My Review: Vitalize Hair Regrowth System (2023) – Good Or Not?

My Review: Vitalize Hair Regrowth System (2019) - Good Or Not?

It’s time to review Vitalize Hair Regrowth System – a set of products designed to regrow hair naturally.

So does this product work?

I found quite a few problems about it – including:

  • customer reviews
  • price

So could Vitalize be a scam? Are you making a mistake buying it?

I tried to dig deep into this product – so here’s the hidden truth I found out.

Note: This review is based on my opinion + research on Vitalize.

So Let’s Get To The Review

Full Name: Hair System from Vitalize

Versions: There are basically 2:

  • 3 Part Hair System (3 products)
  • Full Hair System (6 products)

In my opinion, the first one is a better choice (though I don’t personally recommend it).

Best Actual Price: $99 for the 3 products set, $199 for all 6

Cheapest Place To Buy: The official website (unavailable on Amazon)

Designed For: Anything that involves regrowing (new) hairs – it claims to:

  • decrease and stop hair loss
  • thicken existing hair
  • stimulate follicles and grow new hairs

Basically – it claims to grow hair even on bald scalps (which is pretty difficult to achieve in reality).

My Rating: 6 out of 10

Worth Buying?: Not really – it’s way too expensive overall:

  • very low quantity in most products
  • no special ingredients
  • you have to use about 3 products daily 

Even though the products aren’t bad at all – I would never pay so much money on them.

Instead, I prefer a $25 supplement that does the job of several products alone.


What I Liked About It

  • Most products have a nice smell and consistency
  • Some are based on herbal ingredients
  • Pretty easy to use
  • Some people say they work really well
  • Many authentic reviews online


What I Didn’t Like About It

  • Ingredients aren’t mentioned in their full version
  • No dosages for most products (just in the supplement)
  • Oil treatment is very greasy and washes out pretty hard
  • Very low quantity in most products (1.7 oz)
  • Many complaints
  • Extremely expensive overall (all products)



What Is Vitalize Hair Regrowth?

Shortly – it’s a set of products designed for 3 major purposes:

  • decrease shedding
  • thicken existing hair
  • regrow new or actual hair

In order to do this – Vitalize offers 6 different products:

  1. Follicle Stem Cell Serum – regrows new/existing hair.
  2. Hair & Scalp Oil – nourishes and stimulates follicles.
  3. Vitamins – promotes growth.
  4. Shampoo + Conditioner – stimulates hair roots.
  5. Edge Control – supports hairline growth.

However, these products are also offered as 2 systems (a mix of products):

  1. 3 Part Hair System: Serum + Oil + Vitamins
  2. Full Hair System: Serum + Oil + Vitamins + Shampoo + Conditioner + Edge Control

Obviously – in terms of price, standards are set very high:

  • $100 for 3 part system
  • $199 for full system

So as you can probably tell – these prices are really high (especially for some products on this kind).

But now that you know what to expect from it, let’s analyze Vitalize more closely.


#1 – Ingredients (6 out of 10)

Vitalize’s formula has 1 major problem:

  1. 4 out of 5 products have no ingredient list.
  2. Their active ingredients are only mentioned separately.
  3. Only the supplement’s ingredient list is shown.

So basically – for most of these products, you can’t tell what’s inside.

Hiding the formula tells me that it’s pretty weak actually. Why else would you want to hide it?

Either way – let’s take a close look at the known ingredients for the 6 products.

1. Follicle Stem Cell Serum

According to the official website – the serum is based on 1 substance (Redensyl) but features 2 other active ingredients.

  1. Redensyl – a faster alternative to Minoxidil for alopecia. [1]
  2. Capixyl – a recent ingredient that seems to increase hair growth.
  3. Hair Spa – there’s no information about it anywhere.

Overall – this serum’s formula doesn’t look bad (due to Redensyl).

