Are you struggling with growing your hair for a while – without any results?
Well, I’ve been in that situation for a long time – so I know how frustrating it is.
Honestly, one of the solutions I have found are vitamins. Below is the list of the best 5 vitamins for hair growth that I tried.
In fact, I tried a lot more – but these are the ones that really worked. But here’s the thing:
- they will only work on the long term (1-2 months)
- they may not work foe everyone
So if I convinced you to give vitamins a chance – let’s take a look at the best ones!
#1 – Vitamin D
What’s so special about this vitamin? Well, here’s the thing:
- it’s called “Sun’s vitamin”
- your body produces it all alone – so you don’t need to take it from supplements
- it’s synthesized when you’re exposed to the Sun
So it’s pretty easy – sit in the Sun for a few minutes and you get vitamin D naturally.
But what exactly does it have to do with hair growth?:
- It stimulates the hair follicles and activates the cuticle cells
- In other words, it helps our hair grow
But that’s not all. Vitamin D is also involved in your mineral balance – especially in your levels of zinc.
Now – what does zinc have to do with hair? Well, a lack of this mineral can have 3 bad consequences:
- Losing your hair shine
- Sudden appearance of dandruff
- Even hair loss
So how can you prevent these problems – besides sitting in the Sun? It’s easy – consume foods that are rich in vitamin D:
- Fish oil and salmon
- milk and cereals
- eggs
- mushrooms
There are also Vitamin D supplements – but you shouldn’t start right with them. Try to solve the problem in a natural manner first: it’s healthier.
#2 – Vitamin E
So how exactly does this vitamin help hair growth?
The answer is simple – it stimulates the blood vessels inside the hair roots. In this way, in nourishes the roots and promotes hair growth.
Now you might ask yourself: why are there so many hair products with vitamin E?
Well, it’s pretty simple – when used externally, this substance has 2 major benefits:
- maintains your hair hydrated (especially the ends)
- adds an extra shine
As you can see, it’s not a useless vitamin – at least when it comes to hair.
Now – where exactly can you find vitamin E? Unlike the D one, it’s not produced by your body naturally. So you can take it from 2 sources:
- Supplements
- Certain Foods
When it comes to supplements – I wouldn’t recommend them on the long term. They could make your blood vessels thinner, so it’s best to consult a doctor first.
Now, regarding the foods – they’re probably the best choice. There are 3 types of foods that contain high amounts of vitamin E:
- green fruits and vegetables: spinach, avocado or kiwi,
- nuts: almonds, nuts, peanuts
- cereals: corn, brown rice and integral cereals
#3 – Vitamin A
This vitamin isn’t so important for hair loss – but it’s essential for hair health.
Here’s why. When your body has a lack of vitamin A, you start developing several symptoms. And there’s one related to your hair:
- your scalp becomes oily and dandruff comes up pretty shortly
But that’s doesn’t mean that you have to take vitamin A – just to prevent that. Too much vitamin A could also affect your hair:
- it starts falling out massively
So what exactly you should do? Well, the best advice is to keep a good level of vitamin A in your body.
How exactly? First of all, I wouldn’t recommend supplements – you risk to have too much vitamin A.
So in my opinion, the natural way remains the best one. There are several foods rich in vitamin A – within the limits:
- orange and yellow fruits
- eggs
- beans
- spinach
#4 – Vitamin C
Everyone knows that vitamin C is the key for a strong immune system. Right?
Well, it seems that it’s also involved in hair growth. But let me explain:
- it’s involved in the production of collagen
- it’s related to the processing of iron
But what do these 2 things have to do with hair growth? Here’s the thing:
- Collagen strengthens the hair follicles
- It increases the diameter of each individual hair – which means more volume
- Iron deficiency causes hair loss
Now that you know how important it is – where can you find vitamin C?
Well you probably know about citrus fruits – they’re the most common source. But there are also others foods that are less famous:
- broccoli
- spinach
- peppers
#5 – Vitamin H
Maybe you never hear of vitamin H – but you surely heard about biotin.
It’s probably the most important vitamin for hair – after all, it’s called “the hair vitamin”.
Now, how exactly does it help? Well, it’s pretty simple – a lack of vitamin H can have 2 major consequences on your hair:
- a massive hair loss
- your hair starts losing volume and thinning down
Fortunately, there are solutions. Biotin supplements are extremely popular – and they really work. You can start seeing an improvement after less than one month.
But if you want a more natural approach, the top foods rich in biotin are:
- nuts
- avocado
- egg yolks
With the right diet, your hair should get even stronger and healthier. The consequence? It starts growing for real, this time.
Can Vitamins Help Hair Growth?
Short answer: Definitely. You only need to find the balance between too much and too little.
Also, vitamins are meant to work on the long term. So don’t expect to see a change within a week – because that won’t happen.
But if you have patience, you will surely see their benefits:
- strengthen hair roots
- hydrate the hair completely (including the ends)
- maintain your scalp clean
- increase the blood flow in your hair follicles
In this way, your hair should start growing normally – in case it could’t before.
If you ask me, that’s totally worth trying – after all, it’s a natural approach so it can’t cause you any harm.
Now I want to hear from you:
- Have you tried any of these vitamins before? Which one?
- If yes – did it help? Could you see a change?
- If not – which one(s) are you going to try?
I’m waiting for your comments, questions or suggestions in the lines from below.