My Revifol Review (2023) – Scam Or Legit?

My Revifol Review (2020) - Scam Or Legit?

It’s time for my Revifol review – which is a hair supplement that doesn’t look bad at all:

  • potent formula
  • high doses in most compounds
  • effective on paper

But does this product work in reality? Or it’s just another scam?

Considering its really high price – it might be a rip-off quite easily.

So here’s the truth I found out behind it.

Note: This review is based on my opinion + research on Revifol.

So Let’s Get To The Review

Full Name: Revifol from nutra4health

Best Actual Price: Around $40/bottle

Cheapest Place To Buy: Amazon

Designed For: Healthy hair support – it promises to:

  • improve hair, nails and skin
  • reduces shedding
  • promote healthy hair growth

Basically – it’s a general hair, skin and nails supplement.

My Rating: 5 out of 10

Worth Buying?: No, for sure it’s simply not worth it:

  • extremely expensive
  • official website looks very unprofessional
  • cheaper alternatives available

Instead – I recommend a supplement with the exact same formula that costs $15 less.


What I Liked About It

  • Really good ingredients in high doses
  • Pills are quite easy to swallow
  • Available on Amazon and on its official website


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Very expensive (compared to similar alternatives)
  • Price is much higher on its official website
  • No real user opinions available anywhere
  • Official website looks very untrustworthy



What Is Revifol? A Quick Overview

Shortly – it’s a 3-in-1 hair, skin and nails supplement.

But what makes it so special? I would say it’s its formula:

  • some of the best ingredients from the market
  • exact composition as several other products
  • compounds with studies behind

However – you can normally judge a product after its official website.

And in Revifol’s case, things don’t look too good:

  1. Official website is very unprofessional.
  2. It has 2 pages (video and text).
  3. Both are designed to convince potential buyers in an emotional manner.
  4. It’s not the kind of website I would buy from.

Now – it’s true that this product’s lowest price is on Amazon.

So there’s no point buying it from its official website.

But overall, it’s simply not a product I would recommend any soon.

Not when there are so many cheaper alternatives with the same composition.


#1 – Ingredients (9 out of 10)

Revifol has the exact same formula as my #1 recommended hair supplement (Folexin):

  • excellent ingredients
  • classic compounds known for their hair benefits
  • substances with clinical evidence behind

Now – even though they have the same composition, there’s a big difference in price between these 2.

That’s why Revifol isn’t amazing from this point of view.

But in terms of ingredients – it looks really good.

I would actually divide its ingredients in 3 groups:

  1. Vitamins
  2. Minerals
  3. Proprietary Blend

So let’s take a closer look at each of them.

1. Vitamins

Revifol contains the most essential vitamins (in terms of hair benefits):

  1. Vitamin A – prevents shedding and thinning. [1]
  2. Vitamin C – it’s a potent antioxidant that prevents breakage. [1]
  3. Biotin – it’s the best vitamin for faster hair growth.
  4. Vitamin D3 – stimulates hair growth.
  5. Vitamin E – it’s another strong antioxidant that reduces breakage. [2]
  6. Folate (Folic Acid) – increases hair growth speed.
  7. Vitamin B Complex – reduces hair loss in several ways.

But overall – this combination looks really promising.

2. Minerals

This group of ingredients doesn’t have amazing benefits for hair loss.

But their effect surely adds up (especially when combined with the others):

  1. Calcium – strengthens hair roots and follicles.
  2. Iron – a deficiency can affect hair and lead to shedding.
  3. Magnesium – promotes faster growth.
  4. Zinc – it’s involved in hair loss and growth process.
3. Proprietary Blend

That’s pretty much the ingredient that makes the difference.

That’s because it’s a mix of several herbs with excellent benefits in terms of hair:

  1. PABA – decreases hair loss and graying hair. [3]
  2. Horsetail – it’s the best herb against thinning hair.
  3. Fo-Ti – it’s an excellent hair growth booster.
  4. Nettle – reduces hair loss caused by DHT excess.
  5. Saw Palmetto – it’s the best herb against DHT excess.
  6. Bamboo – thickens hair roots.

As I said – these herbs look really good on paper and they are the main responsible for this supplement’s effect.


Revifol has an excellent composition overall.

It’s actually the same formula that you can find in many other supplements (including Kerotin).

However – Revifol offers it for a slightly higher price.

So considering this, it’s not really worth it.


#2 – How To Take It (9 out of 10)

Here’s what you should know about Revifol at this chapter.

1. Pills Facts

This product’s pills are pretty typical for a hair supplement:

  • formulated as gelatin capsules
  • average size
  • quite easy to take

So they’re not that type of thick, large pills that need to be taken with plenty of water.

2. The Schedule

Revifol follows a classic pattern at this chapter as well:

  • label recommends taking 2 pills/day
  • it’s up to you if you take them together or not

Now – I personally recommend taking the pills while/after eating.

Revifol actually recommends the same on its label.

But many similar supplements suggest taking the pills on an empty stomach.

This can cause side effects very often – so it’s better to stay safe.


#3 – Results (2 out of 10)

I personally have never used this supplement myself.

For this reason – I won’t be able to speak from experience here.

But as I usually do in these cases, I tried to analyze its customer feedback.

In this way – you could see an unbiased perspective on it.

Note: I only analyze authentic reviews, not promotional ones.

1. What People Say

The biggest problem of this product is that it doesn’t have absolutely ANY real reviews:

  1. It does have a page on Amazon but it has no reviews.
  2. There are a few reviews on it on 3rd party websites.
  3. However, most of them are promotional.
  4. The writers have never actually tried the product.

