. I was beyond not happy.
Would it be advantageous for me to take the Folexin or, with everything I’ve had go on, am I just doomed?
Your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hello Andrea, thanks for letting me know your experience. I’m really sorry for the issues you’ve been going through.
First of all, hypothyroidism itself (and pretty much every thyroid-related condition) is a common cause of hair loss and thinning. Now, in general, thinning isn’t a problem that you can solve very easily because it’s hard to find the cause from the start. Sometimes it simply doesn’t have a cause, it’s just your body reacting differently to various changes. So that’s probably why that dermatologist blamed your thyroid issues from the start. It was much easier for her to do that than to investigate deeper. And on one hand, she had a point because hypothyroidism does cause hair thinning on a regular basis.
But in your case it might be a little bit different. From what you told me, you’ve been taking Levothyroxine for a very long time. So because of this drug, your thyroid levels should be fine. In other words, your condition is kept under control with this drug. That’s why I don’t think your hypothyroidism is the responsible. If you hadn’t been taking any drug, I would have been sure hypothyroidism was the responsible (just like that dermatologist said). But since it’s kept under control with medicines, I doubt it.
Now, from what you said, your hair thinning isn’t very severe. That’s why I’m thinking about stress or maybe menopause. It’s hard for me to tell for sure, anyway. But I think that a hair supplement based on herbs would be the best thing you could try right now. Since your hair isn’t in a bad shape and you don’t have any bald spots now, I think it’s the best time to start this kind of product. Considering your situation, I’m pretty sure it would work because supplements work pretty well for existing symptoms, but they work even better for prevention.
I surely recommend you Folexin, it’s my top recommended hair supplement in your case. I also think its price is very affordable for most budgets (and that’s a major factor in my recommending it). Other than that, I also have a guide on thickening hair naturally and I think the tips there would be very helpful.
And one more extra tip: I don’t know if you’re dying your hair. But if you are, I strongly recommend using Henna, which is a natural dye made from a herbal powder. The best thing about it is that it makes hair look thicker and fuller (especially in the first weeks). I used this natural dye for a long time and I was super satisfied with the results. And also, since it’s a natural dye, it has no chemicals so it doesn’t destroy hair at all. That’s why you might want to check it out.
I really hope my advice helps you and if you decide to try Folexin, I would love to hear how it goes. Take care!
There are many green teas of varying blends, strengths. Do you have any preference to use for rinsing? Also, vinegar: apple cider with the mother?
Hi Susan! I would recommend going for a pure type of green tea (no blends if possible). I’m not saying this is the only type that works – but pure green tea usually has a higher concentration while blends tend to contain lower doses of each (since they’re mixed up). As for the apple cider vinegar, organic products with the mother would be my top choice. I don’t have a certain recommended brand in any, because there are many quality products on the market. Just make sure to go for organic ones.
I have a hard time picking the right hair supplement for me… I have hair loss and have considered many of the current products, but I don’t know what to choose. I was first interested in Nutrafol because it looks the best to me, but you keep saying in your review to buy a product you can afford for several months. I’m not sure I can afford Nutrafol for so long…
Now I’m debating between Folexin and Viviscal (pretty sure you heard of it). Do you have any comparison article between them?
Hi Felix! All of them 3 products you mentioned (Folexin, Viviscal and Nutrafol) are among my top recommended supplements for hair loss/growth, so they’re clearly awesome products. So no matter which of those you chose, the results should be good. Now, Nutrafol is indeed quite expensive (especially in the long run), and this is the main reason why I don’t recommend it more often. So if you don’t afford Nutrafol for the long term, my advice is not to start taking it. There’s no point taking it for 1-2 months and then letting it go, because in this way you won’t see what it can actually do.
Now, I have a comparison review between Nutrafol and Folexin and another one between Nutrafol and Viviscal. But since you already excluded Nutrafol from your purchase list, I don’t know if they might help. I don’t have a review between Viviscal and Folexin, but I can tell you the differences briefly. Viviscal has been on the market for a long while, so it has some studies behind, whereas Folexin is a rather recent product and just like most hair supplements, it doesn’t have any study behind. In terms of composition, Viviscal is mostly based on one trademark ingredient. But other than that, its formula isn’t impressive. On the other hand, Folexin has one of the best formulas from the market, if you ask me. And when it comes to price, the difference is quite big (favoring Folexin).
So between these 2 – I personally would go for Folexin. But the choice is all yours and I hope that the facts I showed you will help you get the best decision. Either way, both supplements should help your hair loss. I hope this helps!
I was very impressed with your review of both “Visiscal” and “Folexin”. Your written and photographic presentation seemed to be very honest by presenting both the “pros” and “cons” in your reviews. So I went a little deeper by looking into your background and reading the references you listed. I was impressed with some of the references listed in your review. They increased the credibility and gave substance to your reviews. I was impressed with your background as a pharmacist. As such, your understanding of the chemical interactions and their effects on the human body is much greater than that of the typical doctor and the typical nutritionist. But even better, you listed the ingredients and supplied the reference articles to justify the claims associated with the ingredients. I wish you could have presented more peer reviewed articles and other journals as references.
As for me, I do maximize my nutrient intake. I already take the vitamins and minerals listed in your review as well as many more than you listed. My vitamin/ mineral supplementation exceeds the U.S.R.D.I. What is missing in my nutritional regime are the specific herbals you cite as being vital to improving hair growth. As a result, I might possibly try “Folexin”. Before I do, I want to delve a bit more into the literature.
As for my background, I am a healthy 75 year old male with hair that has been thinning in a typical male pattern for about 30 years. I taught biology, chemistry, and human anatomy & physiology for 38 years at the high school level. I have 2 Masters degrees, one of which is in human nutrition. I am a former national bodybuilding champion who is a “natural for life” bodybuilder. I was a personal fitness trainer. I was a high school wrestling coach. I trained in the martial arts of Judo, Aikido and a little bit of Muay Thai(Thai boxing). My experience with martial arts senseis(Oriental teachers) gave me an a appreciation of herbal remedies and medication. My experience in bodybuilding made me realize the value of optimizing one’s nutritional status. It also encouraged me to seek a degree in human nutrition.
I hope you can provide me with a more extensive list of peer review articles concerning the efficacy of the ingredients you mention in your review.
