It’s time for my Hairfinity Vitamins review – because this hair product looks pretty good:
- affordable price
- trustworthy company behind
- quite popular
So are these vitamins any better than the rest?
I personally know hundreds of similar product – which makes me wonder why (and how) Haifinity could be better.
Well, I used these vitamins a long while ago – so here’s what you need to know about them.
Note: This review is based on my experience + opinion about Hairfinity.
So Let’s Get To The Review
Full Name: Healthy Hair Vitamins by Hairfinity
Versions: Only 1 – 30 days supply (but there are larger packages of 2,3 or more bottles).
Best Actual Price: Around $23
Cheapest Place To Buy: Probably Amazon (Ebay is also cheap)
Designed For: Healthy hair, according to the label. It claims to have several benefits:
- nourishes hair from within
- strengthens follicles
- supports existing hair growth
Basically – it’s only meant to improve existing hair.
But it doesn’t focus on speeding up hair growth or growing new hairs (keep this in mind).
My Rating: 6 out of 10 – It’s not an amazing product.
Worth Buying?: Not really. It’s not as good as I first thought:
- formula isn’t very strong (for hair growth)
- many negative reviews
- can cause serious side effects
It does have a good price, but I don’t think the formula is worth the money.
You can get a stronger formula for about the same price.
What I Liked About It
- Contains lots of essential vitamins for hair
- Pills are easy to swallow
- Many authentic reviews
- Available in several retailers
- Affordable price (compared to other supplements)
What I Didn’t Like About It
- Formula isn’t very strong
- I personally didn’t have great results with it
- Many negative reviews and complaints
- Can cause serious side effects (including acne)
- Overpriced for what it contains
What Are Hairfinity Vitamins?
Well – as the name tells, it’s a formula based on vitamins.
So what exactly is it good for – in terms of hair? According to the label:
- Promotes healthy circulation in the scalp.
- Nourishes the hair.
- Makes hair follicles stronger.
- Oxygenates scalps and follicles.
- Increases hair elasticity and growth.
Hairfinity claims to help hair in general – so it’s not a special hair growth formula.
However, hair growth is one of its benefits (according to the label).
So to be honest – it’s not the kind of supplement that would impress me.
But that doesn’t mean that it’s not effective.
So now that you know the main things about it, let’s analyze it more closely.
#1 – Ingredients (8 out of 10)
In my opinion – Hairfinity has a decent formula:
- Contains most of the important vitamins.
- Has some good dosages overall.
- Only contains 1 herbal extract (Horsetail).
So overall – this formula isn’t bad, but it’s surely not amazing either.
As a general hair supplement, it’s fine. But as a hair growth supplement, it’s pretty weak.
Now – I would divide Hairfinity’s ingredients in 2 groups:
- Vitamins + Minerals
- Proprietary Blend
So let’s take a closer look at them by turn.
1. Vitamins + Minerals
Hairfinity actually includes only 1 mineral (Calcium).
In terms of vitamins – it contains every essential one (for hair):
I will not take each separately, since some have similar benefits. But here are the most important ones:
- Vitamin C – it’s an antioxidant and protects hair roots.
- Vitamin D – a deficiency causes hair loss. [2]
- Thiamine – a low level seems to be connected with alopecia. [1]
- Riboflavin – a deficiency can cause anemia and hair loss. [3]
- Panthotenic Acid – prevents hair from graying. [4]
- Biotin – the best vitamin for hair – especially for shedding. [5]
As I said, Hairfinity contains the most essential vitamins for hair health.
You couldn’t really ask for more at this chapter.
2. Proprietary Complex
That’s actually a trademark ingredient – called Capilsana Complex Proprietary Blend.
This mix is made of 3 ingredients:
- MSM – it’s famous for its joint benefits, but it also seems to promote hair growth (it’s still in studies). [6]
- Pea Protein Powder – helps damaged hair.
- Horsetail Extract – supports hair growth and thickens hair.
To be honest – this combination doesn’t look bad at all.
But I personally don’t know how strong are these substances (except Horsetail).
In my opinion – some other herbal extracts would have been increase Hairfinity’s effect.
Hairfinity’s formula isn’t bad at all – but it’s not impressive either.
It’s full of vitamins but it doesn’t have too many herbal extracts (that have the strongest effect).
So as a general hair product – I think it’s good enough.
But as a hair growth/loss/thickening supplement – I consider it too weak.
