How To Thicken Your Hair Naturally (In 9 Steps)

How To Thicken Your Hair Naturally (In 9 Steps)

Are you bored of seeing your hair thin and greasy?

Let me guess – you probably tried several remedies but nothing seemed to help for real.

Well, there’s one thing you didn’t try – my strategy.

Here’s my guide on how to thicken your hair naturally in 9 steps AND:

  • make it look fuller (even though it’s not)
  • get more volume instantly
  • give the impression of healthier hair

Note: These 9 steps work best when followed together, so make sure you don’t skip any.


STEP #1 – Use A Dry Shampoo Daily

You might think that dry shampoos are made for dirty hair.

That’s true – but they also have certain benefits for thin locks.

1. How & Why?

Shortly – dry shampoos work by adding volume.

Applying it on your greasy hair will absorb the oil, that’s completely true.

But it will also add more volume to your roots:

  • increases strands friction
  • absorbs additional oils
  • prevents hair from getting limp

That’s why dry shampoos are an unexpected help when it comes to volume.

2. My Top Recommendation

Honestly – most dry shampoos add volume, so it’s not about choosing a certain brand.

Still, I personally prefer to go for high-quality products:

  • volume lasts much longer
  • hair looks fuller for the whole day
  • stronger effect overall

My top choice is Oribe’s dry shampoo – which is a professional product from a reputable brand.

It’s not the cheapest choice ever, that’s totally true.

But if you afford it – it’s the best dry shampoo I personally know.


Dry shampoos are really helpful when it comes to adding volume.

So if you want thicker hair instantly – they can really help.

I personally prefer high quality products, but most dry shampoos would do (for a short term volume).



STEP #2 – Go For A Herbal Hair Supplement

My Folexin (Foligen) Review - My #1 Recommendation For Hair Loss & Growth

Most people think supplements are only good for hair loss.

But in reality – they’re a great remedy for thinning hair.

I have a personal experience with this kind of products, so I know what I’m saying.

1. How & Why?

Besides its hair growth/loss effect – a hair supplement also boosts thickness:

  • adds more volume to the roots
  • increases fullness and density
  • makes hair feel healthier
  • stimulates follicles 

Honestly – out of all the 9 remedies from my list, hair supplements are probably the strongest one (in terms of effect).

However, their effect appears in 1-3 months – that’s why you need patience.

But if you really want thicker hair – I strongly advise you to start using a supplement.

On the long term, you will see huge benefits.

2. My Top Recommendation

First of all – don’t go for basic hair vitamins:

  • pretty weak ingredients
  • not very effective for thickening hair
  • possible side effects (due to their high biotin dosages)

Instead – I strongly recommend supplements based on herbal extracts:

  • fastest effect overall
  • way more positive reviews
  • cheaper cost per pill
  • work much better than general vitamins

My top recommended formula is a product called Folexin.

It has the best price on the market (in terms of quality/effect).

So if there’s a supplement I would recommend – it’s definitely this one.

Still – I have a longer list of recommended products, in case you need more alternatives. 


A quality hair supplement will boost your hair thickenss’ a lot.

In case you also have problems with thinning – it’s even more effective.

So using a herbal supplement is probably the most important step out of this 9.

Its effect isn’t very fast – but its intensity is.



STEP #3 – Keep It Curly

The curler your hair it is – the thicker it looks.

That’s one of the tips I personally use and one of the main secrets of thick-looking hair.

Your hair may be very thin in reality – but keeping it curly will make it seem a lot thicker.

1. How & Why?

It’s all about the texture:

  • curlier hair looks a lot shorter
  • for this reason, it also seems fuller (especially the ends)

In case your hair tends to be limp – waves will also give your roots an energy boost.

Besides, you can also use back-combing to add more volume to your roots.

But in terms of thin ends – even basic waves should solve the problem.

2. My Top Recommendation

It’s quite simple.