Hello Richard! Thanks for your comment, I’m really glad to hear that you looked into the references and studies I mentioned. Most people aren’t really interested in that, they’re mostly eager to find how a certain product worked for others and that’s it. Now, that’s not a bad thing at all, but I would love if people were more interested in the exact formula of a product – because this is what makes a product work or not, if you ask me. That’s why I somehow try to “educate” my readers about the best ingredients for hair (at least the ones I consider to be the best).
In this way, I’m hoping to help them understand what exact substances they should look into, when buying a hair supplement. Many of my readers live outside the US, so they might try products made by local brands and that’s why it’s important for them to know how to pick the best formulas. So I’m very happy to hear you actually research a product’s composition before trying it out, that’s excellent.
Now, getting to your question, I would start by telling you that I mostly recommend Folexin for hair loss/thinning in women and general hair loss in men. But most men suffer from male pattern hair loss, which is totally different from general hair loss. In general hair loss, hair falls in the same degree all over the scalp, there are no bald spots, not thinning hairs and it usually has a more simple cause. General hair loss is most common in women, but it also appears in men more rarely. Anyway, in your case, it’s surely a male pattern hair loss judging after your symptoms (and you also confirmed that).
The point is that I don’t recommend Folexin for male pattern hair loss. It will surely help, but I don’t consider it the best kind of supplement on the market. Instead, studies showed that the best remedy for male pattern hair loss are DHT-blockers, because they block the excessive levels of DHT (which is the cause behind male pattern hair loss). As you already noticed in my reviews, I tend to go for the herbal side. And when it comes to DHT-blockers, Saw Palmetto is by far the best. You will find this herb in lots of male pattern hair loss supplements, because it has a great effect against excessive DHT and several studies behind.
Now, the best Saw Palmetto supplement I know is Procerin. It has a great dose of this herb, its additional ingredients are also high-quality and it has the best quality/price on the market. Besides, some of my readers told me they had positive results with it, so I’m guessing it works in most cases. Anyway, buying this exact supplement isn’t a must. You can find some similar ones in your local shops or even online, just make sure that the product you choose has a high dose of Saw Palmetto (around 500 mg I would say).
There’s another product I recommend for male pattern hair loss – it’s called Profollica and it comes as a supplement and as a topical lotion. However, its formula is mostly based on essential nutrients and even though it does contain strong herbs that block DHT, it doesn’t contain any Saw Palmetto. You mentioned you’re using plenty of nutrients in high doses and from what I understood, they don’t seem to help much. So this is why I wouldn’t recommend Profollica in your case. Better try a product based on Saw Palmetto (because it’s something you haven’t tried before, most likely) and see how that goes.
Another alternative you might want to try are laser devices (but only if you’re on a large budget). These are last-generation products that work directly onto your scalp, preventing the thinning and reducing hair loss. Some men with male pattern hair loss claim they saw great results. You can find many reviews on Amazon, in case you’re interested. But as I said, laser devices are very expensive and some cost way over $1000. Now, the best product I could find in terms of quality/price is a laser comb from HairMax, which costs around $200-$300 and it uses the exact same technology as $1000+ products. Basically, the results are the same after the same amount of time. So if you want to invest wisely in a laser device, that’s what I recommend you.
One more tip that might help you is using hair fibers to mask your thinning. Hair fibers are only an aesthetic solution, but they can really help if you have some hair left in most area. All you have to do is to pick a color that is very close to your hair’s and apply them on the thinning areas. Most products require you to wash your head before going to bed, as the fibers might stain otherwise. But I found a product from Caboki that can be left in the hair for several days, without staining. So this is my top pick when it comes to hair fibers. If you think they might help you, make sure to give them a look.
You will also find additional pieces of evidence (articles and studies) in the linked reviews – especially studies on Saw Palmetto’s effect on blocking DHT. So at this point, this is the herbal remedy I would consider the best for your problem. I hope this helps!
Hello Olly,
Thank you for your detailed review.
I am currently pregnant, 5 months.
Can Folexin be taken during pregnancy or I should wait until giving birth, even after the breastfeeding is over?
I have Folexin on my list as I want to support my hair to recover after pregnancy.
Looking forward on hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Hi Alina, congratulations for your pregnancy! Unfortunately, I don’t recommend taking Folexin or another hair supplement during pregnancy or breastfeeding. That’s because supplements in general (not only those for hair) are not tested in pregnancy/breastfeeding. If you ask me, there are very small chances that they cause any problem to the baby. But since there is no evidence that they are safe, it’s recommended to avoid any type of supplement in this period. So I think the best thing you can do is to wait until you stop breastfeeding. It’s going to take a while, but it’s better to stay safe!
However, you can use topical products (like shampoos) and herbal remedies that can help your hair stay thick and stop falling out (if that’s the case). As long as you’re not taking it by mouth, you can use pretty much every remedy. My top recommended shampoo for hair loss/growth or thickening is Valotin’s Strengthening Shampoo, because it’s the best option when it comes to effect, but also in terms of quality/price (the others with a similar quality are super expensive). So you can start with it and see how it goes. You can also follow the steps from this guide on thickening hair (except for that one with the supplement).
I really hope this helps you!
Hello Olly,
Thank you very much for replying to my message.
I shall definitely wait until the pregnancy and breastfeeding are over.
The guide is very useful and I shall try the shampoo as well. I have become a regular reader of your website/blog as there are so many useful information given by you from personal experience.
Best wishes,
I’m glad to hear this, Alina! I also plan to launch a YouTube channel for this website and share my advice, tips and reviews as videos as well. You might be interested in that too.
Best wishes!
Hi Olly,
I had blood work done and I am very low on estrogen 25 to be exact, and am considering hormone replacement, but the MD suggested testosterone pellets and they will cause my hair to fall out?
It’s already fallen out so much it’s crazy thin!!
I don’t want something that’s going to make my hair fall out more!!
He mentioned a pill to take care of that but never said what is was??
I am feeling a little lost here as far as the hormone treatments go?
I have had a lot of stress with taking care of my grandson since 4 months who is now almost 6, and the Home schooling that Doesn’t with it , plus some other medical issues like surgeries coming up and I always lose hair after surgeries. I am on social security disability so money is an issue , just wondering ignorance the lien estrogen could be the cause of the hair loss? And Is there a pill for hair loss? If so why only a prescription? It seem so only fair to share with everyone ?!?