But I can’t possibly praise it since:

  • the full ingredient list is hidden
  • there are no dosages for any ingredients (not even Redensyl)
2. Hair & Scalp Oil

This product is based on “RootBio Tec” – an ingredient I couldn’t find anything about.

Just do a search in Google and you will understand.

Among the inactive ingredients – there are several oils and herbs:

However – since they’re inactive, their only benefit is a nice smell and an oily texture.

3. Vitamins (Supplement)

That’s the only product with a clear ingredient list. This includes:

  1. Biotin – the best vitamin for hair health/growth. [2]
  2. Zinc – a deficiency can cause severe shedding. [3]
  3. Several Vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D, E)
  4. Proprietary Blend – made of herbs like Ginseng, Cinnamon, Peony, etc.

Overall – this formula doesn’t look bad at all.

However, except the vitamins and minerals – most of the ingredients are rather unknown.

So I doubt they have major hair benefits, since few people heard of them.

4. Shampoo & Conditioner

They have about the same ingredients mentioned:

  1. Caffeine – can improve hair loss and alopecia. [4]
  2. Biotin – decreases shedding and improves hair health, but mostly when taken by mouth.
  3. Niacin – can increase hair growth when applied topically. [5]
5. Edge Control 

This product is meant to stimulate hair follicles.

But unfortunately – there is absolutely no ingredient mentioned.

The only info listed is that it’s free of parabens and sulfates and also 100% vegan.

But in my opinion – that’s not extremely useful.


Vitalize’s products aren’t anything special in terms of formulas:

  • most ingredients are hidden
  • no dosages for many products
  • a lot of unknown ingredients

The only formula that seems potent is the Follicle Serum’s – as it’s based on Redensyl, a serious ingredient.

But when it comes to the others, I’m a bit disappointed.


#2 – Smell & Texture (8 out of 10)

Even though I haven’t tried these products myself – here are some details about their consistency.

1. Smell

According to most reviews – Vitalize’s product all have a normal scent:

  • natural and herbal fragrance
  • none smells too intense
  • very lightweight scent

Basically – if you’re sensitive to strong perfumes, you shouldn’t worry too much here.

2. Texture

Unfortunately – things are not that perfect here.

And that’s mostly available when it comes to the hair oil:

  1. It’s very greasy overall.
  2. Leaves your hair really oily after every application.
  3. It’s also hard to wash out.
  4. You will have to rinse several times to take it out completely.

Regarding the other 4 products, I couldn’t find too many complaints.

So unless you can’t wash your hair daily, these products don’t have any major issues.


#3 – How To Use It (8 out of 10)

As I somehow expected – I couldn’t find too many instructions easily.

So after doing some research, here’s how you should use Vitalize’s products:

  1. Apply the serum on your scalp daily and massage.
  2. Use the oil treatment daily, on wet or dry hair.
  3. Regarding the supplement, take 2 pills per day.
  4. Use the shampoo and conditioner for every wash.
  5. Apply the edge control only on the hairline (it’s more concentrated).

Basically – out of 5 products, at least 3 should be used daily:

  • serum
  • oil treatment
  • supplement

So if you’re not a busy person, Vitalize shouldn’t be too hard to use.

Otherwise I doubt you afford wasting more than half an hour per day just to use these products. I personally couldn’t do that.


#4 – Results (6 out of 10)

As I said – I didn’t try Vitalize’s products myself. So I won’t be able to speak from experience.

However, I tried to check out several customer reviews.

In this way – you can see an unbiased perspective on how Vitalize actually works.

Note: I only considered authentic reviews, not general ones.

1. What People Say

The positive side is that I found enough real opinions on these products.

The negative side is that many of them were negative.

So here’s a quick look on what most people think about Vitalize:

  1. Some say they could see results after a while.
  2. Others say it works pretty well even for alopecia.
  3. On the other hand, others say they saw no results.
  4. A few others claim they used it for months without any changes.
  5. Many complain about different issues of the products.