Try to maintain your hair (at least) wavy and avoid that long, sleek hair look:

  1. If you hair naturally curly hair, you’re lucky. 
  2. But if you don’t – keeping it wavy can help you tremendously.

So in case you have straight hair – try going for heat-free methods of curling your hair:

You can also use styling tools (especially for faster/tight curls).

But make sure you apply a heat protection spray first.

Also – try to use a professional tool that will avoid damage as much as possible.


Any wave pattern will make your hair look fuller and thicker.

Instead of keeping your hair plain and straight – try to wear it curly (as much as possible).

This can give you a volume boost instantly.



STEP #4 – Use Hair Fibers

Most people use hair fibers to hide a bald spots.

But actually – this kind of products can also help with thickness.

1. How & Why?

First of all – thin hair tends to get limp easily.

Well, hair fibers are actually particles that add thickness – so they prevent your hair from becoming limp:

  • add more texture to your roots
  • they look fuller instantly
  • also absorb greasiness

Applying them on a partially bald scalp covers the empty spots successfully.

However – applying them on a full, thin scalp adds more texture to the roots.

That’s why your hair ends up looking fuller within seconds.

2. My Top Recommendation

Using hair fibers every morning will make your hair a lot thicker.

But as you know – that’s only an aesthetic solution (not an actual treatment).

Still – I think it’s worth giving hair fibers a chance:

  • choose a shade close to your hair color
  • apply it daily/whenever necessary
  • use a small brush to blend in

Now – there are many brands on the market, so you have where to choose from.

My top recommendation is Caboki – because their fibers are more professional than any others:

  • don’t have to be taken off daily
  • you can sleep with them without staining your bed
  • really good price

But as I said, there are many other alternatives so pick the one that is best for you.


Hair fibers are a great solution for making your roots thicker.

It’s an aesthetic remedy that works in a few seconds.

Since it’s so easy to use – it’s definitely worth the shot.



STEP #5 – Switch To Volumizing Products

Instead of using regular products – choose some specially designed for your hair type.

This will make a big difference in your look, trust me. 

1. How & Why?

Well – products designed for fine hair are meant to add volume:

  • contain different ingredients
  • their formulas create friction between strands
  • this makes your hair look fuller

You might believe that volumizing products are more harmful – but that’s completely false.

They’re no more unhealthy than products meant for frizzy hair, for example.

But in terms of effect, they surely work.

2. My Top Recommendation

So what kind of volumizing products should you use?

  1. Starts with a specialized shampoo.
  2. Using a conditioner isn’t a must in this case.
  3. However, you can go for a leave-in conditioner.
  4. Once your hair is dry, use hairspray to keep in fuller.

Now – I don’t have a certain recommended brand.

Pretty much every hair producer has a volume line.

That’s why you have way too many options to choose from – it shouldn’t be too hard.

Just make sure the products are meant for extra volume and that’s it.


Switching your regular products to extra volume ones can really help.

Volumizing products can give your hair the boost of thickness it needs.

It might sound too simple – but it’s actually effective.


STEP #6 – Tease Your Roots

I recommend doing this step only for special occasions.

That’s because anytime you need extra volume – back-combing can be a life saver.

1. How & Why?

This method has been used by centuries and it still works.

Teasing your roots will give them the instant volume you’re looking for:

  • prevents limp hair
  • increases fullness and density
  • full hair looks thicker

Now – back-combing is usually performed on the roots.

However, it manages to make even your roots thicker.

That’s why it’s been such a popular method for such a long while.

2. My Top Recommendation

As I said – I don’t recommend teasing your roots daily.

If you have fine hair, this might affect its health on the long term.

But on special occasions – back-combining can help a lot.



Whenever you need some real volume fast – go for back-combing.

If you combine it with the other tips, your hair should look fuller within minutes.

Just make sure not to exaggerate with this method.

Specialists don’t recommend teasing your roots daily – so keep this in mind.


STEP #7 – Change Your Parting Habits

Ever thought that your regular parting could make your hair thinner than it actually is?

Well – it’s all a matter of looks.

1. How & Why?

Basically – your hair is used to a regular parting.

Most women part their hair in the same place all the time.