But id it’s the one called finesteride does that make your hair Fall back out after you stop? And could the lack of estrogen causing it? And I know lately poor diet has come into play with the unusual stress and not having time to cook right
Thank you!!’
And are all these hormone docs quacks? They charge so much!!!
Thanks again
Hi Susan. As far as I know, testosterone can cause hair loss very often as a side effect, so the pills you’re going to take can lead to this problem. I would suggest talking to your doctor when receiving your prescription and letting him know about this side effect and that it’s so important for you. You also asked me about Finasteride. It’s one of the few FDA approved products against hair loss, but it’s more often use in male baldness/male pattern hair loss (so not very often in women). Anyway, to answer your question – yes, Finasteride causes reverse hair loss if it’s ever stopped, so you basically have to take it for the rest of your life. That’s why I don’t recommend it normally.
When it comes to lack of estrogen, it’s very common in women in menopause and it can affect your hair (but mostly with thinning, not necessarily with hair loss). But if you’re dealing with a lack of estrogen, taking a supplement alone won’t solve the entire problem, you need a prescription treatment from a specialist.
Quick question. My concern is thinning hair and hair loss. I’m leary about taking any hair growth supplement in a pill form. Why? I’m a 62 year old post-menopausal female already dealing with increased growth of facial hair. If many of the oral supplements you recommend stimulate scalp hair growth, wouldn’t facial hair growth be stimulated as well? I want a thick head of hair without the beard and mustache. What are your thoughts on this?
Hi Annette! I can’t really promise you anything, especially since you’re post-menopause and hormonal hair growth is different in this period. But I personally had no problem with facial/body hair in any hair growth supplement (and I do have a lot of body hair – always have). Also, I didn’t have any reader complaining to me about this aspect, so I’m guessing (at least) Folexin is safe from this point of view. But once again, since you’re post-menopause, I cannot guarantee. You can give Folexin or another hair supplement a try, see how it goes and if you notice any increase in your body hair, you can stop it immediately. The body hair shouldn’t grow any faster than before in these conditions.
I hope this helps!
Will this help for post menopause hair thinning? Thank you!
Hi again, Michelle! Normally, it should help with that. But I would also advise you to see a specialist and have your hormones checked. Menopause can cause some hormonal imbalances and this is what makes hair get thinner or fall out. So if the real problem are hormonal imbalances, Folexin will help partially, but you should also try to treat the cause because this supplement’s effect won’t be the best otherwise. Hope this helps!
Have you had any trauma alopecia patients? If so what were the results
Hey Neomi. I don’t remember having any reader with this exact problem, but on paper, Folexin or another hair growth supplement should be effective in this case (as long as the trauma did not affect your hair roots, but this is very unlikely). I’m saying they should work because your hair is normally healthy – it’s only the trauma that weakened or destroyed it. So adding a supplement to your daily regimen will speed up the recovery and potential growth. So my opinion is that you should give it a try. Hope this helps!
Hi I was just reading your reviews on Folexin. I take already hair, skin and nail vitamins plus a collagen peptides powder supplement. Things were going well but all of a sudden I have noticed more thinning and loss of hair not quite shedding again but getting there. If I tried the Folexin should I stop taking what I am taking now.
Rose Ann
Hi Rose. I’m not really sure what exact hair, skin and nail vitamins you’re taking. Folexin contains some ingredients that you see often in that kind of products. So if that supplement you’re taking contains similar ingredients to Folexin, there’s no point taking both together. You will only increase the risk of side effects, but the therapeutic effect won’t get any better. So associating it with Folexin depends a lot on the ingredients it contains. Take a look at Folexin’s ingredients and at those from your supplement and make sure they don’t repeat. As for the collagen supplement, you can take it with Folexin without any worries because it doesn’t contain anything of this type.
Hope this helps!
I really don’t know what to believe. Thank you for your opinion. When anyone is tied to selling a product, it leaves me feeling there is a bias. Not sure how to get past this.
Thank you!
Hi Lindy, thanks for your opinion. I’m not selling this product, it’s not made by me or anything like this, I’m simply using it and many other supplements and Folexin has been the best one in terms of quality/price, that’s why I recommend it so much. The decision is totally yours, though, it’s not the only hair supplement that works.
This supplement sounded so promising for thinning hair! When I read the ingredients however, since I have the MTHFR gene mutation I am unable to take unmethylated B vitamins particularly the folic acid in this product. Can you suggest a similar product without the B vitamins? Or can this product be made with methylated B’s? Thanks for your help!
Hi Judy, I had one of my readers asking me the same question before and until today, I did not find a supplement that I could recommend her so unfortunately, I have the same answer for you. There are several alternatives I recommend to Folexin but they don’t contain the exact same ingredients. Anyway, Viviscal is one of those alternatives and as far as I looked into, it doesn’t contain any B vitamins. You can check my review of it and see, though it’s considerably pricier than Folexin. There’s also Nutrafol, which also doesn’t have any forms of vitamin B or folic acid, but it’s also pricier than Viviscal (and consequently, much pricier than Folexin). I also made a comparison review between them, in case you’re interested.
As far as I know, they don’t make Folexin using a different formula even if requested so this option is off. Hope this helps!
Hi Olly,
I wanted to try this but feel so discouraged having tried so many products that have Not worked.
My hair loss began before 2012. I had such thick hair and noticed one day while driving seeing this balding area on the top of my hair. Long story short in 2012 I became sick, was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis treated for a year then falling severely ill. This led to 6 surgeries and it took a toll on my body. My teeth and my hair. I remember it would just fall out and i saved it showed my Dr’s who wouldn’t really touch on that because of what I’d gone through.
Soon as I was released my daughter purchased a pkg of laser treatments and i was spending $65 on Viviscal Professional formula. My hair did begin to show and I was happy. Then the shedding began again… I began to purchase other brands of hair loss pills, did oil treatments and changed my diet exercise routine. Nothing worked. My hair has thinned so much on top I started to panic and ordered wigs. That in it self was another nightmare. I never want to deal with purchasing a wig ever again! I stumbled on to your review and felt hopeful again. My Dr’s give me that look whenever I tell them and show them what I am using since I am so upset having lost so much hair. I get upset with them then they tell me well if it makes you feel better than. I have spent so much money on products that are useless and only wish to find something that actually works. Your story inspired me to try one more time because my hair continues fall out.
