It’s time to review Pure Biology shampoo – because it’s a really popular product on Amazon.
So is this shampoo any good?
At first sight – it looks quite promising actually:
- quality ingredients
- many satisfied customers
- decent price
So is this product as great as it seems?
I tested it out myself so I can give you all the details I noticed.
Note: This review is based on my own experience + research on Pure Biology.
So Let’s Get To The Review
Full Name: Reviva Hair Shampoo from Pure Biology
Sizes: Only one (8 oz bottle)
Best Actual Price: Around $28
Cheapest Place To Buy: Probably Amazon
Designed For: It has 2 major purposes:
- Stimulating hair growth
- Decreasing hair loss
It also claims to fight thinning, breakage and DHT excess.
My Rating: 7 out of 10
Worth Buying?: It pretty much depends.
It’s not a bad product at all – but in my case, it didn’t work too well:
- mostly helped with hair loss (only partially)
- no effect for volume/thinning/growth
- needs to be used daily at first
If you want to see real effects, I recommend a cheaper shampoo that worked a lot better for me.
What I Liked About It
- Formula is pretty strong
- Contains 2 trademark ingredients
- Great citrus smell
- Improved my hair loss in about 2 months (just partially)
- Price is quite affordable (though not very cheap)
- Many satisfied users
- Available in several retailers
What I Didn’t Like About It
- You have to use it everyday on wet hair (in the first months)
- Made my hair loss worse in the first weeks
- Many complaints about side effects
- Didn’t increase my growth speed
- Effect doesn’t appear very fast (compared to supplements)
- No discounts for buying more bottles at once
What Is Pure Biology’s Reviva Shampoo?
Shortly – it’s one of the brand’s best-selling products.
Why? It’s designed for a multitude of uses – but most importantly 2:
- hair loss
- faster hair growth
Additionally, it also claims to help with secondary problems (DHT excess, thinning hair, etc.).
But what makes it better than other shampoos?
According to the producer – its 2 breakthrough complexes:
- Amino Kera NPNF
- 3HC Hair Stimulating Complex
These 2 trademark ingredients claim to create the “best hair growth blend” (together with the other ingredients).
Pure Biology’s website states they have clinical trials behind.
However – except for a few documentation papers, I couldn’t find any:
- still, I doubt the ingredients are fake
- it’s only that they didn’t have any clinical trials conducted on them
That’s one reason why I’m not extremely impressed by Reviva’s formula.
But even so – I personally consider it strong and potent.
So now that you know the main things about this shampoo, it’s time to analyze it closer.
#1 – Ingredients (9 out of 10)
This Reviva shampoo has a pretty good formula overall:
- based on 2 unique substances
- quality compounds
- all ingredients are disclosed
Compared to most shampoos on the market – Reviva is clearly superior.
It doesn’t have the very best formula, though.
Now – I would divide Reviva’s active ingredients in 2 groups:
- Proprietary Complexes
- Herbal Extracts
So let’s take a closer look at each by turn.
1. Proprietary Complexes
These are the 2 main ingredients from Reviva:
First of all – the 3HC Hair Stimulation Complex:
- it’s a blend from several plants
- stimulates follicles and stem cell proliferation [1]
- increases follicle lifespan
- decreases and prevents hair loss
Regarding the second complex (Amino Kera NPNF):
- designed for extra strength (immediate + long term)
- decreases general breakage
- penetrates better than other forms of keratin
Basically – these 2 ingredients are the main responsible for Reviva’s effect.
2. Herbal Extracts
These shampoo contains several herbal extracts – however:
- they come in very low dosages
- some don’t have any active effect for hair
Basically – these ingredients don’t help significantly (unlike the 2 complexes).
But here are the most important ones:
- Coconut Oil – moisturizes and hydrates hair strands. [2]
- Green Tea – blocks DHT excess and prevents shedding. [3]
- Rosemary Oil – nourishes roots and ends.
