(Top 9) Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair Growth

(Top 9) Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair Growth

Is turmeric good for hair growth? Does it increase the speed – or its just another hyped remedy?

I tested it out myself and I can tell you – it’s a potent solution.

  • But which are the benefits of turmeric for hair growth?
  • Does it work for everyone?
  • Are the results fast – or you need a long time to see any change?

Well – I tried to dig deep into this remedy and find out all its potential benefits for hair growth.

Note: This article is based on my own experience + research.



Here’s what you can find in this article – 4 major chapters:

    1. What’s Inside Turmeric
    2. Its 9 Benefits For Hair Growth
    3. 3 Ways To Use Turmeric For Hair
    4. My Final Verdict

So first of all – let’s see what exactly it has inside that makes it so effective.


What’s Inside Turmeric?

(Top 9) Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair Growth

If you want to understand how it helps hair – you have to check out its compounds first.

So what exactly is turmeric? In 3 points:

  1. The root of an Indian plant called Curcuma Longa.
  2. An ingredient in most curries.
  3. One of the best remedies for chronic pain and inflammation.

But how exactly does it help the hair?

Its compounds are the ones that make the difference:

  • Curcumin 
  • Vitamin C
  • Flavonoids
  • Minerals (zinc, potassium, iron)

Out of these, it’s the curcumin that comes in the higher percentage. 

So even though it’s not a classic hair remedy – turmeric has some major benefits for hair growth, actually.

It’s time to find out more about them.



#1 – Can Block DHT Excess

Turmeric is one of those few herbs that can fight testosterone excess – according to scientists.

1. How It Helps

A 2015 study on rats proved that curcumin can block DHT excess levels. [1]

In terms of hair – what does this mean?:

  1. DHT excess is the #1 cause of male baldness.
  2. It also causes hair loss in women very frequently.
  3. Curcumin can fight the excess.

In this way – curcumin can prevent and even stop hair loss caused by DHT excess.

2. When To Use It

Keep in mind that curcumin isn’t an all-around hair loss remedy:

  • not effective for genetic hair loss
  • doesn’t change hair texture
  • not a damage remedy

But if your hair is falling out due to DHT excess (hormonal issues) – it can really help.


#2 – Reduces Breakage

Did you know that turmeric can also boost hair health?

That’s a pretty surprising benefit – if you ask me.

1. How It Helps

Apparently – curcumin is more than a DHT blocker.

According to recent discoveries, it can also improve hair health:

  1. Strengthens hair strands (especially the ends).
  2. Reduces breakage and fragility.
  3. Can stimulate keratin production (in some cases).

Now – there are no studies on this topic yet.

But lots of turmeric users claim these results are real.

2. When To Use It

In this case, turmeric can help in 2 different situations:

  • your hair falls out due to fragility
  • it breaks off too easily

It might even improve your hair’s structure – by increasing the level of keratin from its structure. 

But there’s no evidence that it can really do that yet.


#3 – Thickens and Adds Extra Volume

Apparently, turmeric can also help thinning and fragile hair.

1. How It Helps

Curcumin is the substance inside turmeric responsible for most of its benefits.

In this case – it also seems to help:

  1. Stimulates hair follicles.
  2. Adds extra strength to the roots.
  3. Makes hair look denser and fuller.

Now – keep in mind that turmeric doesn’t actually thicken the strands.

It actually gives the impression of fuller hair (which is an aesthetic thing).

2. When To Use It

If you want more volume fast – turmeric can be a big helper.

But how exactly should you use it?

  • Simply add it to your shampoo
  • Wash your hair as usual
  • This should improve your hair’s volume and looks

Keep in mind that it might not work from the first try. But the results should be better after using it for 3-5 times.


#4 – Revitalizes Scalp

If turmeric is good at one thing in terms of hair – it’s surely this.

1. How It Helps

Curcumin is actually a major hair refresher:

  1. Exfoliates and cleanses the scalp properly.
  2. Revitalizes hair roots.
  3. Removes product build-up.

This gives your hair a boost of fresh air – which can also stimulate growth.

2. When To Use It

Turmeric can help whenever your hair looks dull, dry and frizzy.

  1. Mix turmeric powder and water.
  2. Add the mixture in a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the liquid on your wet hair.
  4. Rinse as usual.

That should revitalize your hair and make it look fresh and healthy.


#5 – Stimulates Hair Follicles

This herb has a real way of making your hair grow faster.

1. How It Helps

Using turmeric directly onto your hair roots will increase the growth:

  • nourishes the follicles
  • increases growth speed

However – make sure you massage the area after applying turmeric.

That’s an essential step when it comes to stimulating hair follicles.

2. When To Use It

Even though it’s not the best remedy for increasing hair growth – turmeric can really help.