#2 – How To Take It (9 out of 10)
Coming up, I will try to give you more details about Hairfinity’s pills and recommended dose.
1. Pills Facts
Just like most hair supplements, Hairfinity has some nice looking pills:
- covered in transparent gelatin coating
- average size
- quite easy to swallow
I would actually say they look almost identical to Nutrafol’s pills (another product I tried).
But if you’re worried about swallowing them – you shouldn’t be.
If you drink enough water, you should be able to swallow them easily.
2. The Schedule
Here’s how the label recommends taking these pills:
- You have to take 2 capsules daily.
- There’s no info about the time you should take them.
- Also, it doesn’t mention taking them together or spacing them out.
Now – I personally recommend you to take them separately.
But if you have a busy schedule, you can also take them together. The effect should be the same.
#3 – My Results (6 out of 10)
I wasn’t very impressed with Hairfinity, to be honest.
The results were far from what I expected, judging after its decent formula.
1. My Background
I tried these vitamins to improve the shape of my hair.
Overall, it didn’t look too good:
- I had suffered from a constant hair loss over the years
- so my hair was quite affected even after recovering
- it had thick roots but very thin ends
- it was growing very slowly
- I was still losing enough hairs daily
Now – I was expecting from Hairfinity to stop my shedding and thicken my overall hair.
If it could also make it grow faster, it would be great.
2. How It Worked
As I said, the results were pretty weak.
I only used 1 bottle of Hairfinity (30 days). Maybe it could have worked better in 2-3 months, but it wasn’t worth the risk.
So here are my conclusions at the end of 1 bottle:
- My shedding decreased a bit (about 30% less).
- I also felt like I had some more volume (but mostly at the roots).
- However, the ends were as thin and fragile as before.
- My hair was still pretty dry and frizzy overall.
- It didn’t seem to grow more than usual in that month.
- My scalp started getting itchy in the last weeks (it was really bothering).
Now – I might have got better results if I continued to use Hairfinity.
But as I said, my scalp was itching more and more every day. So I was afraid that it could affect my hair (which is quite common).
A few days after I stopped the pills, the itching went away too.
So it was clearly Hairfinity behind.
But overall – I personally wouldn’t buy these vitamins again.
For the amount of money I paid on them, they didn’t really do anything special.
Hairfinity didn’t work too well in my case:
- improved my shedding only partially
- didn’t grow my hair faster
- didn’t improve its general aspect
- made my scalp very itchy
I’m not claiming these are the same effects that everyone experiences. But in my case – that’s what happened.
So I would surely not buy Hairfinity again.
For these money, I can get a much better formula that made real miracles for my hair. So I definitely prefer that instead.
#4 – Other Opinions (7 out of 10)
As in every review I write, I included some other people’s opinions.
In this way, you can judge fairly (not just based on my experience).
Obviously – opinions were quite mixed up about Hairfinity. But I found lots of complaints, which was a bit shocking.
Note: I only considered authentic reviews, not general ones.
1. The Positive Side
There are several customers that were satisfied with Hairfinity:
- Some say it really helps hair growth (in terms of speed).
- Others claim it also thickens and adds volume.
- A few others say it also helps growing eyebrows.
So basically – enough people said their hair got better with Hairfinity.
However, there are lots of unsatisfied customers.
2. The Negative Side
To my huge surprise, I found so many complaints about Hairfinity (compared to similar products).
Now – it would take forever to mention all of them.
But I will only point out the most common ones:
- Some people experienced severe acne/breakouts from these pills.
- Others started losing more hair than before.
- A few other complained about itchy scalp.
- Some said this formula is simply useless and doesn’t work.
- I also found some complaints about insomnia.
Now – every hair product has negative reviews.
However, Hairfinity has more complaints than usual (especially about breakouts and pimples).
Out of these complaints, I personally only experienced itchy scalp.
So these side effect don’t appear to everyone – but they might appear. That’s why you need to take extra care with Hairfinity.
Here’s another customer’s experience with Hairfinity:
Some people were satisfied with Hairfinity – but many weren’t.
The most common complaints included acne, itchy scalp or hair loss.
Though I only experienced one, these side effects are surely real. That’s why I would think twice before using this supplement.
#5 – Price (8 out of 10)
To be honest, Hairfinity isn’t very expensive itself.
It’s actually expensive for what it contains.