- Saw Palmetto – it’s the strongest DHT blocker among herbs.
Reviva has a pretty good formula (but mostly due to its 2 proprietary complexes):
- quality compounds
- several herbal extracts
- ingredients with clinical evidence behind
Just like many topical products – most compounds have no active effect.
But due to its 2 complexes – Reviva remains a good product overall.
#2 – Smell & Texture (10 out of 10)
Pure Biology’s shampoo looks great in terms of consistency.
1. Smell
This smell is actually one of my favorites (among all shampoos I tried):
- feels like a mix of lemon, orange and other citrus
- extremely refreshing (not sweet)
- average intensity
As I’m a fan of citrus scents – I personally love Revita’s fragrance.
If you prefer sweeter scents, this one is too fresh for your tastes.
2. Texture
When it comes to consistency – this shampoo isn’t too bad either:
- white to beige color
- lathers normally
- you don’t need a higher quantity than in other shampoos
- a bottle lasts more than 1 month (in my case)
Basically – it’s not the kind of shampoo that requires you to use a double amount to get the same foam.
So in terms of consistency, I can’t criticize it at all.
#3 – How To Use It (8 out of 10)
As every trustworthy brand – Pure Biology offers clear instructions about their product.
Here’s what the label recommends:
- Use it as a regular shampoo.
- Only apply it on wet hair and massage with your fingers.
- Let it sit for 30-60 seconds.
- Rinse normally afterwards.
But here comes the nasty part.
In the first months, it’s recommended to use the shampoo daily (for best results).
According to the label:
- you should see results in 2-3 months
- but only if you use it daily
- otherwise, it will probably take longer
Now – I personally don’t have enough time to wash and dry my hair daily.
So if I only used this product every 2-3 days, I would probably need (at least) 4 months to see any change.
Honestly – I couldn’t wait so much. And so couldn’t most of you.
That’s why this daily schedule is a major drawback about Reviva shampoo, if you ask me.
#4 – My Results (6 out of 10)
Reviva is one of the shampoos I tried in reality – and I wasn’t too impressed.
But I will try to give you more details about my hair problems.
1. My Background
As I said in other reviews – I used to deal with a serious hair loss:
- I was losing lots of hairs daily (for several years)
- my ends had thinned a lot
- the roots still had enough volume, but hair looked thin overall
- it was also growing very slow
I started with different shampoos and switched to supplements afterwards (they were far more effective).
So while I was trying out different shampoos – I also came across Reviva.
Since it had many reviews on Amazon, I wanted to give it a try.
2. How It Worked
First of all – I wasn’t very satisfied with this shampoo.
It’s true that I only used one bottle (for about 2 months). So my results aren’t 100% fair.
Anyway – here’s how it worked for me in those 2 months:
- My hair loss seemed to worsen in the first weeks.
- However, it got better in the second month.
- By the end of the bottle, I was losing about 40% less hairs.
- In terms of volume and thickness, I saw no difference.
- Hair didn’t seem to grow faster either.
- At times, it felt more brittle and dry than usual.
So overall – Reviva did improve my hair loss in the end.
If I had continued to use it, it might have helped more – but I can’t really tell.
Since it dried out my hair quite a lot, I decided to give it up and switch to something else.
Plus – I wasn’t extremely satisfied with my results that far.
That’s why I didn’t buy another bottle to continue the treatment.
Pure Biology’s shampoo did work in my case – so it’s surely not a scam.
But I did not see the excellent results I had been hoping for:
- only decreased my hair loss partially
- no change in growth/thinning
- hair felt a lot drier overall
Now – I might not be the most relevant case.
But in my opinion, Reviva isn’t the best choice ever (even though it does work).
I personally had some better results with another shampo.
#5 – Other Opinions (7 out of 10)
Just like I said before – my results with Reviva weren’t completely relevant.
That’s because I only used the shampoo for 2 months (which isn’t long enough).
For this reason – I tried to look for other users’ opinions.