Thank you for reviewing this product and giving me hope one more time!
Hey there El, thanks so much for sharing your journey and problems with us. I’m extremely sorry to hear how many bad things you’ve been going through, and as if your colitis wasn’t enough, you also experienced hair and teeth issues. I really wish there was something I could do about it. Now, I cannot guarantee that Folexin will help you since so many products did not. But at least it’s much cheaper than most, so giving it a try is a lot more affordable.
From what I understood, you did notice some improvement while taking Viviscal but your hair started falling out again after a while. Is that right? But did the shedding start while taking Viviscal or because of the fact that you stopped it? That could make a difference.
You may also want to check this guide I wrote about growing hair faster (it’s also available for decreasing hair loss). The tips may not make a huge difference but some might really help you. I really hope you’re going to see some big changed with Folexin and please keep me updated on your progress. Best wishes for you!
What happens if I stop taking the pills? I would like to stop at one point since I hate taking pills of any kind. I’m 68 years old and have been having thinning and losing hair for over 20 years now. Will I have to worry about losing hair again or it getting worse?
Hi Yvonne, supplements don’t cause reverse hair loss usually, meaning that the hair that started to grow because of the product will not fall out once you stop taking it. You may get a period of shedding but things should get back to normal pretty soon. Also – this doesn’t happen to all people, only to a few. And the shedding should not be as bad as before, that’s for sure. So you can try Folexin or herbal-based supplements without any worries. That hair loss that you’re talking about is a side effect of prescription medication like Finasteride or Minoxidil. They are the ones that cause reverse hair loss if you stop using them, so they have to be used for the entire life. When it comes to supplements, that’s not the case.
Hope this helps!
In the beginning of your article you say Vitamin A can cause hair loss and to stay away from it BUT in your supplement you have lots of Vitamin A. I am confused. Can you explain why I should take Vitamin A. My hair is thinning all over my head and has been for months and I have been taking Vitamin A which is in my Vitamin C supplement. The Vitamin A is 1800mcg that I take but in the article you say:
“In fact, out of my top 5 – only 3 cause hair loss more often:
vitamin A, zinc, selenium
So why is it in your supplement and it’s more than I take? Confused.
Hi Diane, I’m not very sure where exactly in my article I stated the things you mentioned. Are you speaking about this review? Or what exact article? Let me know and I will check and explain you what exactly I meant (I’m pretty sure it’s not what you understood). 🙂
Olly, Here is the article. The article has a picture of you which is why I thought you wrote the article. Thanks for your help.
Hellor Diane, thanks for pointing this out and let me explain. An excess of those vitamins/minerals can cause hair loss/thinning and other issues that are not related to hair. However, hair supplements contain very little doses of these nutrients (far from the excessive amount). Let’s say you take a supplement based on vitamin A and zinc. The label recommends taking 2 pills per day, but you decide to take 5 (hoping that the effect would be better). Well in this case, you’re at risk of getting an excessive dose and dealing with side effects (which include hair problems). But if you take the recommended 2 pills, that won’t be the case (because supplements rarely contain very high doses).
I hope it’s more clear now. So the amounts from Folexin or most hair supplements will never cause any hair loss/thinning, simply because they’re far from the highest intake limit. Hope this helps!
Due to your reviews, I bought the 6-month supply & took, as directed, for 6 months. It did nothing at all for my hair. Still looking for best supplement as this ain’t it for me. Plus the extra iron in it is an ingredient my body doesn’t need. I wanted it to work, sigh.
Hi Linda, thanks a lot for your feedback on Folexin. I am both so sorry and surprised it didn’t help you at all, since most people who tried it noticed at least some kind of improvement after this time. But if it didn’t help you at all so far, I doubt it would in the future, so maybe you should give it up and try something else instead. Have you tried any hair supplement before? And if you have, has anything helped more or less? Also, what is your exact hair problem (is it a general hair loss/thinning or a more complex one, caused by primary issues)?
This was the first I tried. Have always had thin hair but is just getting worse (plus I have my dad’s hairline). I’m looking into other supplements. Since naturenetics actually did refund the $ I paid to try their product, I’m taking it, though just started. I’m so tired of trying to find something that works. Any advice, much appreciated.
Hello Linda, so have you tried Folexin or what exact supplement? I’m not very sure I got it right. Anyway, there are several supplements I recommend for thinning hair/shedding, it all depends on your budget. You can also take a look at this guide on making your hair thicker, it’s not going to make miracles overnight but it can help in the long run.
Hi Olly, I am long past menopause but I am losing hair all over my head, not in one specific place. I went to a Endocrinologist a year and half ago who was one who believed in Bio Identical Thyroid which I liked. He said my Reverse T3 was too high. So he put me on these drugs and the number came down from 17 (Jan 2019) to 15 (July 2019) but then started going back up to 18 by the next test (Nov 2019). And he had me on more of the drug then. He then wanted to increase the ml of the drug. I decided I was really not sure he was correct and every time I had a blood test he charged me $350 to tell me the results and that was every 6 weeks. And he does not take insurance. I was not tired at all which he said I would be. My spirits were good, no depression, no feeling cold, no memory problems. I do have dry skin and had thinning hair for awhile. Plus when he started me on these drugs they were graduated up every week and he actually gave me too much and I got very sick in the very beginning. I kept calling and calling his office and he never called me back. And when I did see him, he blamed his staff. And the only reason I saw him was because my son had to drive me I was too weak and so sick I could not drive the 30 mins to his office. So after all this, I decided to go off the drugs and see how my numbers would be. But Covid hit so I have not had new blood tests. But I am off the drugs and am feeling fine. Just have thinning hair all over. I was thinking choosing to go off the drugs might have caused the hair thinning. But I don’t want lose all my hair. I have fine hair but always had lots of it. Now not so much.
Hi Diane, I’m so sorry to hear about your issues. So let me get it clear – did your thinning start after Bio Identical Thyroid or before? Do you think it’s this drug causing your thinning or the fact that you gave it up? I couldn’t recommend you anything right now, since you’re already taking that thyroid supplement – I usually advise people to ask for their doctor’s opinion if they are on a prescribed treatment, before going for any additional supplement.