So instead of using a hair oil, you can use turmeric mixed with water:

  • easier to apply
  • doesn’t leave your hair so greasy
  • you don’t necessarily have to rinse

As long as you massage your scalp afterwards – your hair roots should start growing a bit faster.


#6 – Prevents Scalp Inflammation

In terms of hair, that might be the strongest benefit for turmeric.

1. How It Helps

As you might know – turmeric is the strongest herb for inflammation.

And obviously, this can also help your hair:

  • useful in scalp allergies
  • prevents folliculitis 
  • decreases an eventual inflammation

In case you didn’t know – an inflamed scalp can be the consequence of some serious issues.

Obviously, your hair can also be affected. So its growth speed can decrease considerably.

2. When To Use It

Now – if you notice a scalp inflammation, the best thing is to see a doctor.

There might be a real problem behind.

However – using turmeric can be a great prevention method. Plus that it has some additional benefits.


#7 – Antioxidant Proprieties

That’s another major benefit of turmeric.

1. How It Helps

Antioxidants in general are really helpful for hair:

  1. Boost and improve hair health.
  2. Speed up growth rate.
  3. Decrease shedding caused by aging.
  4. Fight oxidative stress and hair loss.

Turmeric and curcumin are actually some of the strongest antioxidants I know.

So they will surely not harm your hair.

2. When To Use It

Consuming turmeric as a spice or as a tea/smoothie is a great way to get its benefits on the long term.

Plus – it can protect your hair from a lot of issues (besides keeping it in a good shape).


#8 – Activates Vitamin D Receptors

That’s another unique propriety of turmeric.

1. How It Helps

According to recent studies, turmeric could activate vitamin D receptor genes. [2]

Now – what does this have to do with hair? It’s pretty simple:

  1. Vitamin D genes are involved in hair growth cycle.
  2. They control certain stages.

But there’s more.

Some studies showed that people lacking those genes are more likely to develop alopecia. [3]

2. When To Use It

Not using turmeric doesn’t mean your vitamin D receptors are inactivated.

But adding it to your diet will maintain a healthy growth cycle in your hair.

So there are a lot of benefits involved.


#9 – Fights Infections

If you thought that’s all turmeric can do – well, there’s more.

1. How It Helps

According to actual data, curcumin is a powerful anti-germs remedy.

So how can this help hair growth? Well – it can:

  1. Scalp infections are a common cause of shedding. 
  2. Turmeric can prevent germs from affecting the hair.
  3. It maintains a clean and healthy scalp.

In this way – your hair is safe and ready to grow.

2. When To Use It

If you ever have any scalp infection – it’s important to treat it following medical advice.

However, once you get rid of it – prevention is essential.

That’s where consuming turmeric can help. 


3 Ways To Use Turmeric For Hair Growth

As you can see – turmeric is a really potent remedy for growing out your hair.

But how exactly should you use it?

Well – here are my top 3 recommendations:

1. Topical Spray

That’s probably the easiest way to use turmeric:

  1. Mix 1/3 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 glass of water.
  2. Add them in a spray bottle.
  3. Apply it on your wet or damp hair.
  4. Make sure you insist on your roots.
  5. Massage the area using your hands.
  6. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse.
  7. You can also leave it in your hair (if it’s not too sticky).

This is my favorite way of using turmeric for hair – because it’s a local option.

So all the product gets on the hair.

Turmeric is rather a pain remedy than a hair one – that’s why using it internally won’t help as much as other herbs.

2. Organic Powder

Many people consume turmeric as ready-made powder:

  1. You can find it in most organic stores.
  2. It costs under $15 per bottle.
  3. You can add it to soups, smoothies, meals, etc.

Now – this option is great if you want to get all benefits of turmeric (not just the ones for hair).

But if you want to stimulate hair growth, it’s not the best choice.

That’s because internal turmeric decreases pain and inflammation – it doesn’t help hair too much.

So it’s better to stick to the topical application.

3. Curcumin Supplements

That’s probably the best way to use turmeric for pain relief.

But once again – in terms of hair, it’s not the best choice:

  • improves joint and chronic pain
  • antioxidant boost
  • prevents aging signs

So if you want to grow out your hair, taking turmeric supplements won’t help too much. 

Applying it on your scalp would, on the other hand.



My Verdict – Is Turmeric Good For Hair Growth?

(Top 9) Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair Growth

Short answer: Definitely.

But it work best if you apply it directly on your scalp and hair strands:

  1. Stimulates hair follicles.
  2. Reduces breakage and shedding.
  3. Increases growth speed.
  4. Blocks DHT excess.
  5. Revitalizes scalp and prevents infections.

These are just some of its benefits – but there are a lot more actually.

Now – you can add turmeric in your diet if you want to get the most of it.