Note: I only considered authentic reviews, not promotional ones.
1. What People Say
I mostly checked the reviews from Amazon – as they are 100% real.
Pure Biology’s shampoo has 4 stars out of 5 (from 1211 reviews).
These numbers are pretty good – to be honest.
So here’s what most people say about it:
- Some claim it’s really effective against hair loss.
- Others say it hydrates hair quite well.
- A few others claim it really helped their hair grow.
- Others say it’s effective but expensive.
- There are also many who were not satisfied.
- Some say it only made their hair fall out worse.
- Others claim they experienced serious side effects.
- Plus, a few others claim it simply did not help at all.
But overall – there are more satisfied users than unsatisfied ones.
So Reviva is clearly not a scam, since it works for so many people.
However, there’s quite a big negative side.
2. Biggest Complaints
Most unsatisfied users complain about:
- Worsened hair loss
- Side effects (irritation, rashes, scalp burns)
- No change after several months
- Hard to use (daily)
- Expensive for its real value
Now – I cannot say I agree with all these claims.
However, I also experiences worsened hair loss in the first months.
So other people might have experienced it for a longer period (which is surely not normal).
That’s why I’m convinced these complaints are real – as Reviva is far from perfect.
This shampoo has enough satisfied customers, overall.
However – it also has enough complaints.
So even though some have great results – others can experience a worsened shedding (as I did at first).
Therefore, I can’t guarantee this product is right for you.
It wasn’t right for me – that’s for sure. So it’s your own choice.
#6 – Price (7 out of 10)
Reviva has a good price overall – even though it’s not necessarily cheap.
Here’s what I mean.
1. The Exact Price
Pure Biology’s products are available on Amazon.
In fact – they have the lowest prices on this retailer. Regarding the Reviva shampoo:
- one bottle costs around $28
- it contains 8 oz (240 ml)
Now – this price is quite average.
It’s not very expensive, but it’s not too cheap either.
Still – in my opinion, Reviva is quite accessible even at this price.
If you don’t use it daily, one bottle may last even 2 months (as in my case).
However – in this situation, you will need a lot more time to see an effect. So it’s about the same thing in the end.
2. Competitors’ Price
I will only compare Reviva with my #1 recommended shampoo (Valotin).
- Reviva costs $28 per 8 oz.
- Valotin costs $30 for a 12 oz bottle.
- However, Reviva doesn’t come with any discount for higher quantities.
- Valotin offers a discount for buying more bottles at once.
- In this way, you can get it for about $24 per bottle.
- Reviva’s price doesn’t get any lower if you buy more bottles at once.
Now – these 2 products are both effective.
But I had much better results with Valotin’s shampoo.
Not to mention that it’s also cheaper (in terms of quantity) and more effective.
So I definitely recommend it instead.
Reviva isn’t very expensive overall. But it’s surely not the cheapest product ever.
So in terms of price – it’s both worth and not worth it:
- one bottle lasts more than 1 month (if you use it ever 2-3 days)
- costs more than most similar shampoos
Buts I said before – I personally recommend a cheaper alternative.
In terms of price – Reviva is quite decent. Not cheap or impressive, just decent.
#7 – Where To Find It (10 out of 10)
Reviva and all the other products from Pure Biology are pretty easy to find:
available on retailers like Amazon, Ebay, etc.
- also available on the official website
Now – I would normally recommend buying Reviva from Pure Biology’s website.
However, prices tend to be higher there:
- an 8 oz bottle costs around $31 on PB’s website
- the same bottle costs around $28 on Amazon
- plus, Amazon also offers free shipping
So at this point – I would advise you to go for Amazon (for buying any of Pure Biology’s products).
Most are also available on Ebay.
However – buying them from Ebay isn’t as safe as Amazon, if you ask me.
So I would stick to Amazon at the moment.
#8 – FAQs
Coming up – I will try to answer the top questions about Reviva shampoo.
Note: I might repeat something I already mentioned, but it’s easier to spot here.