So please clarify me on the aspects I mentioned and maybe I can give you a better advice. Best wishes!
Hi Olly, The thinning started after going off the bio identical drugs. So yes, I think it’s because I gave up these drugs. I am not on any thyroid medication and haven’t been since the end of Dec 2019. I just take vitamins and supplements, like Vitamin C, Vitamin D. I did take something for the adrenals that the doctor prescribed after he gave me too much of the drug. But an not longer taking that.
Hi Olly, I am NOT on any thyroid meds at all. I went off of the bio identical meds in Dec of 2019. I believe my hair started thinning after I stopped the meds. I think stopping the meds changed something. I am not losing hair in just one place. It is thinning all over my head. I did take an over the counter supplement this doctor recommended. It was an adrenal repair supplement, because he said my adrenals were damaged during this early period when he gave me too much thyroid meds. I took those supplements for about 9 months in 2019. Not on them now. I do take Vitamin D, C, Fish Oil.
Hope this clarifies things.
Hi Diane, thanks for your answer, it surely clarifies it all. So my honest opinion would be that you should get back on some thyroid drugs. If your thinning started after going off the drugs, it’s obvious that your thyroid issues are behind this thinning. I understand that your doctor gave you a wrong dose of the drug so your adrenals suffered the consequences. Well, normally, he should either prescribe you a lower dose or switch to a different product (until you find something that suits your body better).
So I doubt that a certain supplement could solve your problem completely. Just one short question, are you seeing any results with the supplements you’re currently taking (Vitamins C and D + Fish Oil)? Also, how long have you been taking them?
Hi Olly, I am not convinced that I need thyroid even with the hair loss. I have taken Vitamin C, D and Fish oil as NAC, PQQ, CoQ10, Vitamin B complex for as long as I can remember. I don’t know that I see results because I have taken them for a long time. It’s a way of life taking these supplements. I didn’t go to this doctor because I was losing hair. Are you a pharmacist?
Hey again Diane. Yes, I am a pharmacist. So did you experience any thinning before developing your thyroid issues? If you did not, this is surely the main cause behind.
Hi Linda, I never said such thing. All I said is that those nutrients can cause thinning/hair loss if take in VERY HIGH DOSES. This usually happens if you take a supplement based entirely on them without having it prescribed by a specialist (for instance, you heard that zinc can help hair loss so you start taking a zinc supplement that contains 100 mg without any recommendation, when you probably don’t even need it). Folexin and most hair supplements contain nutrients like zinc, selenium, vitamin E, etc. in minimal to average doses, so they are far from harmful in these cases.
Hope this clarifies your worries.
Will the scalp or hair condition revert to its previous state if the pills are no longer taken? Thank you.
Hi Betty, I cannot tell for sure but it normally depends on the exact cause behind your hair loss. For instance, if you have some hormonal imbalances, this supplement will help your hair partially and the results should be visible. However, if you stop using it, the hair will come back to its previous shape (since the problem is an internal one). However, if you treat your hormonal imbalances in the meantime, it should not start falling out/thinning once you quit the pills.
On the other hand, if there’s no major cause behind your hair problems, giving up on Folexin should no affect your hair. I say this from my own experience: once I started treating my problems (a mix of hormonal imbalances, nutrition deficiencies, stress, etc.), my hair didn’t get thinner again after I stopped Folexin. So it all depends on your actual issues.
Hope this helps.
Do you know of any other products that are just as good as Folexin? On their page, it says it contains soy and I cannot have soy products due to my kidney issues. What other non-soy products can be used that are just effective?
Hi Angela, there are several other products that contain the exact same formula as Folexin, so they are just as effective (but their price is slightly higher, that’s why I recommend Folexin instead). However, most of them contain soy – in fact, most hair supplements I looked into have soy among their inactive ingredients. Here’s a list of my top recommended hair supplements at the moment, you can check that out and see if any of them is soy-free. If not, you can look for supplements with similar formulas that do not contain soy.
Hope this helps!
Does taking Minoxidil and Folexin have any negative results? Is it safe to take both with my Metformin and Liprinosil?
Thank you
Hi James, normally they can be taken together safely. Folexin can be taken with these 2 drugs because it’s a supplement, so the risk of interactions is minor. But Minoxidil is often given on prescription (although it can be purchases without one) – so I recommend asking your doctor’s consent first. Still, Minoxidil is a topical product, so the risk of interactions with some oral drugs is also quite low.
Hope this helps!
Hi Olly, how are you? In the mid 2000’s I had my yearly physical and the blood tests revealed that I have hypothyroidism. Also, my hair was shedding/ falling out. I’ve always had long, thick , naturally curly hair. I was told once I’m on Levoxyl/Levothyroxine my hair will stop shedding/ falling out. It didn’t. Years later I went to see a Dermatologist to find out what’s going on. The doctor took a piece of skin from my scalp to find the problem. The results came back as Alopecia Areata. I asked if I was going to become bald. He said, “no”. Well, he lied. Ever since then, my hair continues to fall out and now is very very thin. I want to cry every time I wash my hair. It’s like my hair was cut, so much hair in my hands, then when I comb my hair, oh my, it’s horrible! I have no bald spots, yet. The very first picture you showed of your hair before you started Folecin , my hair is worse. I would be watching t.v and run my fingers through my hair or brush it to go out, so much hair in the brush. I haven’t been to a hair salon in many years because I’m embarrassed and the drier is too hot when I sit under it with rollers in my hair. My hair line along my forehead is no longer where it use to be. Just recently I started looking at wigs, my WORSE NIGHTMARE.
If I start taking Folexin for months and months and I see progress, then I stop to give my liver a break, will my hair start to fall out again because I have hypothyroidism? It’s not like people who have stress and it can be controlled, therefore, hair will not fall out when they stop using Folexin. Hypothyroid is a medical problem, so wondering if the fall out will start up again if I stop Folexin?
Thank you,
Hi, I’m not down grading stress, it’s a serious problem people are facing. Stress is very dangerous. It is very hard to control. I deeply apologize if I offended anyone who is struggling with it. I definitely know how it feels. Please forgive me.
Hello Yiyana, no worries, you did not offend anyone, you’re completely free to share your opinion no matter what it was.