Basically – there are 2 groups of customers:

  • some say it worked really well
  • others say it didn’t work at all

Unlike other products, Vitalize has very few average reviews. It’s either 5 stars or 1 star – which is a bit weird.

But in case you’re curious, let’s take a closer look at the negative side (as that’s what really matters).

2. Biggest Complaints

Most people complaint about 4 major issues:

  1. Price is way too high.
  2. Hair oil has a very little quantity.
  3. It doesn’t even last for 1 month.
  4. There is no effect even after many months.

Now – I tend to agree with the first 3 issues (I can’t tell about the last one, since I didn’t use it).

Vitalize’s systems seem extremely pricey – especially for the quantity they offer.

So even though I never used the oil, I’m sure it doesn’t last too much. 1.7 oz is an incredible low quantity (especially for $40).


Opinions are mixed on Vitalize – especially in terms of results:

  • some praise its effect
  • others say it doesn’t work at all

So it’s probably a matter of luck. You may seem big changes – or you might not see any difference.

But considering the high number of (real) complaints, I personally wouldn’t recommend Vitalize.

Instead of using 3 or 6 different products for over $100 per month – better use one single supplement that works better than everything I tried.



#5 – Price (3 out of 10)

Honestly – all Vitalize’s products are extremely expensive.

In my opinion, most of them are overpriced – as they’re surely not worth as much as they cost.

1. The Exact Price

You can buy Vitalize’s products in 2 forms:

  • single products
  • systems (3 or 6 products)

Regarding single products, here’s how much they cost on the official website:

  1. Follicle Serum: $49.99 for 1.7 oz
  2. Oil Treatment: $39.99 for 1.7 oz
  3. Vitamins: $29.99 for 30 days supply
  4. Shampoo + Conditioner: $65 for 8 oz each (You can only buy them together)
  5. Edge Control: $29.99 for 1.7 oz

Now let’s take a look at the 2 systems:

  • 3 Part System (Serum + Oil + Vitamins): $99
  • Full Hair System (All 6 products): $199

So the 3 Part System offers you a discount of $20 (compared to buying all 3 products alone).

On the other hand, the Full Hair one only offers a $16 discount:

  • all 6 products cost $215 together
  • you can get them for $199 with the Full Hair System
2. Worth It Or Not?

Definitely not – if you ask me.

First of all, I don’t recommend any of the 2 systems or the products:

  • quantity is extremely low (1.7 oz in most)
  • that’s surely not enough for 1 month
  • prices are huge for this quantity
  • also, they cost way too much for the ingredients inside

Now – if you’re 100% sure you want to try Vitalize either way, my advice is to get the 3 Part System:

  • contains the most important 3 products
  • you get them for $20 less
  • best deal among Vitalize’s products

But as I said – I don’t actually recommend these products.


In my opinion – Vitalize is extremely overpriced. And I’m talking about all of its products:

  • very low quantities
  • contain mostly regular ingredients
  • not worth so much money

Instead of spending $100 on the cheapest system, my advice is to try an internal product (supplement) that costs $25 and made real miracles for me. 

So that’s what I personally recommend instead.


#6 – Where To Find It (5 out of 10)

At this point – you can only buy Vitalize from its official website.

It’s not available on other retailers like:

  • Amazon (apparently discontinued)
  • Walmart
  • Ebay (very few sellers have it)

So if you decided to buy these products, Vitalize’s official website remains the best choice.

Also – if you want to buy a system (as I recommend), the official website is the only solution.

Even if other retailers offered the products, they wouldn’t offer them as systems with a discount (as far as I know).


#7 – FAQs

Up next, I will try to answer the top questions about Vitalize.

Note: I might repeat something I already mentioned, but it’s easier to spot here.

1. How often you should use it?

It mostly depends on the products and their directions. But here’s a sum up:

  • serum and oil treatment: daily
  • vitamins: 2 pills per day
  • shampoo + conditioner: with every wash
2. How long lasts 1 bottle?