1. How long lasts one bottle?
The label doesn’t mention this.
However – in my case, it lasted about 2 months.
Just keep in mind that if you use it daily, it will probably last a lot less (1 month maybe).
2. How often should you use it?
According to the label:
- daily in the first months
- every 2-3 days afterwards
I personally did not follow this recommendation and I could still see a partial effect.
So if you can use it daily, I recommend doing so.
3. Can you use it with other drugs?
Certainly – there’s no risk of interactions between drugs/supplements and topical products.
4. Are there any side effects?
I personally experienced a worsened hair loss in the first weeks.
So this could be considered a side effect. Plus -I read several reviews complaining about:
- scalp irritations
- rashes
- hair damage
But normally, these side effects are quite rare – so they surely don’t affect everyone.
5. How fast should you notice an improvement?
According to the label – it takes about 2-3 months for the shampoo to work.
However, this only happens if you use it daily.
If you use it more rarely, it’s probably going to take at least 4 months to see any change.
#9 – Final Conclusions
Here’s how I would sum up my opinion on Reviva shampoo (in 3 ideas).
1. Potent Formula
In terms of ingredients – this product looks pretty good:
- 2 trademark blends
- several herbal extracts
- varied ingredients overall
Now – those 2 proprietary blends are responsible for most of the effect.
But still, the formula looks better than in other shampoos.
2. Daily Use Required
According to the label:
- you have to use this shampoo daily (in the first months)
- afterwards, you can use it every 2-3 days
I personally could not use it so often – for one simple reasons.
You can only use it on wet hair, which means you have to wash your hair daily.
Unless you have a lot of free time, I doubt that’s very comfortable.
3. Takes Time To Work
Here’s how Revita works normally:
- typically, it takes about 2-3 months for it to work
- in my case, it took about 2 months to see an effect
- if you use it more rarely, it takes a lot more
So even if you used it daily – this product isn’t very fast.
However, if you used it as a regular shampoo (every 2-3 days), it would be extremely slow.
That’s why you should keep this in mind before buying it.
My Verdict – Is Reviva Shampoo Worth It?
Short answer: It depends.
It’s surely not a bad product – it works in many cases.
However, I personally would not buy or use it again – at least not when there are some many better options:
- Needs to be used daily in the first months.
- Effect appears quite slow.
- Doesn’t treat the actual cause of hair loss (from the inside).
- Not very effective for hair growth, thinning or volume (in my case).
- Side effects are more common than in other products.
As I said before, I’m not a big fan of this shampoo in general.
But if you really want a quality shampoo, I would recommend a product from Valotin.
Compared to Reviva, it has a better formula and overall effect.
It’s also cheaper and it comes in a higher quantity – so it’s totally worth it.
And I can speak from my own experience here.
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Hi! I lost a big part of my hair after pregnancy so a friend recommended zinc supplements to help it restore normally. It seemed to help for half a year, and I continued taking the pills through this whole period. But my hair started to fall out again afterwards. My dermatologist said it had nothing to do with pregnancy and suggested it was because of too much zinc. Is this even possible?
He recommended Pure Biology’s products, more specifically the shampoo. I checked out several reviews and many people say it did not help their hair loss (many reviews are related to volume or growth). Do you think it could be effective for my problem? I will probably consult another doctor to see what he says, because a hair loss caused by too much zinc seems very less likely to me. But I would really appreciate hearing your opinion.
Hey Heather, sorry to hear about your hair problems.
But in my opinion, your first doctor was pretty much right. Your hair was initially affected by pregnancy hormones, which are known to cause hair loss and thinning (even after the pregnancy ends). So that’s what made your hair fall out at first.
Secondly – zinc deficiency is common during and after the pregnancy. So taking zinc as a supplement was a correct decision (though I personally would have suggested asking a doctor, not a friend because you were still in a sensitive period).