1. The Exact Price
The lowest price for Hairfinity is on Amazon:
- it costs around $23 per bottle (the original price)
- that’s 1 month supply
Compared to other supplements I tried – I would say it’s actually affordable.
However, considering what it contains – it doesn’t seem such a great deal anymore.
Hairfinity is mostly based on vitamins, which you can find in a drug store for less money.
The only original thing is that Capilsana Complex.
But in my opinion – it doesn’t have anything miraculous in it (at least not for hair).
That’s why I personally don’t think that Hairfinity is worth $23.
2. Competitors’ Price
As I said, Hairfinity is cheaper than other hair supplements I tried.
However – compared to my #1 recommended supplement (Folexin), it’s not such a good deal.
- Folexin costs about $25 per bottle (but it has a better formula).
- Hairfinity costs around $23 per bottle.
- Folexin has a lower price if you buy more bottle together (up to $18 per month).
- Hairfinity doesn’t offer discounts for larger packages.
Now – I won’t enter any particulars about their formula, effects, etc. (more on that below).
But in terms of price, Folexin is a better choice overall.
Hairfinity also has a great price – but you don’t get any discounts for getting more bottles.
Not to mention that as a formula, it’s not worth so much money.
Hairfinity may seem affordable, but I don’t consider it so:
- ingredients are pretty cheap alone
- you can get a similar formula cheaper from your drugstore
It’s surely not a pricey product itself. But for the formula it has, it should cost under $20. That’s what I think.
#6 – Where To Find It (10 out of 10)
Fortunately, you can find Hairfinity vitamins in several retailers:
- Ebay
- Walmart
- Target
Now – my first instinct would be to recommend the official website, since official pages tend to have the best offers.
But this time, it’s not the case:
- Hairfinity’s website has higher prices overall
- shipping is also no included in the price
For instance – a 30 days supply would cost over $30, while on Amazon it’s never more than $24.
Plus, the official website doesn’t have any discounts (for larger packages, etc.).
That’s why I wouldn’t really recommend it.
If you want to try Hairfinity, the best choice would be Amazon.
#7 – FAQs
Next – I will try to answer the most common questions about Hairfinity vitamins.
Note: I might repeat something I already mentioned, but it’s easier to spot here.
1. How many pills per day?
Just 2, which you can take however you prefer:
- space them out throughout the day OR
- take both together
The effect should be the same either way.
2. How long lasts 1 bottle?
Only 30 days – it’s just one month supply.
There are no larger versions. You can only buy several bottles together.
3. Can I take it with other drugs?
I would recommend asking your doctor first, especially if you’re following any long term treatment.
Hairfinity contains lots of vitamins, which might interact with other drugs.
Also, I couldn’t find much info about the proprietary blend – so I would consult a doctor before using it.
4. Are there any side effects?
Well, the label doesn’t mention anything – but there are many complaints on this topic.
According to many reviews, Hairfinity can cause:
- acne and pimples
- scalp itching
- hair loss
- insomnia
Now – these side effects won’t appear to everyone, but they do exist.
I personally experienced scalp itching and nothing else. But there is a chance that you also experience any of these (or others).
5. How fast should I see an effect?
I would recommend using Hairfinity for at least 1 month.
There’s no clear info about how fast it should start working. But 1 month seems like a decent period to me.
#8 – Hairfinity VS Others
I will only compare Hairfinity with my #1 recommended hair supplement – Folexin.
So here’s how Hairfinity (H) and Folexin (F) are different:
- H contains about 15 ingredients, F has almost 30.
- H contains mostly vitamins, F is based on herbal extracts.
- They both boost hair health in general.
- F works great for growing both new and existing hairs.
- H can only grow existing hairs.
- Their price is about the same (H is a bit cheaper).
- F has a high discount when buying more bottles (you only pay $18 per bottle).
- H has the same price no matter how many bottles you buy.
Basically – Folexin has the best formula on the market, in my opinion.
It’s not the only one, but the other products are way more expensive (see Kerotin).
That’s why Folexin is my #1 recommendation.
Compared to Hairfinity – I consider it a lot more superior:
- much stronger formula/ingredients
- works for both men and women
- its effect appears very fast (I speak from experience)
Considering both Hairfinity and Folexin have a similar price, I would personally choose Folexin.
But your choice is up to you.
#9 – Final Conclusions
Here’s how I would sum up my opinion on Hairfinity vitamins (in 3 ideas).