I’m extremely sorry to hear about your hair issues. I’ve been fighting with hormonal hair loss for a long part of my life and I know how frustrating it can be for you to try every treatment and still not notice any results. But let me ask you – is your shedding causes by hypothyroidism or Alopecia Areata? I didn’t understand it very clearly from your description, this is why I’m asking, just to make sure.
Regarding Folexin – I cannot guarantee that it’s going to work, given your problems. If your hair loss is caused by hypothyroidism, you need to treat the cause first. Otherwise, no matter what hair supplements you’re on, your hair is not going to stop falling out completely. But from what I understood, you are following a treatment for your thyroid issues, which would be fine.
Now, assuming Folexin works and it helps your hair get back into its regular shape – I cannot guarantee that it’s going to stay so if you stop taking the supplement. But there is a high chance it will stay the same. However, even if it does fall out again – typically, this won’t happen in a few weeks. Instead, it would normally start falling out again in 2-3 months, so if this happens, you can restart taking Folexin (a 2-3 months break would be enough, in my view).
But once again, I can’t even guarantee that it’s going to work from the start. I really wish I could help you with a clear recommendation, but I don’t want to make you spend your money on stuff that might not even help you. If you afford it, though – you might want to take a look at laser caps. They are quite a recent category of hair loss products and they use a special mechanism, so they might help a lot more than the typical supplements/topical products.
I really hope that my answer helps you any little bit. Please let me know how things go for you in the future and I would really love to stay in touch with you. Best wishes for you!
Hi, I’m on levothyroxine for my hypothyroidism. Then I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. My hair is falling out because of the alopecia areata.
Thanks for your answer, Yiyana. This means that your hypothyroidism has nothing to do with your hair loss, since it’s kept under control with those drugs. So if you only have alopecia areata, you might want to give Folexin a try. But once again – if your follicles are already damaged, I don’t know how much it could help. I can’t even guarantee that it’s going to help you even if you have normal follicles. That’s because alopecia areata is a special condition – and unfortunately supplements don’t always work here.
What might help you are laser caps. I know I told you about them in my previous comment and unfortunately, they’re quite expensive. But if you afford investing in one that is worth it, you might get some results. Laser devices have many reviews from people suffering from alopecia areata and they seem to help in some cases (not in all though). So it’s pretty much the only thing I can think about right now.
I really hope this helps you any single bit and sorry I can’t give you some more clear recommendations. Wish you the best!
Thank you for responding. Keep up the great work and thank you for your dedication and research in trying to help others who are struggling with hair loss.
Thanks a lot, Yiyana. I wish you the best and please keep me updated with your journey! 🙂
Hello, I hope that your product can help me with my hair loss. I have 5 children and after giving birth to each, except one, I had major hair loss. I used Rogain and the hair returned almost fully. However, after the last one, the Rogain started to give me terrible headaches, to the point where I could not use it anymore. Additionally, It caused facial hair which was quite discouraging. For several years now, I have been having major shedding every time I comb my hair, to the point where I just don’t want to comb it any more. I have two bald spots in the middle of my head and it very thin hair all over, especially my edges.
I came across this product by mistake while researching another. I am very excited about the reviews of this product and hope that it can stop my shedding and cause my hair to regrow. I have tried so many products since Rogain over the years, but nothing worked, so I am going to give it one last chance before cutting it and resorting to wearing a wig.
Hi Brenda, I’m so sorry to hear about the hair problems you’ve been going through. So first of all – did your hair loss start after giving birth? Did you experience hair loss that was not pregnancy related at any other point in your life? I know hair loss is very common after pregnancy and lots of women experience it – and that’s mostly because of hormonal imbalances. However, it usually gets better a few months afterwards. And this doesn’t seem to be your case.
Regarding Rogaine (Minoxidil), it’s not a product I normally recommend because of 2 reasons: its high rate of side effects (which you fully experience at this point) and the fact that it has to be used for the rest of one’s life (otherwise it can even worsen the hair loss). Still – as you already started using it, I think it’s wiser to keep going. Now, my advice would be to give up the oral form and switch to a topical one instead. In this way, you should get the same benefits for your scalp hair without experiencing any body hair growth. Also – since it’s a topical version, it shouldn’t cause you any general side effects (like headaches).
Now, as for Folexin – it should be effective in your case, given the symptoms you mentioned. If you started using Minoxidil (Rogaine) topically, you could associate it with an oral supplement like Folexin. If you budget affords it (I think it does, since Folexin is quite cheap), I actually advise you to combine them and see if you notice any positive changes in about 2-4 months.
Also – in the meantime, you can use some hair fibers to hide your bald spots. I feel like they are a much easier alternative to wigs, especially if you only have a couple of bald spots (as it seems to be your case). Also, laser caps are a last generation devices that have some really good results. But I would leave them as a last-minute alternative, because they are quite expensive so they’re rather an investment.
Please keep me updated and hopefully this strategy works for you. Best wishes!
Hi Olly!
I just ordered some Folexin and am looking forward to trying it. i like the ingredients and have heard good things about several of them.
I had been using Viviscal for a while and did not see major results. It may have helped some and maybe kept things from getting worse. My hair seems to be thinning mostly. It may be in part due to age, though not yet at menopause, and it may also be related to some (advertised as very good) hair products I ordered and used several years ago.
I am looking for a little more thickening like I saw in one of your photos where you show your hair parted. I have in the past had aloepecia areata, but it has been years now and I do believe it was due to stress.
I am hoping the Folexin will help with thickening and if it grows too, then bonus!
Additionally, you mentioned laser caps in previous replies here, but I also saw where you mentioned a laser brush as a product recommendation, and it is cheaper than the cap.
Can the brush give similar results just take longer? Or are there certain instances where you recommend the cap over the brush and vice versa?
Thank you very much for your work here! You are soooo helpful, informed and supportive!
Hi Crystal, thank you so much for your kind words, it really motivates me whenever I hear such appreciation words for my work! Regarding Folexin, based on the description of your symptoms, I think you’re the right candidate for it, since your main problem is thinning. You may not see results as fast as I did (or you can see them even faster), but I suggest giving it at least 2-3 months in order to see what it can do.