However, zinc supplements shouldn’t be taken for a long period unless you really need them. In other words, you shouldn’t take zinc for more than 3 months if your doctor never prescribed it. You don’t even know for sure if you actually had a zinc deficiency or not. And even if you did, it might have been a minor one. So taking zinc for 1 month would have solved the problem.
But considering you took zinc for about 6 months, I’m pretty sure this is the cause behind your second hair loss. That’s because zinc can cause shedding if it’s in excess (which might have been your case).
So in my opinion, there’s no need to consult another doctor – the first one was probably right. But obviously, it’s up to you.
When it comes to Pure Biology’s shampoo, I actually think it might be helpful. It’s not my top recommended shampoo, but it’s surely a quality one. Plus that it’s not very expensive either.
Now – I normally recommend supplements when it comes to hair loss. But in your case, there’s clearly no need for that – as there’s no nutrient deficiency but the opposite (an excess). That’s why a topical product would suit you better, if you ask me.
Plus, your body should balance the zinc level once you stop taking it from pills – so it should recover on its own (but it’s going to take a longer time). Instead, using Pure Biology’s shampoo might speed up the process – so I really recommend it in your case.
Please let me know how things go in the future.
Hi Olly and thank you for this review. I’m using Reviva from Pure Biology for less than a month and am experiencing similar symptoms to yours. My hair used to fall out quite severely but now it seems a lot worse. It started in about 1-2 weeks after I started using this shampoo. I used it as recommended (everyday) though I usually wash my hair once a week (because it falls out worse in shower).
I would love to hear your advice. You mentioned your hair loss also worsened at first but got better afterwards. How long did it take for it to get better? What about the final results, were they worth the extra hair loss? I don’t know whether I should stop using Reviva or not, so far I am far from satisfied. But I don’t know what else I should use…
Hi Melissa, thanks for giving out your experience with Reviva shampoo. So far, it seems to be very similar to mine. I also experienced worsened hair loss in the first month but it seemed to got much better in the second month.
To answer your question, it took me about 2 months for my hair loss to get better (it got worse in the first month then started to improve a lot by the end of the second month).
As I also said in my review – overall, there was about a 40% improvement in terms of hair loss. I can’t give you a clear number, but it was close to that per cent.
Anyway, the point is that my hair loss did decrease in the end. So if you’re already close to 1 month, my advice is to keep using Reviva. Give it 2 months and if your hair loss doesn’t decrease any single bit, you can stop it. But if your case is similar to mine, it should get better in the following weeks.
Now – I don’t actually recommend shampoos for hair loss, at least not as a primary treatment. There is one that I really love (Valotin’s shampoo), but I mostly recommend it as an additional solution.
My top recommendations are supplements, for several reasons:
– treat the actual cause of the problem, not just the symptoms (as topical products do)
– effect is stronger and appears faster
– lower prices overall
– way more positive reviews than shampoos
In case you’re interested in going for a supplement, here are my top 7 recommendations (for every budget type).
Now, it’s true that Reviva is based on herbal extracts, which I strongly recommend in supplements. But green tea and Saw Palmetto don’t work as well when applied topically (compared to orally).
So the same ingredients are a lot more effective in a supplement than they are in a topical product.
Additionally to supplements, you could also try a laser device. I don’t know how severe your hair loss is, but laser devices are more and more popular among hair loss patients. Some are even FDA cleared (approved) and have several studies behind, so they clearly work.
The only downside is that this kind of devices are quite expensive (they’re a one time purchase). Some cost even $1000, which I personally could never afford. However, I recommend a $250 laser device that has the same results but costs significantly less.
In case you’re willing to go for a laser device, I strongly advise you to try that one (it has a 2 years warranty, so you’re not risking anything).
Therefore – my advice is to keep using Reviva, at least for another month. However, try to add a hair supplement to it because the effects should be much better overall. In case you afford investing in a laser device, my advice is to do it (because you can use it on the long term). Just make sure to pick one that is really worth it (not $800 products that aren’t any better).
I really hope this helps you.