Out of the 6 products, it’s only the vitamins that are designed for 30 days.

The others aren’t meant for a certain period.

Plus – most of them are in a very low quantity (1.7 oz). So that’s surely not enough for 4 weeks.

3. Can I take it with other drugs?

You can use all 5 topical products with other drugs without any worries.

Since they’re meant for topical use, there’s no risk of interactions.

However – you should ask your doctor before taking the vitamins. That especially if you’re following a long term treatment.

4. Are there any side effects?

Fortunately – there are very few complaints on this:

  • some people say their hair loss increases (in the first weeks)
  • other say they experienced some itching

But as I said, these complaints were very rare.

So as far as I’m concerned – Vitalize’s products are pretty safe.

5. How fast should I notice an effect?

The official website doesn’t mention anything on this.

For this reason – my advice is to use Vitalize for at least 2 months.

Since most of its products are topical, they need a longer time to work (compared to supplements).

So make sure you afford buying the quantity for at least 2 months before you order (that’s about 3 systems, if you ask me).


#8 – Vitalize VS Others

I will only compare Vitalize with my #1 recommendation for hair loss & growth – a supplement called Folexin.

Even though Vitalize comes as 3 or 6 products and Folexin as 1, there’s plenty of room to compare:

  1. F contains almost 30 famous ingredients (with dosages mentioned).
  2. V contains about 3 active ingredients per product.
  3. However, most of them are unknown (in terms of research).
  4. F costs about $25 per bottle (30 days supply).
  5. It also offers a discount, so you can get it for $18 per bottle.
  6. V costs at least $100 per system (or $199 for the larger one).
  7. Most of its products are topical, so they’re not that strong.

So overall – instead of buying Vitalize, I personally prefer Folexin.

Even though it’s just 1 product, in my case it worked better than many products:

  • works from the inside on the outside
  • treats the actual cause of hair loss
  • effective for both men and women
  • cheapest supplement of this kind

So even though I had great results with many supplement, Folexin has by far the best price.

For this reason – instead of paying a small fortune on Vitalize, I think it’s a much better choice.



#9 – Final Conclusions

Here’s how I would sum up my opinion on Vitalize (in 3 ideas):

1. Too Many Products

If you ask me – Vitalize requires you to use too many products daily.

According to its directions:

  • 3 products should be used daily (serum + oil + pills)
  • 2 need to be used with every wash (so every 2-3 days)

In my opinion – that’s pretty uncomfortable and take a long time.

Plus, most of these products need to be used on wet hair.

So you will end up washing your hair daily (which can take a lot of time).

2. Very Low Quantities

That’s available for 3 products:

  • serum
  • oil
  • edge control

All of them contain 1.7 oz per bottle – which is extremely little.

Considering you have to apply 2 of them daily, a bottle will probably run out in 2 weeks (at most).

3. Huge Price

To be honest – all Vitalize’s products are really overpriced:

  • cost over $30-$40 per bottle
  • don’t contain some amazing ingredients

Not even buying a system will save you a lot of money – as the cheapest one is $100.

So in my opinion, it’s not worth spending your hard-worked money on Vitalize. There are so many cheap options on the market.


My Verdict – Is Vitalize Worth Buying?

Short answer: Definitely not.

Even though its products are far from bad – they’re extremely overpriced:

  • the cheapest ones cost $30-$40 per bottle
  • quantities are very low in most
  • they don’t even last for 1 month

Besides – Vitalize requires you to use at least 3 products daily. That’s not just expensive, but also takes a very long time.

If you’re not a stay-at-home person, that would be pretty hard.

And there’s one more thing:

  1. Most of Vitalize’s products are topical.
  2. This kind of products don’t work too well (on the long term).
  3. Basically, they only improve the problem on the outside.
  4. They don’t treat the actual cause inside.

Now – it’s true that Vitalize offers 1 internal product (vitamins), which is great.