Regarding your question about laser devices, both laser caps and combs use the same mechanism of action, so the effect is the same overall. The reason why I recommend laser combs/brushes (one particularly actually) is because I think they make a much better deal. HairMax’s laser brush has the same effect as the caps from the same producer, it doesn’t work any slower or with a lower intensity. It’s only that it’s a bit more uncomfortable to use (if I can say so). With brushes, you have to comb them through your hair manually – while with caps, you only have to place them or your head and nothing more. So the effect is the same, it’s only a matter of comfort.
Still, the price difference is huge, this is why I strongly recommend the laser brush instead of the cap. For me personally, comfort doesn’t matter as much as money, so I would be much happier paying less and getting the same result (but in a more uncomfortable way). If that’s your case as well, I advise you to go for the brush. If you prefer comfort and you’re willing to pay more, then go for the laser cap.
But in terms of results or duration, there’s absolutely no difference. Hope this helps you and clarifies your questions!
Please keep me updated on your hair journey! Best wishes!
That completely answered both concerns and it was great to get confirmation especially about the supplement.
I too prefer saving money, especially if a large disparity, over a little more comfort. Perfect way to put it!
Will try the Folexin for a while and will look further into the brush as a later possibility.
Also, is it possible to take too much biotin?
I often take a multivitamin that contains biotin, an additional high dose biotin tablet, and along with a hair supplement/vitamin that has biotin.
Am I defeating the purpose?
Hi Crystal, it’s definitely possible to take too much biotin and it’s a very dangerous issue. That’s because biotin tends to cause some really bad side effects (out of which acne is the worst), but only when taken in high doses. I personally recommend sticking to 1000 mcg per day at most (or up to 2000 mcg if you notice that it’s okay for your body). Anything that is above this quantity increases the risk for side effects considerably. If you want to see an example, Sugar Bear Vitamins has lots of complaints on Amazon about acne and breakouts and guess what? It contains a really high dose of biotin.
So I strongly recommend you to give up that additional biotin tablet you take (I have no idea what dose it has, but supplements based only on biotin tend to have really high doses, so that’s why I never recommend them). It’s true that some people don’t experience any side effects even at 10 000 mcg/day, so it can be a matter of luck (and experiencing). But I personally don’t recommend it, I try to keep my biotin dose under 1000 mcg/day.
Hope this helps!
Oh wow!
That’s a big help! My biotin tablet has 800 mcg which is almost your recommended limit. My multi can have 30-40 mcg depending on the brand, and my recent supplement had 100mcg per tablet with 2 tablet dosage.
That was good but there is another hair vitamin I take occasionally that has 1250 per tablet! That one I have to watch to make sure not to take much else with it…
A few years back I had increased acne with a previously ordered hair supplement and I had to return it due to breakouts. I already have acne concerns so when it got significantly worse, it was like I was having to sacrifice the health of the skin on my face for something I was not even sure was helping my hair. I have since wondered at times if I should have kept at it, maybe it was detoxing me, etc. but eventually came to the same conclusion that it was not worth the risk and consequences. Because of your info, I just looked at the website and it has 5,000 mcg of biotin! Now I know why I was breaking out more! The acne likely was not going to get better because my body does not require very high dosages of anything – meds, etc. Mystery solved! Thank you Olly!!!
When I get the Folexin, since it has 600mcg, I will only take my multi.
You’re more than welcome, Crystal, I’m so happy to be able to help! Yes, that huge dose of biotin surely had a negative impact on your breakouts, but at least you learned your lesson. Good luck and wish you all the best! 🙂
Hi I’m on my 3rd month and am disappointed that I’m not getting the same results as everyone else here is. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thank you.
Hi Vee, I’m so sorry to hear you’re not seeing results. But don’t feel discourages because of this, it took me a very long time to find something that works for me. In my case, it was Folexin, but it surely doesn’t work in 100% of cases. So in your situation, it’s probably going to be something else. Could you give me some background on your hair loss (medical affections, family history, anything you consider to be relevant)?
Hi Olly, I’m a 34-year old male dealing with male pattern baldness. Basically I have thinning on my crown and I see my hairline in the front receding a little bit. I see that you recommend both Procerin and Profollica in different parts of your site for men having this issue. I wanted to clarify a few points:
1). Ultimately, it seems like you believe the Procerin pill is more effective than the Profolica pill because Procerin has Saw Palmetto and Profolica doesn’t. Is this correct?
2). On the flip side, it also seems like you are steering more towards the Profolica gel over the Procerin foam. Would you agree? Profolica only needs to be applied once a day, which is more convenient.
3). If I am correct in terms of questions 1 and 2, could I mix up these products and potentially take the Procerin pill alongside the Profolica gel? Or is mixing these products a bad idea?
Thank you for all you do,
Hi Vlad, sorry to hear about your hair issues. But yes, you’re pretty much right about the 2 points. There isn’t a huge difference between Procerin and Profollica (in terms of supplements), but Procerin has a slightly better composition due to Saw Palmetto. But I tend to recommend Profollica overall, because its supplement + serum is better than Procerin’s supplement + serum.
But since you asked, combining Procerin’s supplement with Profollica’s gel is a great idea actually. After all, you would still be combining 2 products (supplement + gel), but they would not be from the same brand. If they’re from 2 different brands, it doesn’t really matter, as long as they don’t have the same form (like taking both Procerin and Profollica supplements). So I really advise you to go for this strategy you made up, I find it very useful actually. And please keep me updated on how it goes. Good luck!
Hi Olly, thanks for the response! So just to clarify, you recommend Profolica gel plus Procerin oral supplements, correct?
But in that case, I should use only the Procerin supplement and not take the Profolica along with it as well, correct? I only ask because, as you know, when we order with Profolica they make us order BOTH the gel and the supplement. So when I order the gel, they will send me the supplement along with it. But when I make my procerin order, I will order only thr supplement. Sorry if this is kinda confusing!! P.S. I think I may have submitted another comment on a similar topic because I thought my original one got deleted, so I apologize for the redundancy 🙂
Hey Vlad, don’t worry. Yes, you’re totally right, I recommend using Profollica gel + Procerin supplement in your case. It’s true that they will only allow you to buy the Profollica gel & supplement together, that’s why I prefer to recommend the 2 products as such, because there’s no way to get only the gel (as far as I know). But if your budget allows it, go for the Procerin supplement as well and combine it with Profollica gel (without taking their supplement as well). If your budget doesn’t allow it, then go for Profollica only and see if you manage to see an improvement with its 2 products alone.