1. Vitamin-Based
As I said – I’m not the biggest fan of Hairfinity’s formula.
And even though it claims to be based on a proprietary complex, I can see more vitamins among its ingredients.
Even the name says it…
Now – that’s surely not a bad thing. Some vitamins are essential for hair.
But I personally don’t consider this formula amazing.
For me, it’s more or less a vitamin mix.
2. A Bit Overpriced
Hairfinity does have an affordable price (about $23).
However – for the formula it has, I consider it a bit expensive:
- mostly a vitamin mix
- you can get many of those ingredients from a drugstore
- they will probably cost under $15
Now – I don’t plan to criticize this supplement, because it still has a decent price (compared to other hair vitamins).
But I need to point this out:
For the formula it has, Hairfinity is a bit overpriced.
3. Can Be Dangerous
That’s my conclusion after reading lots of customer reviews:
- Hairfinity caused serious side effects to many people
- these include acne, itching, hair loss, etc.
- there were many reviews complaining about that
So considering I found so many authentic reviews that were negative, things are pretty clear.
Hairfinity might be dangerous for some people.
So if you plan to use it, pay extra attention.
My Verdict – Is Hairfinity Worth Buying?
Short answer: Not really – if you’re interested in growing your hair (or growing new hairs):
pretty weak formula
- not so many positive reviews
- expensive for what it contains
Now – if you’re looking for a hair health product, I actually think it’s pretty good.
However, keep in mind that there might be some problems:
- Many reviews complaining about side effects.
- Can cause acne, hair loss or itchy scalp.
- Might not be very effective (in terms of hair).
I’m not claiming that Hairfinity produces side effects to everyone, because that’s surely not true.
But there is this possibility. All those negative reviews stand as a witness.
So I personally would not buy Hairfinity again.
For the same money – I prefer to choose a stronger formula for about the same price.
But what you choose is up to you – so hopefully, you will take the right decision.
1 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/-articles/PMC5387874/
2 – https://link.springer.com/article/-10.1023/A:1023396530103
3 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-books/NBK470460/
4 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pmc/articles/PMC4828511/
Hi Olly. I used Hairfinity and actually thought they worked, my hair seemed silkier after less than 2 weeks. I had also kept an eye on Amazon reviews and was hoping to stay acne-free, because there were lots of people complaining of breakouts since being on these pills. But soon after finishing my first bottle, I started noticing some small pimples. I thought it was just my imagination and started the second bottle, which I had bought thinking these pills were helpful.
Long story short, in the next days new pimples started appearing all over my face, chest and a bit on my back. I stopped taking Hairfinity but the breakout didn’t stop, it went on in the next couple of days. They were really like hell to me. I had had acne issues in my teenage years and swore I would do anything to never get back there. And there I was, with lots of pimples all over my face.
The good part is that this acne wasn’t a bacterial one, as the one I had many years ago. So I tried quitting candies, sugars and processed foods for 2 weeks and my body recovered really well. Of course it was hard to follow that strict diet, but it was well worth that.
But my point is: if you had acne episodes before, don’t try these pills and any other hair vitamins. I don’t know for sure which ingredient caused my acne, but it might have been all of them. So next time I will go for a herbal mix, that should be safer for me.
Hi Loli, thanks a lot for sharing your experience with Hairfinity vitamins.
I read lots of complaints about these vitamins – especially regarding acne. So there were many other people in your situation, as you also noticed.
I don’t know either which ingredient causes acne. That’s a pretty common side effect of hair vitamins (especially of the ones containing sugar, like Sugar Bears). I once read it’s biotin causing acne in certain people, in a very high dosage – but after doing my research, scientists totally disagree with this idea.
Then I thought it must be because of sugars. As I said, acne appears mostly in vitamins that come as gummies or that are rich in sugars. But that’s not really the case with Hairfinity. So I can’t really tell which ingredient causes pimples.
But I do agree with you – choose a herbal supplement next time and you shouldn’t get the same problem. Herbs are a lot stronger in terms of effects, but they never cause acne. At least I haven’t seen any review on that in a herbal supplement.
Thanks again for telling your opinion on Hairfinity, it’s really helpful.
I tried so many hair vitamins but they all seem the same, Manechoice, Sugar Bear gummies and recently Hairfinity. My hair is falling out but all these pills do is make it look shinier, smoother, etc. That’s not what I need! I can get any $5 shampoo to get this look, what I actually want is no hair loss and longer hair. Do you know any better vitamins or they’re just all the same?