But if you only want to use it to grow out your hair – it’s better to use it topically (the effect is better).

Other than that – it’s definitely a remedy worth trying.

Even though it’s not my #1 recommendation for hair growth, it can really help – especially on the long term.


1 – https://bmccomplement/-articles/10.1186

2 – https://academic.oup.com/-nutritionreviews/92243

3 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/-pubmed/27151518/

4 thoughts on “(Top 9) Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair Growth

  1. This is excellent information, thanks so much! I knew some of the great benefits turmeric can have for the body but I had no idea it could be so helpful with hair loss/thinning.

    My mother is recently having issues with her hair thinning. She is a paraplegic in a wheelchair so it is difficult for her to shower daily or use oil treatments that need to be done sometimes several times a day and require rinsing. This idea with mixing turmeric in water and spraying it on her head might be just the right remedy for her since it doesn’t necessarily need to be rinsed.

    Do you have any idea on how long it will take to see any effect with this remedy? I will keep you posted on how it is going. Thanks again for all your suggestions!

    1. Hi Shannon, your mother’s problem seems to be something more serious. I assume she’s older, so her thinning might be caused by an internal problem. Sometimes even aging itself causes thinning.

      Now – turmeric works pretty well for people with healthy hair in general. It can help minor issues. But when it comes to severe thinning, it’s not going to make miracles. So I recommend it more as a general hair solution.

      In your mother’s case, I think a supplement could work much better. That especially since she’s in a wheel chair – so it’s not very easy for her to apply topical products (even those that don’t need rinsing).

      Supplements treat the problem from the inside. And for me it’s pretty clear that your mother’s hair loss has an internal cause. That’s why they’re the best choice to me.

      Now – there are several products I had great results with. But what makes the difference is price:

      1. In case you heard of Nutrafol – it’s an excellent product, but super pricey (about $80 per bottle).

      2. Viviscal is another really famous supplement – and I also had good results with it. But I don’t currently use it because it’s still quite expensive (around $50). Compared to Nutrafol, it’s cheaper – but it’s still not very affordable.

      3. I also like Kerotin – a product with many 5 stars ratings on Amazon. But it’s also pricey, pretty much around Viviscal ($50).

      4. So my top recommendation is Folexin – a product that contains the very same formula as Kerotin, but costs half ($25 per bottle in the worst case). 

      So that’s the supplement I recommend to your mom as well – because it’s very effective for shedding and thinning hair.

      She can also use turmeric, either as a spray or even as a hair mask – but it won’t help too much alone. That’s why a supplement would be a much better choice.

      Please let me know how it goes for your mom.

  2. I decided to stop using chemical dyes and opt for natural products…
    I researched and found that ground coffee and potatoe peel water is good to colour the hair and is also nourishing to the scalp, however as is expected i found it to be extremely runny therefore a touch messy to apply. I wanted to find a natural ingredient to add to the mixture to make the application creamier.
    I have noticed from your information, which is most insightful…thankyou, that turmeric is beneficial for the scalp/hair.
    Would it be suitable to mix with the potatoe peel and ground coffee mixture to then apply as a natural creamier less messy hair coulorant?
    I’m a natural, 61 years young, brunette, I have been on thyroid treatment which was onset from infancy and also diagnosed as having a Vit D defiency in 2018 for which I was instructed to take supplementation of Vit D3 1000in one per day.
    My hair is long and is in good condition, due to the care I take hence no longer wishing to use chemical colourants to cover the now emerging grey roots, the condition is also helped by my diet of foods that promote melanin and also using rosemary oil.I
    It would be very helpful if it’s possible to answer my enquiry.
    Thank you…

    1. Hi Susan. Turmeric is indeed nourishing for the scalp and hair, but I’m not really sure how helpful it would be combined with coffee and potato peel. I mean – I understand you mostly want to use it as a thickening base, and that’s totally fine. But turmeric is often used as a colorant, so its pigments are very powerful. That’s why I’m thinking it might impact the mixture’s color and make it more a lighter brown. But you can try adding some turmeric and see what it looks like before applying it onto your hair.

      I actually recommend using coffee as a natural way to dye your hair, it’s a great solution. I never hear about combining it with potato peel, but it makes sense because potato also has some smoothing proprieties as far as I know. Anyway, I usually recommend mixing coffee (and potato peel in this case) with conditioner. This will surely thicken the consistency and make it easier to apply, but it will also soften and nourish your hair (maybe even better than turmeric).

      So you can try both options (with turmeric and with conditioner) and see which mixture looks more suitable for your hair. But in terms of results, I’m pretty sure coffee will color your hair effectively, especially since you’re a natural brunette (it works much better for dark hair).

      I hope this helps you and please keep me updated on how it goes!

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