But from what I understood from you, you would rather spend a bit more and try Procerin supplement + Profollica gel. Either way, please keep me updated on how things go for you. Good luck and I hope this helps you!
Thanks so much Olly, will keep you posted! And just so I have a realistic expectation, how many months (roughly) does it usually take for folks to start seeing an improvement on a treatment plan such as this one im planning to start? That way I dont give up prematurely. FYI, I am 34 years old.
You’re welcome, Vlad. I don’t know how bad your hair issues are – but normally, 3-6 months would be enough to start seeing some results, depending on the intensity of your hair problems. If your issues are rather minor, give these products a try for about 3-4 months and if you don’t see any change, it’s time to try something else because they’re probably not effective for you (let me know in this case and I will try to see what else I can recommend you). Good luck!
Hi Olly, I haven’t ordered yet but seriously thinking about it, my question is I’m taking quite a bit of prescription meds and I’m wondering about the interaction folexin would have on these meds, I currently take metformin, Eliquis, losartan, diltiazem, I would rather not take this supplement than give up my scripts. Thank you will be looking for a reply.
Hi Anna, you’re taking quite a few drugs so for now, I would not recommend using Folexin or any other supplement. The risk of interactions is still small, but since you’re taking more than 3 drugs, I would avoid adding a supplement as well. I also advise you not giving up your prescription drugs for the sake of being able to take a supplement – after all, health is more important than hair, as badly as this may sound.
What I recommend you instead are several hair products from Valotin. I used them together with Folexin and even though the supplement was responsible for about 70% of my progress, the shampoo and hair serum surely did the other 30% part. So I don’t know how your hair condition, but this percent may be enough to make a difference. But that’s in the most pessimistic scenario, it might help a lot more actually.
Anyway, since they are topical products, they have absolutely no interaction with your drugs so you can use them without any worries. I really hope this helps you!
You mentioned that Folexin was only part of your journey with hair loss. My hair loss is also due to other health issues and has been going on for more than 5 years now. So I was wondering what the other parts of your journey were. I’m on a specialized diet for my health so eating healthy is definitely taken care of. Is there anything else that would help?
Hi JT, here’s a detailed article about my story with hair loss.
Be careful taking horsetail. It can cause a thiamin deficiency which can result in nerve pain in your hands, arms, legs and feet. It’s very painful and I couldn’t even type. If you have these symptoms, stop taking it immediately. It will require a week or so before the pain recedes.
Hey Maya, I haven’t heard anything about this side effect of horsetail before. Could you show me some clinical evidence (studies, research papers, etc.)? It might have been just a coincidence or a side effect of a different medication, so I wouldn’t guarantee it was because of the horsetail from Folexin (which is in a very low amount, by the way). So unless I see some studies on this topic, I wouldn’t associate horsetail with nerve problems.
I would like to try a product to help my hair growth as this all started when l had chemo. I have tried Nutrofol but product gave me diarrhea not good since l have IBS. Most of these products are a scam and just take your money. Will Foxelin help with no side effects
Hey Rita, I personally had some great results with Folexin and I tolerated it really well (no side effects). I didn’t have any readers complaining about side effects with Folexin (even though I had lots of people getting back to me with their feedback on this product). Now, I tolerated Nutrafol pretty well too, but I do believe that its ingredients have a slightly higher risk of side effects compared to those of Folexin.
Besides, Folexin is really affordable, which is one of the main reasons why I recommend it. So my advice would be to give it a try, it’s the best hair supplement I personally used.
I wish you a lot of health and a speedy recovery!
Hi Olly! I’ve appreciated reading your reviews and your helpful guidance. I originally started researching hair growth supplements after watching the Revifol video. I currently have thin, wavy hair, but it has been thinning further over the last two years, perhaps due to stress, genetics, age, etc. When I read your recommendation to try Folexin, I was encouraged and I almost made a purchase. However, I noticed on the Folexin website that the current 2 capsule dosage of biotin seems way off the charts at 5000 mcg. Perhaps the company has changed its dosage? If so, I wonder if you would still recommend the product in light of your caution to avoid biotin levels over 1000 mcg. Thank you for your help.
Hey James, I thought I had answered your other question previously, but I can’t seem to find the answer, so I probably did not get back to you, sorry. Yes, you’re totally right, I checked Folexin’s website right now and they have indeed raised their biotin dosage to 5000 mcg, which is extremely frustrating. As you can see from the pictures from my review, it used to have 600 mcg until now (and the bottles I have at home actually have this dosage, so the change is pretty recent).
Honestly, I still recommend the supplement, because it has an excellent formula even in these conditions and it costs a lot less than products with similar ingredients. Its previously normal biotin does wasn’t necessarily one of the reasons why I recommended it, but it was surely an advantage. Still, you can buy Folexin and give it a try for 2 weeks. If you don’t experience any pimples in the fist 2 weeks, I would say you’re pretty safe.
The breakouts due to biotin actually appear in a low per cent of people, mostly in those with a skin that is more prone to acne or who have a history of pimples. But they are certainly more common in products with high doses of biotin than in those with a lower amount. Still, there’s no need to panic because about 95% of people who take even a high dose of biotin would be safe.
Hope this helps!
Hi Olly
I was about to place my order for Folexin until I read someone’s question about the increase of the amount of Biotin. In order to not take too much biotin, would you recommend taking only 1 capsule per day of Folexin instead of 2?
Also it doesn’t appear that there is a return policy if you don’t like the product for some reason, or can’t tolerate it, or get side effects from it etc. It seems most hair products that I’ve seen offer very lenient return for refund policies. Am I missing something?
Thanks, Marjorie
Hey Marjorie, yeah, I was very disappointed to see they recently changed their formula (which was already perfect as it was, if you ask me). So yes, you can start by taking one capsule of Folexin a day, instead of 2. A lot of people don’t have absolutely any problems taking a high dose of biotin, so you may be one of them. You can try and see. But starting with one pill would definitely be okay in terms of effect.
Regarding their refund policy, I have to be honest and tell you I have no idea. I did read something about refunds on their website at one point, but I can’t really tell for sure, so what you can do is to contact the company and see what they say. They most likely offer refunds.
Hope this helps!