However – flipping one strand on the opposite side can make a big change:

  • add some volume underneath
  • roots stop looking limp

Make sure to add some hairspray and even back-comb the strand you want to flip.

If your hair is very thin, it won’t stay in place without this little help.

2. My Top Recommendation

You don’t need any special products for this tip:

  1. Part your dry hair normally and let it dry.
  2. Once it’s completely try, take one strand close to your parting.
  3. Tease the root and add some hairspray.
  4. Flip it on the opposite side.

You should see a big difference in volume immediately.


Going for a different parting can change your hair’s look a lot.

It will seem thicker and fuller immediately.

And even though it’s just an aesthetic solution – it’s a change within seconds.


STEP #8 – Blow-Dry Constantly

Most specialist recommend leaving your hair dry naturally.

But in your case – blow-drying is actually recommended.

1. How & Why?

Blow-drying your hair is a major way of getting volume:

  • makes thin hair look fuller
  • each strand seems thicker than it actually is

If you combine blow-drying with curls, the effect is sensational.

Your hair is going to feel up to 3x thicker than it normally is.

So instead of leaving your hair dry naturally – always go for blow-drying.

2. My Top Recommendation

Now – natural drying is a lot safer in terms of hair health.

But that’s actually because it’s heat-free.

So instead of blow-drying your hair with heat – try to do it without.

Most tools have a heat setting – and there’s always a no-heat option.

That can really keep your hair healthy and thick at the same time.


For people with fine hair, blow-drying is actually recommended.

It’s a great way to add volume and thickness at the same time.

Even though it doesn’t last for long – at least you can see a change very fast.



STEP #9 – Get Some Hair Extensions

You might not agree with hair extensions.

But in terms of looks – they’re an excellent way to get thicker (and longer) hair overnight.

1. How & Why?

Basically – extensions are fake hair.

You can choose them depending on length, thickness, texture, etc.

So it’s quite obvious that adding some hair extensions to your actual hair can change it completely:

  • add length and volume
  • make your hair feel denser and fuller
  • even your ends will look much thicker

Now – hair extensions work best for special occasions.

But there are enough women wearing them on a daily basis (since they’re super comfortable).

2. My Top Recommendation

It’s hard to choose only one brand of hair extensions.

They vary a lot depending on the country, texture, price, etc.

For this reason – I’m not going to recommend any certain brand. 

Instead, I still advise you to get a set of human hair extensions (if you afford it).

If you want thick hair that is still long – they are the best way to get this.


Using hair extension isn’t a mandatory step.

But it’s a very helpful tip if you want both thick and long hair overnight.

Also – for thick hair ends, extensions are once again the best solution.


My Verdict – Can You Thicken Your Hair Naturally?

Short answer: Definitely.

If you follow my 9 steps strategy (or at least 75% of it) – you will surely see a change:

  1. Use a dry shampoo every day.
  2. Start taking a hair supplement based on herbs.
  3. Keep your hair wavy.
  4. Use hair fibers constantly.
  5. Switch to a volume hair products line.
  6. Tease your roots (on special occasions).
  7. Change your regular parting.
  8. Blow-dry your hair after every wash.
  9. Start using hair extensions (not mandatory).

Now – many of these tips mostly work for aesthetic changes.

So they’re not real remedies actually.

But that’s why I combined them with several others tips:

  • Using a herbal supplement will surely thicken your hair.
  • But it’s going to take several months.
  • In the meantime – you can use the other tips to get a big change very fast.
  • Once your hair gets thicker alone – they won’t be that necessary anymore.

But what if you can’t follow all 9 steps?

Well – I would choose 3 steps that are essential for actual results.

Make sure to follow these ones at least:

  1. Use a dry shampoo every day.
  2. Take a supplement based on herbs.
  3. Make sure you keep your hair wavy.

Anyway – following the 9 steps guide will help you see faster results (a few months).

Until your hair gets thicker on its own – the aesthetic steps from this guide will make it look fuller.

So you can start having thicker hair from today!

That’s why this strategy is so much worth trying.

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