Hi Joycelyn. I tried all those vitamins you mentioned: Mane Choice, Sugar Bear and obviously Hairfinity. I pretty much agree with you – their effect is quite similar, but they don’t help hair loss considerably.
Thing is – any hair vitamin supplements you try, they’re all going to work about the same. That’s because they contain almost the same ingredients (mostly vitamins). Those ingredients rather help hair in general – instead of fighting the cause behind your hair loss.
So basically, they try to improve your hair’s health – because once it’s healthy, it can also grow faster. That’s why they’re not a real remedy, in my opinion.
For this reason, I don’t recommend you any hair vitamins. I tried even more than you and they all work about the same.
Instead – what I recommend you are herbal based supplements. Herbs have much stronger effects when it comes to hair loss and they also speed up growth. Not to mention they have far less side effects than vitamins (like acne, insomnia, headache).
This kind of supplement should help you a lot more. Now – there are several products I personally liked. But there is one I recommend because it has a way better price (less than half compared to others). It’s called Folexin and it’s my top recommendation at this point.
So compared to hair vitamins, it’s just way better. That’s what I use and that’s what I think would help your hair loss as well.
Hi Olly, I was looking for a good brand of hair vitamins, my hair feels brittle and damaged but I don’t want to cut it off. I thought vitamins might help. I read several of your articles and you said at one point that you don’t recommend hair vitamins because they can cause acne. Is it the same for Hairfinity? I actually thought it has a good price, so I’d be interested. But I certainly don’t want any damage on my face, so I want to make sure it’s safe to use.
Hi Sal, you read it correctly, I don’t normally recommend hair vitamins because they cause acne often times. That’s available for any hair vitamin, including Hairfinity.
Now – here’s the thing:
– many hair vitamins users complain about acne or pimples
– I’ve seen this kind of complaints in most hair vitamins
– supplements based on herbs aren’t so dangerous (at least people don’t complain about that)
So you might wonder – why do hair vitamins cause acne and hair supplements based on herbs don’t?
I don’t have a clear explanation because there’s no study on this topic. So as far as I can’t find any official info, I prefer to stay silent about that topic.
But here’s one thing I noticed. Hair vitamins that cause acne usually have high dosages of biotin (over 1000-1500 mcg). Some people say this is the actual responsible, but I can’t tell for sure. It might be, considering that supplements with normal doses of biotin don’t really cause acne.
Now let’s take a look at Hairfinity:
– it is based on vitamins
– it does have a very high dosage of biotin (2500 mcg)
If you check out its Amazon reviews, you will find lots of complaints about pimples and acne. So there’s surely this risk.
However, not all people develop acne from Hairfinity or other hair vitamins. If everyone did, believe me – these vitamins would be taken off the market. But as it only happens to some, they’re still considered quite safe.
The problem is that you can’t really tell if you’re going to experience acne or not. And when you start seeing some pimples, it’s already too late – stopping the pills might not help. Also, from what I read – it takes longer for acne to go away than it takes to appear. That’s a major reason why I don’t recommend hair vitamins in general.
If you want a quality product, you should go for a hair supplement based on herbs. They also contain lots of vitamins – but the doses are way lower than in hair vitamins, which makes them a lot safer. I never experienced acne with herbal supplements, and as I told you, I couldn’t find too many reviews on that.
So this kind of products should help a lot more.
PS: Herbal supplements also help hair, actually they’re even more effective than vitamins. They contain both vitamins and herbs, and the last ones tend to have a stronger effect when it comes to hair issues.
Hope this helps.
This is my opinion about vitamins and I do know that everyone body, skin, and hair respond differently. The thing about taking any hair vitamin is to make sure you’re drinking at least 8-10 cups of water a day. Not only will it keep the body and skin hydrated but it’ll aid in avoiding acne breakouts. I had to find this out from taking Hairfinity pills back in 2011. Now that I’m back taking them I haven’t had anymore outbreaks since I increased my water intake and started eating healthy.
Hi Angela, thanks for the tip, I definitely was not aware of that.
So this means you should drink more water than you usually do, right? I personally don’t reach even 8 cups a day but it’s just because my body doesn’t ask for it, I don’t feel thirsty or that I need water. Anyway, if I ever switch to hair vitamins again, I will definitely use this!