But its formula isn’t very strong – so its results will probably not be amazing if used alone.

That’s why I don’t really recommend Vitalize – either the supplement or the other products.

For these money, you can get about 3 monthly supplies of a strong supplement that might work better. So that’s what I would choose instead.


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12 thoughts on “My Review: Vitalize Hair Regrowth System (2023) – Good Or Not?

  1. This is a scam!!! Bottles are so tiny that they hardly last for 10 washes, they look a lot bigger in the pictures. You can’t really tell whether they work or not in such a short time, so they’re making you order again. I was tricked into rebuying the 3 part system 2 more times, which cost me over $300 in total. I had no results and my hair only suffered in the end due to poor nutrition. They say they will refund you but that’s not a fact! They even paid Steve Harvey to advertise them so that they get more customers into their scheme. I bet he’s never used these bad products. Would certainly not recommend this!

    1. Hey Abby, thanks for sharing your experience with Vitalize Hair Regrowth. I’m sorry you had such a bad issue with them. It’s definitely a product I don’t recommend either, because it’s way too pricey for its actual value.

      I wasn’t really aware that it’s advertised by celebrities. But you’re right – in most cases, they get paid to promote the product, even though they probably don’t use it. I can’t tell if that’s the case here or not, but Steve Harvey was probably paid to advertise Vitalize.

      Though I never tried their products, I don’t even plan to – especially at this point. Thanks again for your opinion.

  2. Hello, I absolutely not recommend Vitalize! I started by using the hair oil daily, as suggested by the instructions. Besides running out in less than 3 weeks, it did nothing for my hair. It was only making it super greasy and disgusting, I was washing it sometimes two times a day because the grease wouldn’t go away from the first. I’m a stay at home mom but if you’re someone who works on a 9 to 5 job, it’s impossible to use this thing. Also the price is not good enough, the oil is so little and it finished so fast! Thank you for your honest review but I would rate this thing 0 out of 10!

    1. Hi Michelle, thanks a lot for your feedback on Vitalize Hair Regrowth. Since I haven’t used it myself, hearing other people’s experiences (like yours) is so helpful.

      I’m sorry you had no results with the oil – especially since you paid a lot on it. One major reason why I never tried Vitalize is the really low quantity of its bottles. They actually look normal in the picture, but if you check out their quantity – you will see that it’s so little. Luckily I checked it out before ordering, which made me change my mind. 

      I don’t know if you’re currently using something helpful or not, but my advice is to go for a supplement. It’s a lot easier to use (even for someone working from 9 to 5) works faster and has much better results on the long term. That’s why I’m personally using and I would never want to go back to a topical product ever again.

      Hope this helps!

    1. Hi Marissa, I don’t normally recommend any, because Vitalize’s products aren’t the best choice, in my opinion.

      But if you really want to go for one of these 2 packs, I think the 3 part one is a better option:

      1) Contains the most essential products (shampoo + conditioner + edge control aren’t that important).

      2) Surprisingly, it has a better discount than the 6 products pack ($20 off vs only $16).

      3) You’re spending less overall, in case the products don’t work.

      Hope this helps.

  3. Hi! Is there any chance that I can only get the vitamins, without the serum, oil and all the others? I think that’s a good product but I would like to test it out before I buy the whole package. How many supplement bottles should I take before I’m beginning to notice some hair growth? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hey Aly. You can get either the whole package or each of Vitalize’s products alone. The vitamins cost around $30 for a monthly supply, so they’re not as pricey as the other products.

      However, in my opinion – they’re not really the best supplement you can buy (in terms of formula). Most of their herbal ingredients are pretty unknown. So if you’re looking for a quality hair supplement, there are better choices for less money.

      Anyway – if you still prefer Vitalize’s pills, that’s totally fine. I can’t tell you a clear period when you should start seeing results, but it might take more than 2 months. So you should regularly take the pills for at least 2 months, maybe a bit even longer. But after this period, you should start seeing an improvement (if the pills work for you).