Basically – there were no reviews to analyze.

So it’s hard to tell you how this supplement works since I found no real customer opinion on it.

This is surely a question sign, to tell you honestly.

2. Biggest Complaints

Since there were no real opinions on this product, it’s obvious I could also find no complaints.

However – there were a few unpleasant things I noticed.

And if you ask me, any previous user might have noticed them too:

  • high price
  • weird official website
  • not effective for all cases

So it’s surely not a perfect supplement, even though it doesn’t have some actual complaints.


Revifol has some major problems at this chapter:

  • no real user opinions anywhere online
  • no Amazon reviews

So it’s really hard to find out what its previous customers believe about it.

That’s why I don’t consider it a trustworthy choice at all.

You can get the exact same formula for a much better price (which is also a more trustworthy option).



#4 – Price (3 out of 10)

Revifol is quite an expensive supplement overall.

Even though its formula is excellent – it’s much pricier than similar products with the same composition.

1. The Exact Price

Basically – this supplement is available both on its official website and on Amazon.

But surprisingly, price is much better on Amazon:

  1. One bottle normally costs $39.95.
  2. Shipping is free in the US.
  3. Price doesn’t get better if you buy larger quantities.

On the other hand – things look a bit different on its official website:

  1. Standard price is $69/bottle (plus free shipping).
  2. Price gets better if you buy the product in bulk.
  3. In this way, the lowest price is around $49/bottle.

Basically – the lowest price from its official website is higher than the standard price from Amazon.

That’s very weird for a hair supplement, as the price from official websites tends to be much lower.

So that’s something to keep in mind.

Even so – Revifol’s price on Amazon is still very high, to be honest.

2. Competitors’ Price

I will only compare Revifol with my #1 recommended hair supplement.

I’m talking about a product called Folexin:

  1. Both products have identical formulas.
  2. However, it’s their price that makes the difference.
  3. Revifol’s standard (and lowest) price is around $40.
  4. Folexin’s standard price is about $25.
  5. In the best case, Folexin costs around $18/bottle.

Basically – these 2 products contain exactly the same ingredients.

But the actual difference between their prices is somewhere around $22.

So why should you pay $40 for an untrustworthy product when you can get a quality one for $18?


Revifol is very expensive for what it should be, if you ask me.

Its formula is indeed excellent – but why pay so much on it when there are cheaper alternatives?

There’s one product that contains the same but it costs almost half.

So that’s what you should go for instead.



#5 – Where To Buy It (9 out of 10)

As I already mentioned, this supplement is quite easy to find.

It’s mostly available in 2 sellers:

  1. Amazon
  2. Its official website

Just like I told you before – surprisingly, the price is much better on Amazon:

  • standard cost is lower
  • shipping is free

It’s true that there are no discounts for larger quantities on Amazon.

But even the most discounted price from its official website is higher than the price from Amazon.

So if you want to get the best price for this product – avoid its official website.

Not to mention that it looks quite untrustworthy.


#6 – Final Conclusions

Here’s how I would sum up my opinion on Revifol (in 3 ideas).

1. Great Composition

In terms of formula – this supplement looks really good:

  • based on high-quality ingredients
  • some of its compounds have studies behind
  • high doses in most substances

But as I said – it has the same formula as several other supplements.

And this takes us to the next idea.

2. Very Pricey

Compared to the other products with the same formula, Revifol is very expensive:

  • contains the exact same ingredients as others
  • costs almost double as some

It’s true that its formula is really good.

But since there are cheaper alternatives that contain the same stuff, there’s no point going for it.

3. Unprofessional Website

Honestly – Revifol’s website looks really bad:

  • initial page is a video trying to convince potential buyers (using emotional phrases)
  • written page contains the text from the video
  • they both look extremely unprofessional

It’s surely the kind of website I would never buy from.

Since you can judge a product after its official website – Revifol doesn’t look amazing.


My Verdict – Is Revifol Worth Buying?

Short answer: Surely not.

It’s a good supplement in terms of formula – but it’s simply not worth it:

  1. Much cheaper alternatives (with the same composition)
  2. Unprofessional official website
  3. No real user opinions

Now – in terms of effect, it’s surely a product that works.

But why spend so much on it when you can get it much cheaper.

So what do I recommend instead? A supplement called Folexin:

  • exact same composition and ingredients
  • many satisfied users behind
  • best price from the market

If you want the same formula as Revifol for a much lower price, that’s what you should go for.


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6 thoughts on “My Revifol Review (2023) – Scam Or Legit?

  1. Hello,
    Do not buy this product – revifol. It doesn’t work (period). I’ve tried for one year (each day) – and there’s no result. Save your money for useful things. It’s truly a scam.

    1. Thanks for your feedback on Revifol, Roch, I’m sorry to hear it didn’t work for you. I don’t have a very good opinion on it either.

  2. I have sent 3 emails to the contact and have not received an answer. they guarantee Your money back, but I have no other way to contact Revifol. The Ad says call or E-mail, but no number or E-mail address.

    1. Hi Daniel, I’m really sorry, the product/brand does indeed seem quite questionable. I just hope you manage to get your money back.

  3. Hi I would like to cancel My order of REVIFOL it’s not working for me. I’ve used it for about a year and no growth. I was hoping this would help but it didn’t. so please cancel my orders thank you.

    1. Hi there, you will have to contact the brand directly, as this article is juts a review I did of Revifol. I’m not working for the brand and I have nothing to do with customer orders, so there’s no way I can track your order, change or cancel it.

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