      Hope this helps.

  4. My hair fell out from cancer. You think the vitamins will help my hair grow? And the oil?

    1. Hi Hattie, sorry to hear about your health problems. But since you’re worried about your hair, I’m guessing your health is better now, so this is great news!

      Getting to your question, I don’t recommend Vitalize Hair Growth System to someone with your past issues – but that’s not because of its effect, because the products themselves are good. It’s only that you can’t buy the products from this system alone, only as combinations. And overall, they are extremely expensive. For instance, the cheapest version (serum + oil + vitamins) costs $100 for a monthly supply. Actually, considering the low quantities inside the serum and oil, they might not even last that long.

      Now, I don’t know your budget but I don’t advise you to pay $100/month for a system like this. There are much cheaper alternatives that have a much better effect overall.

      First of all, I recommend you to start with a supplement. They are by far the best remedy for hair growth, because they stimulate follicles from the inside (which topical products can’t do). So their effect is much stronger, faster and durable.

      I will recommend you the supplement I’ve been using myself and it totally saved my hair from shedding and thinning out. But it’s very helpful when it comes to faster growth, I saw this myself. It’s called Folexin and it’s probably the cheapest quality supplement I know (even $18/bottle). If you don’t want to spend money in vain, this product is by far my top choice. But if you want to have a longer list to pick from, here are other quality products.

      Up next, a growth shampoo should also be on your list. Though its effect isn’t as strong as a supplement’s, it can surely add up. Growth shampoos stimulate follicles and nourish the roots, so hair growth speed increases. There are lots of options on the market but unfortunately, many of them are scams (I speak from experience).

      For this reason, I recommend going for professional growth shampoos. Their effect is much better (and real) but they also tend to be pricier. Anyway, I have a recommendation that is much cheaper than most but it’s really professional. Also, if you need more alternatives, here’s a list.

      Next, I recommend you to massage your scalp every night before bedtime, for about 2-3 minutes. This stimulate follicles and it’s a great tip when it comes to increasing growth. That’s actually something I experienced myself, as I never saw that tip anywhere. But it’s very helpful, believe me.

      Besides, you can rinse your hair with green tea or apple cider vinegar. These aren’t some major hair growth boosters, but they prevent shedding and some people even claim they increase growth speed. I heard it lots of times, so I’m guessing there must be some truth behind. All you have to do is to rinse your hair with green tea infusion or apple cider vinegar before shampooing/conditioning, massage and then rinse it normally with water.

      Also – some sources claim that rice water helps tremendously with growth, but I personally didn’t see any unbelievable improvement. Even so, it’s worth the try because it’s really simple.

      In the end, you might want to check out the guide I made on faster hair growth. I already told you about some of the tips from it, but there are some extra ones that might help.

      Regards and best wishes!

  5. Hi there – I’ve used 3 part system w/ the shampoo and conditioner. The oil in my opinion isn’t oily at all it’s a light oil. My issue w/ Vitalize is I’ve seen results but at the bare minimum. Personally I do like the vitamins and the shampoo and conditioner. I stopped buying the serum because the results are not noticeable. There is another product I’m using called RevivHair Max Hair Stimulating Serum. It’s cheaper bigger bottle and the serum is 5% Redensyl. Compared to the vitalize at only 3%. Reviv has over 300 positive reviews from customers. The have great customer service and unlike vitalize they honor their return policy. As of now I’m using the vitalize shampoo and conditioner, vitalize vitamins w/ reviv serum. I’m seeing results.

    1. Hello Baddie, thanks a lot for your feedback, I’m glad you’re seeing some results with Vitalize. Also thanks for the tip about RevivHair Max Serum, it’s the first time I hear about it but I will definitely check it out, it might make a better alternative to Vitalize or other products based on Redensyl. Thanks again for sharing your experence.

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